เกิดอะไรขึ้นกับ Apple? มูลค่าเพิ่ม 1.3 ล้านล้านในวันเดียว / โดย ลงทุนแมน
หลายคนคงคิดว่า Apple กำลังตกต่ำ
และสงครามการค้ากำลังทำให้ iPhone ขายไม่ดี
...Continue ReadingWhat happened to Apple? Worth 1.3 trillion in one day / by investing man
A lot of people think apple is down
And the trade war is making iphones sell bad
But after announcing last night's results
The company is worth more than 1.3 trillion baht.
Equivalent TO PTT company The biggest company in Thailand in one day..
Now Apple company worth more than 30.9 trillion baht.
Worth 2 times more than GDP Thailand..
So what happened to Apple?
Invest, man will come to conclude.
Apple company results turn out that fixed income and lower profits
Quarter 3 (Quarter 3 of Apple financial statement period 4-6)
Income 1.64 trillion baht. Profit of 3.55 billion baht.
Quarter 3 Year 2019
Income 1.66 trillion baht. Profit of 3.10 billion baht.
By now, every 100 baht of apple comes from.
Iphone 48 baht
Services 21 baht
Mac 11 baht
Ipad 10 baht
Wearables 10 baht
Showing Apple currently has revenue structure from many businesses
However, the company's main income is also an Iphone 12 % lower compared to the same period as the past year.
But income from services and wearables can grow so well that it makes total income not lower..
Wearables business revenue increased by 48 %
Business Income Services Increase by 13 %
Now Apple's wearables group products are apple airpods and apple watch.
Services group include applecare, Apple music, Icloud, app store and Apple search ads
Apple currently has at least 1 members paid for services.
About 420 million accounts..
When numbers are not as bad as investors think and other income grows, plus by buying Apple's shares, which makes company's profit to grow. These make the stock market respond in a positive direction.
Apple shares rise after announcing 4 % of the result. It's worth up to 1.3 trillion baht.
However, the most important thing for apple now is how long will the existing ecosystem stand..
It's true that in short term, business, wearables and services.
Can grow to replace lost Iphone income
But don't forget these two businesses have the same starting point called " Iphone
Despite the advantages of ecosystem to build the apple brand strong to this day.
But the important disadvantage is to use Apple's wearables or services. It must have iphone before it's a wall for customers outside ecosystem to try.
Did you know that the number of users in android system are clearly distant from Ios?
In every smartphone user, 100 will be divided into
76 people on android
22 people on IOS
2 left is the other system
It means if iphone sales continue to drop
People who buy airpods and other services of Apple are less. Follow along.
Therefore, the headphones, watches or services Apple is investing in.
It may not be as important as getting iphone back to sell well again.
It's interesting if the new Iphone launch will bring the company back again at the end of the year.
If you do well, wearables and services business may grow together as a leap.
On the other hand, if iphone trends continue to recession and continue to focus on other income.
Wonder How Steve Jobes in heaven would agree or not..
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-Apple Earnings Call Q3 2019Translated
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅Appleが大好きなんだよ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日は月曜日、この次期定番の1週間のまとめ!Mac中心に出てきた噂やニュースをまとめました。iPhone 13のポートレスなんて噂も出てきています。MacBook Proもだいぶ具体的になってきてはいるものの発売時期が2021年後半とされており、さっき出てきたTwitterでは8月9月とかとも言われ...
numbers in mac 在 Hew Kuan Yau 丘光耀 Facebook 的最佳解答
Kenyataan Media
31 Mac 2018
Saya berasa amat jijik dengan tindakan BN yang meluluskan usul persempadanan semula di Dewan Rakyat dengan cukup tergesa-gesa tempoh hari. Ini adalah perkara yang amat serius yang sepatutnya diberikan masa secukupnya untuk dibahas dan dibincangkan. Tetapi usul tersebut telah diluluskan dalam masa 2 jam sahaja!
Ini bukanlah satu proses persempadanan semula yang betul yang mengikut lunas undang-undang, tetapi satu usaha persempadanan yang jelas melanggar semangat perlembagaan.
Ia adalah pengakuan bahawa BN akan kalah PRU14 jika sempadan sedia ada digunakan.
BN juga dengan tergopoh-gapah meluluskan RUU Anti-Berita Tidak Benar di parlimen. Ini adalah satu tindakan yang cukup desperado.
Sang Penguasa mahukan undang-undang ini untuk mengongkong dan menghalang orang ramai dari membincangkan skandal 1MDB dan lain-lain skandal rasuah dan kesalahan-kesalahan BN.
Dengan meluluskan RUU ini, BN dengan jelas menyerang golongan muda yang rata-rata bakal menjadi mangsa utama undang-undang zalim ini.
Berita palsu atau tidak benar sememangnya boleh ditangani dengan undang-undang sedia ada berkaitan isu fitnah.
Adakah kita hanya akan duduk diam bila pencuri penyamun yang merompak berbilion wang rakyat berkuasa mentakrifkan apa itu berita palsu?
Pakatan Harapan akan mewujudkan satu Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya yang benar-benar bebas, dan memansuhkan undang-undang anti-berita tidak benar ini.
Saya gesa seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk keluar beramai-ramai mengundi Pakatan Harapan untuk menyahkan BN dari Putrajaya.
Anwar Ibrahim
Press Statement
31 March 2018
I am disgusted by the BN's actions in bulldozing through the Dewan Rakyat the re-delineation proposal. This is a serious matter which should have taken weeks to debate and discuss. Instead it was hurried through in just 2 hours!
This is not a proper and lawful re-dileanation exercise, but a blatant and unconstitutional act of gerrymandering.
It is an admission by the BN that they would lose the general election using the old boundaries.
The BN are also rushing the Anti-fake news law through parliament. This is a clear sign of desperation.
They want this law to prevent further public discussion and criticism of the 1MDB scandal and other corruption scandals and wrongdoing of the BN.
In pushing through the anti-fake news bill, the BN are clearly targeting the youth, who will become the main victims of this law.
Fake news or false news can be dealt with by defamation laws.
Can we let the thieves who stole billions in public money decide what is fake?
Harapan will set up a truly independent election commission, and repeal the anti-fake news law.
I urge Malaysians to come out in large numbers and vote the BN out of power.
Issued by
Anwar Ibrahim
#BebasAnwar #FreeAnwar
numbers in mac 在 Appleが大好きなんだよ Youtube 的精選貼文
今日は月曜日、この次期定番の1週間のまとめ!Mac中心に出てきた噂やニュースをまとめました。iPhone 13のポートレスなんて噂も出てきています。MacBook Proもだいぶ具体的になってきてはいるものの発売時期が2021年後半とされており、さっき出てきたTwitterでは8月9月とかとも言われ始めています。
iPhone 13は常時表示にポートレートビデオ?ここ1週間のAppleのニュースと噂・2021/2/15
「iPhone 12 miniがそれほど売れてないらしい」について考える・ちょっと寂しいけど分析
マスク装着時iPhoneをWatchでロック解除!などiPhone/Watchの嬉しいニュースと噂のまとめ 2021/2/03・iOS 14.5Betaや SE Plus/13など10日間
心電図にiPad mini 6やiPhone画面内指紋認証!Appleの楽しみな噂続出!最近の噂とニュースまとめ・2021/1/22
2021年今年出そうなApple新製品!噂まとめ・iPad miniにAirTag、miniLED Macなど
2020→2021 Appleへの期待・ハズレ製品もツッコミ所あるのも大歓迎!攻めた結果ならApple愛で受け止める
・Panasonic Lumix GH5s
・Panasonic Lumix GH5
・Canon Power Shot G7X Mark II
・iPhone 12 Pro(Simフリー)
・iPhone 12 mini(Simフリー)
・iPadPro 11”(Simフリー)
・DJI OSMO Pocket
・Moment iPhone 外付けレンズ&専用ケース
Final Cut Pro X
Adobe Illustrator(スライド)
Adobe Photoshop(スライド)
Adobe Character Animator(アニメーション)

numbers in mac 在 luv2bfree Youtube 的最佳貼文
hi everyone! on August 7th, Addiction released a huge eyeshadow collection. yes 99 single eyeshadow.
so when i was at MINNA NO MEIKU office, i decided to use all of them to shoot a video.
well, it was not a good idea for my eyelids...
trust me, after putting an eyeshadow with a brush, wipe it with a cotton, apply powder foundation with a brush,
put another eyeshaow and repeat this 98 more times....for 3.5 hours!!!
it hurt eyelids. :(
but it was fun. :D and NO ONE would put 99 eyeshadows in a row anyway. so you will be just fine. hahaha
so i really hope you will enjoy this video.
★i put numbers 1-99 either right bottom or left bottom corner.
and you can see the Addiction's website ↓ and match the
eyeshadow color.
Addiction The Eyeshadow New Color 99
8/7発売 各2000円(税抜)
詳しく(アイシャドウの番号を見るetc) はAddictionのサイトで。you can check the items' number on Addiction site.
Music from Youtube Audio Library
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my camera | Canon Powershot G7X http://amzn.to/1K29L9L

numbers in mac 在 luv2bfree Youtube 的最佳解答
hello everyone. a new lipstick line is released from cosme decorte Aug 21st and i filmed the swatches the whole 10 colors. :) plus i mentioned a bit about nail polish too.
COSME DECORTE AQMW Rouge Supreme 全10色 6000円(税込6300円)
COSME DECORTE AQMW nail enamel (ネイル エナメル)
全20色 新色3色 2000円 (税込2100円) 私のネイルはPU140 (on my nails)
the numbers of the swatches (in order of appearance)
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numbers in mac 在 Mac 版Numbers 使用手冊 的相關結果
MacBook Pro 的螢幕上顯示開啟的Numbers 樣板選擇器。左側已選取. 開始使用樣板. 製作所有試算表時,都需從樣板開始;它是可供 ... ... <看更多>
numbers in mac 在 在Mac 上將iCloud 與Numbers 搭配使用- Apple 支援(台灣) 的相關結果
使用「iCloud 雲碟」來存放您的Numbers 試算表,並在iOS 與iPadOS 裝置、網路和Mac 及Windows 電腦間同步試算表。 ... <看更多>
numbers in mac 在 Numbers - Apple (台灣) 的相關結果
Numbers 能讓你在Mac、iPad 或iPhone,甚至使用iCloud 版iWork 在PC 上,製作精美的試算表。而且還與Apple Pencil 相容。 ... <看更多>