1. 😀 Jangan bandingkan hidup kita dengan orang lain. Kita mungkin tidak tahu bagaimana perjalanan susah senang kehidupan mereka. Dulunya berbasikal, bermotor, berkereta buruk sekarang berkereta Mewah.
2.😀 Jangan berfikiran negatif terhadap benda yang kita tidak boleh kawal. Sebaliknya, tumpukan pada apa yg kita ada. Tenaga, masa dan wang kita, fokus terhadap benda positif yang mampu kita buat pada masa ini.
3. 😀 Tidak berlebihan melakukan apa yang anda tidak mampu buat. Cukuplah setakat yang anda mampu. Jangan terlalu obses.
4. 😀 Jangan terlalu beremosi terhadap diri sendiri, jika ada yang perli, herdik, tengking,****senyum kan saja..
5.😀 Jangan bazirkan tenaga dan masa terhadap gosip politik dan gosip liar yang keterlaluan.
6.😀 Berfikir dengan tenang dan positif terhadap masalah dan musibah yg menimpa.
7.😀 Iri hati adalah sia-sia. Harta org bukan rezeki dan hak kita.
8.😀 Jangan ungkit kesilapan pada masa lampau. Lupakan! Ianya akan menghancurkan kegembiraan kita di masa depan..
9. 😀 Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk membenci sesiapa. Sebarkan kasih sayang..
10. 😀 Berdamailah dengan diri dan bersyukur dgn apa yg ALLAH telah kurniakan..
11. 😀 Tiada siapa yang boleh menggembirakan kita selain dari diri kita sendiri..
12. 😀 Ketahuilah bahawa hidup ini ialah seperti sekolah dan kita harus terus belajar. Jangan mudah putus asa dengan masalah.
*UTAMAKAN maksud ayat ini*
أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ
“Hanya dengan mengingatku (Allah) hati akan menjadi tenang”. (QS. Ar-Ro’d : 28)
Sharing is Caring....
Moga bermanafaat..
Kami memahami kesukaran anda berbisnes semasa PKP. Ini tawaran membantu peniaga boleh viralkan iklan di page 1JUTA ini hanya RM30! Nak? Whatsapps admin : http://bit.ly/2FFyZuG
1. 😀 Don't compare our lives to others. We may not know how hard journey is their life. Used to be cycling, motorbike, car bad now Luxury car.
2. 😀 Don't think negatively about things we can't control. Instead, focus on what we have. Our energy, time and money, focus on the positive things we can do at the moment.
3. 😀 Not too much doing what you can't do. Enough as far as you can. Don't be too obsessed.
4. 😀 Don't be too emotional to yourself, if there is something that is teasing, mind, just smile..
5. 😀 Don't waste energy and time on outrageous political gossip and wild gossip.
6. 😀 Think calmly and positively about the problems and misfortune that happened.
7. 😀 Jealousy is useless. People's wealth is not our sustenance and our rights.
8. 😀 Don't mention past mistakes. Forget it! It will destroy our future joy..
9. 😀 Life is too short to hate anyone. Spread the love..
10. 😀 Be at peace with yourself and be grateful for what GOD has given..
11. 😀 No one can make us happy other than ourselves..
12. 😀 Know that life is like a school and we must keep learning. Don't give up easily with problems.
* PRIORITIZE the meaning of this verse *
Only in the remembrance of Allah, hearts are reassured
′′ Only by remembering me (Allah) the heart will become calm ". (QS. Ar-Ro'd: 28)
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May it be useful..
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no gossip meaning 在 Hana's Lexis Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dear my lovely nuii's 😘
As y'all probably know, I've been happily on a social media detox for a while now, meaning restricting daily gossip intake 🤭. Cos judging by my mood swings, impulsivity verging on mild bipolar disorder, it's prolly best for me to Run - Hide - Fight to dodge all kinds of shitty venomous attacks in the name of self-sacrificial serves of justice in all directions.
I've been called names I do not see how my behaviors could warrant 🤔. Scrutinizing my actions has become the favorite pastime of heaps of self-proclaimed hypercritics. I am still bewildered by the monster of an influencer they depicted of me 😱. A pathological shameless self-absorbed egotist.
I might not care for tact and diplomacy. But rest assured I do not sugarcoat my intentions and actions 🙃. I encourage my followers to freely express disdain for haters with words and logic, not personal attacks nor fatuous outbursts of profanities. I have run. I have hidden. But I have also fought against cutthroat accusations against me, my fandom and what we represent. I could spend weeks in hiding to recuperate. But best believe I don't take a beating, online or not, lying down.
So, I own up to my doings. Dare call me a cyberbully and I smack your face 🙄. Enough is enough, ass kissers with your sham camaraderie formed by aligning yourselves against me as the focal adversary 😏. I'd call you phony ass bitches out by name one by one if I need to. I'd also oust any followers for uncalled-for harassing. But you first own up to your bitching about me. You wanna take me on? Don't be a bitch and whine when you get your ass handed to you 💩.
That said, it's no defeat to shut toxic people, online or offline, out of your life 🥳. If you feel like cursing would unload your pent-up rage and exasperation from how unfairly you think you've been treated, do it. It's no more than a form of self-care. Why hold back when all that does is most likely inflaming your anguish 🔥. Then again, use your head cos you don't want to realize after the fact how quickly you had jumped to a conclusion and thus start drafting your mea culpa! You're no saint. No need to act like one.
From my pet roomba and me. ♥️
no gossip meaning 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
【相煎何太急】(English writing below)
"More than 90% Feng Shui practitioners are doing the basics wrong!"
I saw this from website of a young Feng Shui entrepreneur, who just started to ply his trade.
My first thought was: is it necessary to trample over others and deceive others, for the sake of money?
Have you witnessed the abilities of all Feng Shui Masters from all over the world?
Let's not go too far, and just take Singapore for instance. If we include all the full-timers, part-timers and hobbyists, I think there are easily several hundreds, if not thousands, Feng Shui practitioners. Some of them studied under a Master for years, while some acquire the knowledge from their ancestors. And there are those who become consultants, after attending external courses.
Did you do a very thorough check on their skills, before drawing this conclusion? Or did you base your statement on hearsay?
If there is no verifiable truth and authentic checks, then you are just trying to bluff your way through. You deliberately stir up emotions of insecurity in people who have consulted other masters, so as to lure them to you.
What big words. What unethical way of marketing just to make yourself some money.
Few years ago, a lady Feng Shui practitioner wrote untruths about me on her FB. One workshop participant of mine felt unjust for me, and as she offered words of consolation to me, she mentioned that a friend of hers knew that Feng Shui practitioner whose sexual orientation was actually...
I did not let her finish her words, "If we continue talking about this, we would be engaging in gossip. That is not my style."
Smearing my name and who she likes are two different matters.
To defame me so as to win more FB Likes is a problem in her character. If I laugh at her sexual orientation with others so as to feel better, that becomes my morality problem. Do not do unto others what you do not wish for others to do to you. I have no intention to hurt her behind her back, so why should I wallow in the mire together?
Moreover, whoever we like does not have any influence on our professional capability and aspiration.
The only thing that matters: Is a Feng Shui practitioner who deliberately creates falsehoods deserving of clients' trust, for them to place their destinies and families in her hands?
One female reader told me about her family's experience with a well-known Feng Shui master. As the conversation progressed, she mentioned how this master was unable to speak Mandarin. There seemed to be a hidden veil of mockery in her words.
My reply to her: I do not gossip about others.
This Feng Shui Master brought Chinese Metaphysics to the whole world, allowing the Westerners to sit up and take notice of our Chinese culture. That is a good thing after all. Secondly, his emergence inspired the younger generation of Chinese to pay attention to Chinese Metaphysics once again. Why should we focus on his weak point and make a hooha about it? What meaning is there? Not like we will have more money in our pockets. Also when we commit sins in our speech by gossiping about him, we will cede our good fortune to him.
No way is it worth it.
As Chinese Metaphysics practitioners, we have to study the Bagua very well to be able to benefit sentient beings. Not study gossip and become an entertainment news station for the amusement of the masses.
There are already many outsiders who look down on us, disbelieve us and even laugh at us as conmen who are ignorant, promoting supernatural stuff and cheat others of money. If we continue to cut at one another's throats, these people will just be eating popcorn as they watch us.
Instead of winning over more clients, we will turn out to be the biggest losers.
No matter what school of Feng Shui we are from, if we trace all the way back to the origins, we are all born from the same root.
To all fellow heroes and comrades, why don't we focus our efforts in educating the masses? Lead by example and demonstrate to them how to be a first-class human worthy of a premium Destiny.