While juggling work and family, I always make sure to look after myself as well. I'll try to have some 'me' time by doing yoga or any other form of excercises. Not only that, it is also important to self check your blood pressure at home with Omron BP Machine. Bertindak sekarang! Lindungi Jantung Tersayang Anda, Jom Check! Dapatkan Omron Home BP Machine JPN500 di
drpd 1-15 April 2021 dengan menggunakan code OMRONSITI20 untuk dapatkan potongan harga sebanyak rm20 dari Caring e-store
Lets live healthy and stay young at heart! 😉❤
#OmronMalaysia #LindungiJantungAndaTersayang #jomcheckgigi
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【 OMRON 歐姆龍】 手臂式血壓計JPN500 【 商品規格】 主機重量:約250g(不含電池) 外型尺寸:寬103mm×高80mm×縱深129mm 適用臂圍:22~32cm 日本製造【 ... ... <看更多>