#下載臺灣藝術指南APP #抽台北當代藝博門票
台北當代藝博會將於下星期登場,還沒有票嗎?同時間還有 ONE ART Taipei、 ART FUTURE 藝術未來等相關亮點展會,周邊還有什麼藝文場館呢?肚子餓想要找食物該怎麼辦?
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時間:即刻起至1/12(日)晚上12:00止,小編將於1/13(一)公布得獎名單。請獲獎的幸運兒在1/12 17:00前私訊小編你的「姓名、郵遞區號、地址」,以利於快速的將票劵限時掛號寄出。
「one art taipei門票」的推薦目錄:
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 典藏 ARTouch.com Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 尼尼修工作室 Ninishou Workshop Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 ONE ART Taipei - Home - Facebook 的評價
- 關於one art taipei門票 在 [售票] One Art Taipei 2022門票- PTT 娛樂區 的評價
one art taipei門票 在 尼尼修工作室 Ninishou Workshop Facebook 的最讚貼文
BTW如果朋友一起來的話 會不同時間進場也說不定(?
Taipei Toy Festival 2017 Admission Guidelines
2017 台北國際玩具創作大展 入場排隊規則公告
感謝大家每年對台北國際玩具創作大展Taipei Toy Festival (以下簡稱TTF) 的熱情支持讓我們今年繼續邁入第14個年頭,在 TTF 即將開展之際,我們陸續收到許多朋友們關心展覽入場排隊的規則,關於這點在此跟大家說明,因展覽第一天與第二天人潮最為眾多,主辦單位為了維護民眾安全,避免造成排隊時有推擠受傷的情況發生,今年 TTF 展覽第一天與第二天 (10/7&10/8) 的入場順序將於當天早上以抽籤的方式決定。
同時,此次 TTF 僅會有一條排隊入場動線,無論是想先去東2館或是中四B館皆僅有一條排隊入場動線,欲參加10/7&10/8入場順序抽籤之民眾請詳細閱讀以下規則。
※此次抽籤方式僅是為了決定10/7&10/8 TTF 民眾入場之順序,並不代表任何TTF攤位的購買商品資格。展覽場內購買商品隊伍如有爭議,將以持蓋當日入場章門票之民眾為優先,各參展單位有權要求消費者出示當日入場門票。
展覽第一天 2017/10/7 (六)
集合時間:早上 07:00 ~ 07:30
集合地點:華山東二館旁藝術大街 (請依現場工作人員指示依序排隊)
必備物品:此屆TTF 門票 (每天現場售票亭於09:30開始售票,抽籤活動進行時段大會恕不提供現場售票之服務,請民眾到場之前先行購票)
展覽第二天 2017/10/8 (日)
集合時間:早上 07:30 ~ 08:00
集合地點:華山東二館旁藝術大街 (請依現場工作人員指示依序排隊)
必備物品:此屆TTF 門票 (每天現場售票亭於09:30開始售票,抽籤活動進行時段大會恕不提供現場售票之服務,請民眾到場之前先行購票)
1.10/7當天早上 07:00 ~ 07:30 開放排隊(10/8當天早上 07:30 ~ 08:00 開放排隊),參與抽籤的民眾需要持有此屆 TTF 門票才能領取號碼牌。到場民眾請於開放時間內依現場工作人員指示領取號碼牌並依序排隊,只要在指定集合時間內並符合參加抽籤的資格,人人皆有號碼牌,拿到的號碼並不代表當日的進場順序,提前到場自行列隊之民眾主辦單位將不予承認,現場請勿推擠喧嘩,不守秩序者主辦單位有權將其驅趕取消抽籤資格。身高未滿120cm之孩童無法參與此次抽選。
*在 7-11、全家便利商店、ibon售票系統網站購票之民眾,請攜帶便利商店票券直接出示即可,若有需要兌換實體票券請於現場排隊前向工作人員提出需要換票之要求(兌換設計師票款款式隨機)。
*在 udn 售票網購票之民眾請出示「虛擬票券入場函」或「email 訂購憑證序號」,於現場排隊前向工作人員提出需要兌換實體門票之需求(兌換設計師票款款式隨機)。
2.10/7當日至 07:30 截止排隊(10/8當日至 08:00 截止排隊),現場工作人員同時開始整隊,從開始排隊、整隊到抽籤活動完成前,參加的民眾禁止離開隊伍,一旦離開視同棄權,無法再重新歸入隊伍內。
4. 10/7當天07:30之後(10/8當天08:00之後)才來現場之民眾無法參加抽籤活動,請依現場工作人員指示於指定地點依照到達時間順序排隊,入場之順位將接在前面參與抽籤民眾隊伍之後。
2017 Taipei Toy Festival Admission Guidelines
Welcome to the 14th Annual Taipei Toy Festival (TTF).
To improve our exhibition admission process and for the well-being of our attendees, TTF has announced new admission guidelines, to be determined by lottery on the first two mornings of this year's event (10/7 & 10/8).
Meanwhile, the TTF will only allow one queuing entry line. Whether it is to go to the East 2 Exhibition Hall or to Central 4B Hall, there will be only one line.
Please refer to the following rules in detail about the lottery admission process on 10/7 & 10/8.
The lottery admission process
※ The lottery drawing determines the entrance order on the mornings of 10/7 & 10/8 only. It does not apply to TTF exhibitors' priority to buy their products.
On 2017/10/7 (SAT)
Lottery meet-up time: 07:00 ~ 07:30
Lottery Location: Huashan Creative Park, East 2 Hall, on the Art Street (please follow staff's instructions)
Requirements: A purchased 2017 TTF Ticket
On 2017/10/8 (SUN)
Lottery meet-up time: 07:30 ~ 08:00
Lottery Location: Huashan Creative Park, East 2 Hall, on the Art Street (please follow staff's instructions)
Requirements: A purchased 2017 TTF Ticket
1. The Lottery line opens at 07:00 ~ 07:30 on the morning of 10 / 7(at 07:30 ~ 08:00 on the morning of 10 / 8). Those who wish to participate in the drawing should purchase 2017 TTF Tickets to be eligible to receive a number. Anyone lining up before this time will not be honored by TTF. Please be courteous to others as TTF reserves the right to revoke anyone's lottery number due to disrespectful behavior. Children under 120cm cannot participate in the drawing.
* Tickets purchased at 7-11, Family Mart, ibon ticketing website system: please bring the proof of tickets. If you need an actual ticket, please ask the staff for help before going into the line.
2. At 07:30 on 10/7 (At 07:30 on 10/8), the line will be cut off. No more attendees will be allowed into the line. If anyone chooses to leave the line during the drawing process, he or she will lose the eligibility, and can't re-enter the line.
3. All the line-up attendees will follow instructions to draw a number, which will determine the order to enter the exhibition hall.
4. Anyone arriving after 07:30 on 10/7 (Anyone arriving after 08:00 on 10/8) will not be eligible for that day's lottery drawing. Please follow the instructions of the staff at the designated location.
5. TTF prohibits ticket scalping. It's strictly prohibited to use a placeholder item or other people to occupy a space in line. Anyone leaving the line for more than fifteen minutes will be disqualified, and will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Participants in the lottery drawing will be deemed to have agreed to the guidelines above.
The organizers reserve the right to change the guidelines.
2017 台北國際玩具創作大展
展覽日期 |2017/10/7 (六) - 2017/10/10 (二)
展覽地點 |華山 1914 文創園區東二館&中四B館1F
展覽時間 |10:00-20:00
預售門票 |2017/8/15 開始預售,預售票價單張票券 $220、雙人套票 $390
售票資訊 |0rz.tw/fJftd
現場購票 |單張票券 $220(19:30 停止售票)
主視覺設計|KONATSUYA 小夏屋 小夏老師 (Konatsu_tunacan)
參展單位分佈圖 & 活動節目表|tinyurl.com/ycz7usuz
主辦單位 |Monster Taipei
官方網站 |http://www.taipei-toyfestival.com/
E-MAIL |toyzone@ms36.hinet.net
Taipei Toy Festival 2017
DATE |2017.10.7 Sat. - 2017.10.10 Tue.
OPENING HOURS |10:00 - 20:00
ADMISSION FEE |220 NTD at the Door
FLOOR PLAN & EVENT SCHEDULE|tinyurl.com/ycz7usuz
ORGANIZER |Monster Taipei
WEBSSITE |http://www.taipei-toyfestival.com/
E-MAIL |toyzone@ms36.hinet.net
one art taipei門票 在 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever Facebook 的最佳貼文
[ TTF 入場須知 必看喔 ]
Taipei Toy Festival 2017 Admission Guidelines
2017 台北國際玩具創作大展 入場排隊規則公告
感謝大家每年對台北國際玩具創作大展Taipei Toy Festival (以下簡稱TTF) 的熱情支持讓我們今年繼續邁入第14個年頭,在 TTF 即將開展之際,我們陸續收到許多朋友們關心展覽入場排隊的規則,關於這點在此跟大家說明,因展覽第一天與第二天人潮最為眾多,主辦單位為了維護民眾安全,避免造成排隊時有推擠受傷的情況發生,今年 TTF 展覽第一天與第二天 (10/7&10/8) 的入場順序將於當天早上以抽籤的方式決定。
同時,此次 TTF 僅會有一條排隊入場動線,無論是想先去東2館或是中四B館皆僅有一條排隊入場動線,欲參加10/7&10/8入場順序抽籤之民眾請詳細閱讀以下規則。
※此次抽籤方式僅是為了決定10/7&10/8 TTF 民眾入場之順序,並不代表任何TTF攤位的購買商品資格。展覽場內購買商品隊伍如有爭議,將以持蓋當日入場章門票之民眾為優先,各參展單位有權要求消費者出示當日入場門票。
展覽第一天 2017/10/7 (六)
集合時間:早上 07:00 ~ 07:30
集合地點:華山東二館旁藝術大街 (請依現場工作人員指示依序排隊)
必備物品:此屆TTF 門票 (每天現場售票亭於09:30開始售票,抽籤活動進行時段大會恕不提供現場售票之服務,請民眾到場之前先行購票)
展覽第二天 2017/10/8 (日)
集合時間:早上 07:30 ~ 08:00
集合地點:華山東二館旁藝術大街 (請依現場工作人員指示依序排隊)
必備物品:此屆TTF 門票 (每天現場售票亭於09:30開始售票,抽籤活動進行時段大會恕不提供現場售票之服務,請民眾到場之前先行購票)
1.10/7當天早上 07:00 ~ 07:30 開放排隊(10/8當天早上 07:30 ~ 08:00 開放排隊),參與抽籤的民眾需要持有此屆 TTF 門票才能領取號碼牌。到場民眾請於開放時間內依現場工作人員指示領取號碼牌並依序排隊,只要在指定集合時間內並符合參加抽籤的資格,人人皆有號碼牌,拿到的號碼並不代表當日的進場順序,提前到場自行列隊之民眾主辦單位將不予承認,現場請勿推擠喧嘩,不守秩序者主辦單位有權將其驅趕取消抽籤資格。身高未滿120cm之孩童無法參與此次抽選。
*在 7-11、全家便利商店、ibon售票系統網站購票之民眾,請攜帶便利商店票券直接出示即可,若有需要兌換實體票券請於現場排隊前向工作人員提出需要換票之要求(兌換設計師票款款式隨機)。
*在 udn 售票網購票之民眾請出示「虛擬票券入場函」或「email 訂購憑證序號」,於現場排隊前向工作人員提出需要兌換實體門票之需求(兌換設計師票款款式隨機)。
2.10/7當日至 07:30 截止排隊(10/8當日至 08:00 截止排隊),現場工作人員同時開始整隊,從開始排隊、整隊到抽籤活動完成前,參加的民眾禁止離開隊伍,一旦離開視同棄權,無法再重新歸入隊伍內。
4. 10/7當天07:30之後(10/8當天08:00之後)才來現場之民眾無法參加抽籤活動,請依現場工作人員指示於指定地點依照到達時間順序排隊,入場之順位將接在前面參與抽籤民眾隊伍之後。
2017 Taipei Toy Festival Admission Guidelines
Welcome to the 14th Annual Taipei Toy Festival (TTF).
To improve our exhibition admission process and for the well-being of our attendees, TTF has announced new admission guidelines, to be determined by lottery on the first two mornings of this year's event (10/7 & 10/8).
Meanwhile, the TTF will only allow one queuing entry line. Whether it is to go to the East 2 Exhibition Hall or to Central 4B Hall, there will be only one line.
Please refer to the following rules in detail about the lottery admission process on 10/7 & 10/8.
The lottery admission process
※ The lottery drawing determines the entrance order on the mornings of 10/7 & 10/8 only. It does not apply to TTF exhibitors' priority to buy their products.
On 2017/10/7 (SAT)
Lottery meet-up time: 07:00 ~ 07:30
Lottery Location: Huashan Creative Park, East 2 Hall, on the Art Street (please follow staff's instructions)
Requirements: A purchased 2017 TTF Ticket
On 2017/10/8 (SUN)
Lottery meet-up time: 07:30 ~ 08:00
Lottery Location: Huashan Creative Park, East 2 Hall, on the Art Street (please follow staff's instructions)
Requirements: A purchased 2017 TTF Ticket
1. The Lottery line opens at 07:00 ~ 07:30 on the morning of 10 / 7(at 07:30 ~ 08:00 on the morning of 10 / 8). Those who wish to participate in the drawing should purchase 2017 TTF Tickets to be eligible to receive a number. Anyone lining up before this time will not be honored by TTF. Please be courteous to others as TTF reserves the right to revoke anyone's lottery number due to disrespectful behavior. Children under 120cm cannot participate in the drawing.
* Tickets purchased at 7-11, Family Mart, ibon ticketing website system: please bring the proof of tickets. If you need an actual ticket, please ask the staff for help before going into the line.
2. At 07:30 on 10/7 (At 07:30 on 10/8), the line will be cut off. No more attendees will be allowed into the line. If anyone chooses to leave the line during the drawing process, he or she will lose the eligibility, and can't re-enter the line.
3. All the line-up attendees will follow instructions to draw a number, which will determine the order to enter the exhibition hall.
4. Anyone arriving after 07:30 on 10/7 (Anyone arriving after 08:00 on 10/8) will not be eligible for that day's lottery drawing. Please follow the instructions of the staff at the designated location.
5. TTF prohibits ticket scalping. It's strictly prohibited to use a placeholder item or other people to occupy a space in line. Anyone leaving the line for more than fifteen minutes will be disqualified, and will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Participants in the lottery drawing will be deemed to have agreed to the guidelines above.
The organizers reserve the right to change the guidelines.
2017 台北國際玩具創作大展
展覽日期 |2017/10/7 (六) - 2017/10/10 (二)
展覽地點 |華山 1914 文創園區東二館&中四B館1F
展覽時間 |10:00-20:00
預售門票 |2017/8/15 開始預售,預售票價單張票券 $220、雙人套票 $390
售票資訊 |0rz.tw/fJftd
現場購票 |單張票券 $220(19:30 停止售票)
主視覺設計|KONATSUYA 小夏屋 小夏老師 (Konatsu_tunacan)
參展單位分佈圖 & 活動節目表|tinyurl.com/ycz7usuz
主辦單位 |Monster Taipei
官方網站 |http://www.taipei-toyfestival.com/
E-MAIL |toyzone@ms36.hinet.net
Taipei Toy Festival 2017
DATE |2017.10.7 Sat. - 2017.10.10 Tue.
OPENING HOURS |10:00 - 20:00
ADMISSION FEE |220 NTD at the Door
FLOOR PLAN & EVENT SCHEDULE|tinyurl.com/ycz7usuz
ORGANIZER |Monster Taipei
WEBSSITE |http://www.taipei-toyfestival.com/
E-MAIL |toyzone@ms36.hinet.net
one art taipei門票 在 [售票] One Art Taipei 2022門票- PTT 娛樂區 的美食出口停車場
[售票] One Art Taipei 2022門票. 看板, Drama-Ticket. 作者, qwerty311140. 時間, 2022-01-13 15:58:10. 1/15-16西華飯店原價450/張售價2張500或換等值禮券意者 ... ... <看更多>
one art taipei門票 在 ONE ART Taipei - Home - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
ONE ART Taipei 藝術台北(簡稱OAT)為高端飯店型藝術博覽會分為三大展區:「藝術無限(Unlimited)」「發現 ... OAT23 門票傳送門 GET TICKETS NOW ➜ ... <看更多>