【愛上純天然 #沖繩】
#fanfares destination of the week: #Okinawa
清澈見底的海灘、一望無際的海岸線、綠油油的山野,再加上原汁原味的地道美食,都是愛上沖繩的理由。到訪著名景點 #萬座毛 (Cape Manza),身處廣闊崖壁,同時眺望碧海藍天。遊歷 #沖繩世界文化王國 (Okinawa World),探索琉球建築、工藝與飲食文化,了解當地歷史傳統,同時走進逾30萬年歷史的 #玉泉洞(Gyokusendo Cave),觀看形態奇特的鐘乳石。二月到訪當地,更可趕上今歸仁城櫻花祭,在夢幻美景下細賞櫻花,以不同方式領略沖繩最美一面。記得今期fanfares早上8時登場,預早登記成為註冊用戶探索更多旅遊地點! http://bit.ly/36a0jyf
Pristine beaches, stunning coastlines and unique traditions are some of the many reasons that make Okinawa a must-visit destination in Japan. At #CapeManza, spend an afternoon kayaking and taking stunning panoramic shots of Okinawa’s coastline as you marvel at natural cliffs - one’s even shaped like an elephant’s trunk! At #OkinawaWorld, visit the 300,000 year old #GyokusendoCave. Make sure you try to catch the #CherryBlossom season at the Nakijin Gusuku Cherry Blossom Festival, held at the World Heritage Nakijin Castle Ruins. Book fanfares to Okinawa at 8am and see more fanfares destinations here: http://bit.ly/2tAMT0X
okinawa cherry blossom season 在 Jの背包旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
🇯🇵 Japan's Cherry Blossom 2017 Forecast: 🌸
When & Where to Catch them?
The flowering date of cherry blossoms is affected greatly by the change of weather and temperature. Due to the narrow land area of the whole island of Japan, the difference of climate in the different regions of Okinawa from the northernmost Hokkaido to the southernmost is large, and the temperature difference is very large. Therefore, the flowering dates of cherry blossoms in various regions of Japan Also are different. The coldest "Hokkaido" area, cherry blossom flowering season relative to late, predict that end of April to early May, cherry blossoms will flowering.
This special edition will bring you the latest and the latest information on cherry blossoms and cherry blossoms in Japan.
Tap to Open 👇🏻
okinawa cherry blossom season 在 Arisa Chow Facebook 的最讚貼文
I know i won't be seeing these beautiful spring blossoms anytime soon, so I'm just gonna admire them through photos :')
Anyone heading to Japan for spring? 🌸
Flowers from Heaven.
Spring (Haru 春) in Japan ( March- May) considered the first season as Japanese school year ends in March and begins in April every year. Sakura 桜or the cherry blossom is definitely the first thing that come to our mind when we mention spring in Japan. The southern part of Japan will bloom the earliest (Okinawa around mid-January), while the Kyushu, Shikoku, and Southern Honsyu Island’s sakura will start blooming at the end of March until earlier April. As you go further to the Northern Japan, the sakura will bloom later (Hokkaido around the end of April or early May). However sakura season does not span the whole of spring. Although the flowers may only last for a mere few days their beauty is second to none.
One of the most iconic activity during Japan’s spring is hanami 花見, literally means ‘flower viewing’. Hanami often involves a picnic party with family, friends of colleagues under the sakura tree to enjoy the blooms as well as food and drinks. Few of the popular hanami spots are Ueno Park 上野公園and Shinjuku Gyoen 新宿御苑in Tokyo. But don’t despair if you missed the timing. Even after the sakura blooming seasons has ended you can still adore Japan’s spring through the vibrant colour of their flower even if it’s just the wild flower near the river stream. Spring is the best time to visit Japan’s various parks as the weather is mild and breezy. Parks such as Huis Ten Bosch ハウステンボスin Nagasaki 長崎 which you can enjoy the Dutch-style building and beautiful tulips, Nara Park 奈良公園in Nara which famous for their freely roaming deer, and also Ashikaga Flower Park あしかがフラワーパークin Tochigi that is very well-known for their magical wisteria tunnel are not to be missed if you havet the chance to visit Japan.