5/3是 #世界新聞自由日,今年的主題是「將訊息視為公共財」,更加凸顯可靠訊息的重要性。
不久前,無國界記者組織發布的2021年 #世界新聞指數 報告中指出,部分亞。太。極。權。國家仍以武漢肺炎疫情為藉口,限制新聞自由與資訊傳遞,導致假資訊層出不窮。
外交部吳部長日前在美國智庫馬侃研究所(McCain Institute)的預錄演說中,特別提到「中國操作假訊息的目的為試圖在民主社會中製造混亂與猜疑」,像是中國人民長久以來活在中共政府的監視底下,對於新疆再教育營與香港民主派人士遭監禁等資訊完全被矇在鼓裡。
而正如世界新聞指數報告中所述,對抗造假資訊的最佳良方就是 #新聞自由,5/3這天,讓我們一同珍惜難能可貴的新聞自由。
#Taiwan has harnessed the power of #transparency during the #COVID19 pandemic to stop #disinformation and rumors causing panic. But disinformation doesn’t just cause panic, it can also blind us to the plight of others and deafen us to their voices.
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu recently pointed out in a discussion during #SedonaForum21 that the PRC's Orwellian control of the media has allowed it to spin reports on reeducation camps in #Xinjiang and the imprisoning of democracy activists in #HongKong. This serves as a reminder to diversify your sources of news and information, as the PRC continues to try and shut down #FreeSpeech beyond its borders, to ensure you’re hearing more than just #OneSideOfTheStory.
#WorldPressFreedomDay #InformationAsAPublicGood
onesideofthestory 在 導致假資訊層出不窮。 外交部吳部長日前在美國 ... - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Foreign Affairs.>> https://m.facebook.com/story. php?story_fbid=10158351889787252&id=1 39911132251&anchor_composer=false //// ... ... <看更多>