Documentary of Bing-Cha-Cha: A Mystifying Passage between Yunnan and Tibet
Of all the routes leading into Tibet, Bing-Cha-Cha is the most mysterious. It’s a route that takes you from Bing Zhong Luo in Yunnan province to Cha Wa Long in Tibet, and finally to Cha Yu. Due to its complicated geological structure and dangerous landscape, this path is currently a paradise for but a few adventurers and experienced outdoor enthusiasts. Let us delve into this world by looking at the photographs taken of the team led by Zhou Shao-he, an experienced biker and outdoor explorer.
Introduction of the bike route:
“Bing-Cha-Cha Route”: Starting from Yunnan’s Bingzhongluo, then going through Chawalong village, and ending in Tibet’s Chayu county, this ride totals 207 kilometers (128 miles). Yet despite the route’s short length, it has a harsh environment and few inhabitants. A large number of the bike paths cross through uninhabited territory, with extremely rundown public roads and facilities. From Chawalong to Chayu, the most common public roads are the rural dirt roads. Accommodations along the way are a challenge, and supplies are difficult to come by. It has been called the “shortest, worst, and newest” route into Tibet. The way is hazardous, with the roads before and after Chawalong being the most demanding. But seeing as there are plans next year to pave the path over with asphalt, the breathtaking, yet challenging Bing-Cha-Cha route of today will soon disappear, never to be seen again.
“Bing-Cha-Cha” passes through the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, with elevations ranging from a few hundred meters to five thousand meters, which cover a variety of different landforms and climates. Compared to the more established routes into Tibet, Bing-Cha-Cha has received less influence from the outside world, and villages along the route seem much more pristine. Travel along the route encompasses the basic, key features of Tibet’s natural scenery and places of cultural interest. Along the way, you can marvel at Bingzhongluo, the Nu River’s first bend, Shimenguan, Hada Waterfall, Tongtian Waterfall, Yuli precipice and other spectacular and magnificent scenery. You can also experience firsthand the customs and practices of many different ethnic groups.
Every year from May to December, Bing-Cha-Cha is open to traffic. The rest of the time it is closed off due to big snows. From July to September, it’s the rainy season, with landslides and mudslides making road conditions terrible. As a result, in any given year, “Bing-Cha-Cha” is really only suitable for travel for four months. Connecting western Yunnan-Tibet with northeastern Tibet, the entirety of this simple path is covered with sand, potholes, stones, landslides, quicksand, and falling rocks. A road that cannot be called a road exactly, “Bing-Cha-Cha” is known by all Chinese off-road bikers as “the most difficult path into Tibet”.
The records of this bike journey are told in the first person by Dino.Thank you particularly to the many Taiwanese bike part companies who gave their support for this bike team, and who also gave us the chance to film this documentary and thus preserve the memory of this journey. It will surely be something we can all look back on for the rest of our lives.
Supponor by
KPLUS-Bikehelmet / VooDoo Cycles / Xforce Optics / ÜPON Outdoor / WOHO Bike
《丙察察線》:雲南丙中洛鄉經由察瓦龍鄉到達西藏察隅縣,全長207公里,線路雖短,但是自然環境惡劣、人口稀少,大量騎行路段屬無人區域,公路及周邊設施及其簡陋。察瓦龍 至 察隅 簡易公路為典型的鄉村砂土石路,沿途食宿困難、補給不便,號稱「最短、最爛、最新」的進藏公路!道路艱險,其中以 察瓦龍 前後的路段最艱難。但此路線將於明年起策劃鋪設柏油道路,故未來將不復見如此壯麗、自然具挑戰性的《丙察察線》了。
本次騎行文字紀錄為騎行隊長 - 恐龍以第一人稱進行紀錄。特別感謝許多台灣的自行車配件品牌給了騎行隊許多的協助,並讓本次騎行有機會以紀錄片的形式保存下來,想必是參與的人一輩子的美好回憶。
KPLUS 單車安全帽 / VooDoo Cycles 巫毒自行車 / Xforce 運動眼鏡 / ÜPON 戶外用品 / WOHO Bike 沃荷單車
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過63萬的網紅沛莉 Peri Story,也在其Youtube影片中提到,讚+留言 抽四位 送日本SUGAO天生粉嫩舒芙蕾腮紅+QQ果凍感唇釉 各一款正貨 7 /15截止 7/18網站5happy.cc公佈。(不挑色/限台灣區/名額FB、IG共享) 今天分享適合夏天的愛用品!首先介紹日本人氣開架彩妝SUGAO新品腮紅+唇釉,顯色自然適合營造日系清新裸妝。屈臣氏獨賣!點...
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➤instagram: juliewonxx
➤ email: mswly68@gmail.com
➤剪片軟件:Final cut pro X
➤相機型號:Canon EOS M6

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禾亮家 - 檸檬玫瑰天竺葵純露 (https://goo.gl/YxUj6h)
Clinique - 水磁場微分子保濕精華
Avene - 長效保濕面膜
Innisfree - 紅酒晚安面膜
Loveisderma - 美肌膚色防曬乳 SPF50
1028 - 控油柔焦氣墊粉餅
Estee Lauder - 粉持久氣墊打光粉餅(舊款)
韓國大創 - 美妝蛋
Us The Duo - One Last Dance
Steve Petrunak - Habits(Stay High) Instrumental Version
City Of The Sun - Young Folks
韓劇 - 我唯一的情歌
運動 APP - Keep
飾品 - Soufeel (https://goo.gl/1oLXRJ)
裙子 - Romwe (https://goo.gl/cAzFyY) → 裙子居然Sold Out,提供其它選擇們 (https://goo.gl/wJOnxE)
△Soufeel 10% Off (有效期至 2017/11/3):LAI10 ►https://goo.gl/1oLXRJ
△Romwe 買US$55折US$5:RWENJOY5 ►https://goo.gl/cAzFyY
-妝容使用產品 -
粉底 Estee Lauder - 粉持久氣墊打光粉餅(舊款) #1W1 Bone
遮暇 LUNA - Long Lasting Tip Concealer #02
蜜粉 Laura Mercier - 柔光透明蜜粉
修容 Benefit - Hoola
打亮 Hourglass - Ambient Lighting Palette
腮紅 Clinique - 小花腮紅 #15 Pansy Pop
眼影 Addiction - 癮彩眼影 #31 #73
眼線 Nars - 女王眼線膠筆
FLOW FUSHI - 工匠級精緻眼線液 #極黑
睫毛膏 Kiss Me - 新翹力濃密防水睫毛膏
唇膏 巴黎萊雅 - 3D玩色精油唇萃#
粉底 1028 - 控油柔焦氣墊粉餅
遮暇 IPSA - 誘光隱色遮瑕組
CLIO - 光感無痕遮瑕蜜 #4-BO
蜜粉 Laura Mercier - 定妝柔礦粉
腮紅 The Face Shop - 棉花糖腮紅 #05蜜桃
修容 Benefit - Hoola
打亮 Colourpop - Super Shock Cheek #Lunch Money
眼影 Kat Von D - Shade + Light Eye Contour Palette
NYX - 專業後台百變玩味16色眼影盤 #冬日暖陽03
眼線 Nars - 女王眼線膠筆
CLIO - 魅黑防水濃烈眼線液筆(棕)
睫毛膏 Kiss Me - 新翹力濃密防水睫毛膏
唇膏 MAC - 絨光豐盈唇膏 #Mocha
-我們穿什麼 -
戒指: https://goo.gl/8SRRd4
項鏈 愛戀:https://goo.gl/EBQ5Gc
上衣:Forever 21
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e-mail: liveaninsight@gmail.com