[178961] 45761. AnimalBoys666:【黑桃A事件】王以太表演時被觀眾故意噴香檳? / 4分鐘帶你快速了解R&B小鮮肉Jinbo! (2020)★★
[178962] 45762. AnimalBoys666: BiliBili的說唱新世代是否能成為黑馬呢? / 9m88「Aim High」《平庸之上Beyond Mediocrity》、《陪你過假日》 (2020)★★
[178963] 45763. AnimalBoys666: Jony J「My Man」《喜新戀舊》、《中國有嘻哈》、《愛奇藝》 / Leo王「長大十八歲」《藝術家脾氣》、《夜貓組》、《顏社》 (2020)★★
[178964] 45764. AnimalBoys666:你沒理由不知道的台灣Emo——Hip Hop王者,三小湯! (2020)★★
[178965] 45765. AnimalBoys666:母親節就是要聽媽媽的話阿!!《周杰倫》、《等你下課》、《夜曲》、《告白氣球》、《稻香》 (2020)★★‒
[178966] 45766. AnimalBoys666:參賽者被Snoop Dogg罵情色之王???最新嘻哈選秀節目「Rhythm Flow」深度解析,在「中國有嘻哈」與「中國新說唱」三者之間哪個好呢? (2020)★★
[178967] 45767. AnimalBoys666:呂士軒Trout Fresh「超人回來了」《誤入奇途》 / MC HotDog熱狗「Do You Remember」《廢物》 (2020)★★
[178968] 45768. AnimalBoys666: Marz23「 我不是饒舌歌手 」《寂寞男孩》、《陪你失敗》、《Trash樂團》、《NANCY》、《脆弱》 / PG One「語音備忘錄」《中國有嘻哈》 (2020)★★
[178969] 45769. AnimalBoys666:最炸組合Asiaboy禁藥王Lizi栗子來了! (2020)★★
[178970] 45770. AnimalBoys666:說唱聽我的來了!中國新說唱的敵人出現了?你會選哪個呢? (2020)★
[178971] 45771. Animalboys666:國蛋GorDoN「Same Old Same Old」《Earlier This Morning》、《顏社》 (2020)★★
[178972] 45772. AnimalBoys666:婁峻碩Shou「Colorful」《Boarding》、《Ching G Squad》 / 這週聽什麼?「One More Light」、「海浪」、「醉難寫的歌」、「Same as You Are」、「Ann」 (2020)★★‒
[178973] 45773. AnimalBoys666:蛋堡Soft Lipa「SoftLiPapa」《家常音樂》、《任性的人》 / 台灣嘻哈圈旋律鬼才——莫宰羊 (2020)★★
[178974] 45774. AnimalBoys666:魔動閃霸算是饒舌嗎?《說唱聽我的》前三集詳細解析! (2020)★★
[178975] 45775. AnimalBoys666:中國新說唱的幾大禁令會不會太超過?這還能算是嘻哈節目嗎? (2020)★★
[178976] 45776. AnimalBoys666:陳嫺靜「輕輕」《Call in 計畫》、《問題先生》、《I Wanna Be》、《Keep Up》、《政大黑音》 (2020)★★
[178977] 45777. AnimalBoys666:《說唱聽我的》值得你重播再重播的五首歌曲! (2020)★★
[178978] 45778. AnimalBoys666:這週聽什麼?「Gondry」、「Young」、「춤」、「Your Dog Loves You」、「Too Good For Me」 (2020)★★
[178979] 45779. AnimalBoys666:這週聽什麼?「我是一隻魚」、「台北紐約」、「無法度按奈」、「你朝我的方向走來」、「Lover Boy 88」 (2020)★★
[178980] 45780. AnimalBoys666:頑童MJ116 E.So回來了! (2020)★
[178981] 45781. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》今晚首播,卻沒人看好??? / 公演的Gai再次封神!對於張靓穎失誤的不同看法! (2020)★★
[178982] 45782. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》吳亦凡自稱皮卡丘?爆扣哥又引起爭議了? (2020)★★
[178983] 45783. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》吳亦凡爆氣甩麥?嘉賓幫唱迎來節目高峰! (2020)★★
[178984] 45784. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》吳亦凡騙小青龍?導致小青龍慘遭淘汰!? / 李佳隆的Diss Back幫吳亦凡出口氣?愛奇藝誇張至極的淘汰機制! (2020)★★
[178985] 45785. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》選手讓吳亦凡不爽生氣了?廠牌對決正式開始! (2020)★★
[178986] 45786. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》首播重點講解,快速導覽激烈的百人海選! / 選手使用卑鄙手段?靠後台?1V1金曲背後的秘辛! (2020)★★
[178987] 45787. AnimalBoys666:《中國新說唱2020》張靓穎踢鐵板?情歌主題亂搞一通! (2020)★★✚
[178988] 45788. AnimalBoys666:《說唱新世代》果真打敗另外兩檔嘻哈節目!黃子韜跟Ty.握手言和? (2020)★★
[178989] 45789. AnimalBoys666:《說唱新世代》聖光降臨戰隊戰?八角鐵籠無限單挑賽! (2020)★★
[178990] 45790. AnimalBoys666:《說唱新世代》選手開始利用賽制操作比賽? (2020)★★∿
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Part One 時事:
-都怎樣形成的,CNN報導The desexualization of the Asian American male
-Andrew Kung提供一觀點:「最初是減少華人移民對白人.....
-右派愛國導演Clint Eastwood電影,「經典老爺車」。苗族裔男性多為:無性聽媽姊男孩、
-醉後大丈夫2亞洲男性角色為:無男性特徵的淫魔(sexless fiend)、不得入男性.......
-龍年Year of the Dragon:成功亞裔女性只跟白人男性交往;亞裔男性........
Part Two 政治意含:
-國民黨黨主席,還是被美帝父權閹割;江就是小美國跟班little Taiwan boy
one boy爭議 在 Amykaku 愛咪碎碎唸 Facebook 的最讚貼文
百感交集的現在 心情莫名低落
才知道自己理所當然擁有的一切 何等珍貴
活在同一個時空下 有緣做親人的每分秒
告訴他 你真的好愛他
Two months. Two months since I've held you in my arms, heard how much you loved me, kissed those sweetie "pie" lips. Two months since we've snuggled. Two months of pure absolute Hell.
I've wanted for a long time to write a little about Nolan's last days. His last few days shined with how amazing my son is. How beautiful he is. How he was made of nothing but pure love. This may be long, but bear with me, it's agony unlike any other.
When I brought Nolan to the hospital for the last time, I knew there was something else wrong other than just a lingering case of C-DIFF. I just knew, and strange enough, I think he did too. He hadn't eaten or drank anything in days and was continually vomiting.
On February 1st we were sat down with his ENTIRE team. When his Oncologist spoke, I saw the pure pain in her eyes. She had always been honest with us and fought along side of us the whole time, but his updated CT scan showed large tumors that grew compressing his bronchial tubes and heart within four weeks of his open chest surgery. The Mestatic Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma was spreading like wild fire. She explained at this time she didn't feel his Cancer was treatable as it had become resistant to all treatment options we had tried and the plan would be to keep him comfortable as he was deteriorating rapidly.
After a while, I composed myself and went into Nolan's room. He was sitting in "Mommy's Red Chair" watching YouTube on his Tablet. I sat down with him and put my head up against his and had the following conversation:
Me: Poot, it hurts to breathe doesn't it?
Nolan: Weeeelll.... yeah.
Me: You're in a lot of pain aren't you baby?
Nolan: (looking down) Yeah.
Me: Poot, this Cancer stuff sucks. You don't have to fight anymore.
Nolan: (Pure Happiness) I DONT??!! But I will for you Mommy!!
Me: No Poot!! Is that what you have been doing?? Fighting for Mommy??
Nolan: Well DUH!!
Me: Nolan Ray, what is Mommy's job?
Nolan: To keep me SAFE! (With a big grin)
Me: Honey ... I can't do that anymore here. The only way I can keep you safe is in Heaven. (My heart shattering)
Nolan: Sooooo I'll just go to Heaven and play until you get there! You'll come right?
Me: Absolutely!! You can't get rid of Mommy that easy!!
Nolan: Thank you Mommy!!! I'll go play with Hunter and Brylee and Henry!!
The next day he was resting, as he slept most of the days after. We had Hospice on board, all his IV medications, even his DNR signed. (I cannot explain to you what signing an Emergency Responder "Do Not Resuscitate" order for your angelic son feels like. ) When he woke up we had the van packed and I had his shoes in my hand to take him home for the evening. We just wanted ONE more night together. But as he woke, he gently put his hand on mine and said "Mommy, it's ok. Let's just stay here ok?" My 4 year old Hero was trying to make sure things were easy for me....
So in between sleeping for the next 36 hours, we played, watched YouTube, shot Nerf Gun after Nerf Gun and smiled as many times as we could. An hour or so before he passed he even filled out a "Will"! We laid in bed together and he sketched out how he wanted his funeral, picked his pall bearers, what he wanted people to wear, wrote down what he was leaving each of us, and even wrote down what he wanted to be remembered as... which of course was a Policeman 👮🏻
About 9:00pm we were watching YouTube in bed (Peppa Pig actually) and I asked Nolan if I could get in the shower, as I was not allowed to leave him and Mommy had to be touching him at all times. He said "Ummmm ok Mommy. Have Uncle Chris come sit with me and I'll turn this way so I can see you". I stood at the bathroom door, turned to him and said "Keep looking right here Poot, I'll be out in two seconds". He smiled at me. I shut the bathroom door. They said the moment the bathroom door clicked he shut his eyes and went into a deep sleep, beginning the end of life passing.
When I opened the bathroom door, his Team was surrounding his bed and every head turned and looked at me with tears in their eyes. They said "Ruth, he's in a deep sleep. He can't feel anything". His respirations were extremely labored, his right lung had collapsed and his oxygen dropped.
I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened....
My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said "I Love You Mommy", turned his head towards me and at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing "You are My Sunshine" in his ear.
He woke up out of a coma to say he loved me with a smile on his face! My son died a Hero. He brought Communities together, different occupations, made a difference in people's lives all around the world. He was a warrior who died with dignity and love to the last second.
All Nolan ever wanted to do was to serve and protect others, he did just that all the way up to his last breath and continues to do so every day. He loved his family fiercely and everyone of his "friends"!
I look at everything he accomplished in 4 short years and can only think of what he could've accomplished with a longer life. But sadly because of Childhood Cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma to be specific), the world and our family will miss out on someone so full of love, who just wanted to protect and serve. We HAVE to do better with funding, research, treatment options. Below is a picture that seemed to grab everyone's attention because my son was terrified to leave my side, even as I showered.
Now I'm the one terrified to shower. With nothing but an empty shower rug now where once a beautiful perfect little boy laid waiting for his Mommy.
one boy爭議 在 有one boy 的掛嗎被刪文了- 閒聊板 - Dcard 的美食出口停車場
之前有朋友說想去oneboy 工作但後來也沒聽她講了剛看到這個標題想說了解一下那邊的工作情況結果已經被刪文了有人有跟到這篇的嗎? ... <看更多>
one boy爭議 在 Why is Oneboy so Popular In Taiwan? | SHASHA77 - YouTube 的美食出口停車場

03:58 鋪天蓋地的 ONE BOY 廣告05:18 ONE BOY 在炒短線? ... https://bit.ly/42meizu → One Boy 「穿比不穿還涼」,洗腦用意藏在這公式裡!3個問題,破解 ... ... <看更多>
one boy爭議 在 [新聞] ONE BOY超重磅找「朴敏英」當代言人- 看板KoreaStar 的美食出口停車場
ONE BOY超重磅找「朴敏英」當代言人 網崇拜:深不見底的行銷預算
台灣品牌ONE BOY近日公布新代言人,竟是超重磅找來了韓國一線女星「朴敏英」!宣傳
影片中,朴敏英用中文說道:「大家好,我是2022年成為ONE BOY冬季外套代言人的韓國
來和大家見面,暗示即將來台灣,讓粉絲們紛紛讚嘆:「ONE BOY太猛了」、「深不見底
ONE BOY近年來以大咖明星的代言加持打響知名度,包括賈靜雯、修杰楷、林心如、炎亞
巨大看板、網路上,總能處處看見ONE BOY的蹤影,由此可見品牌有多重視行銷宣傳。
▲ONE BOY宣布由朴敏英擔任最新代言人。(圖/ONE BOY)
然而,現在尋找代言人人選甚至把觸角伸向了國外,ONE BOY最新代言人出爐,竟是韓國
IG不方便看的話 也有YouTube版影片
因為我是炎P的粉絲 所以對這牌子的新聞會多看兩眼XD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1668503501.A.469.html
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