由文化部影視及流行音樂產業局主辦、法國南特三洲影展與台北電影節聯合執行的「國際提案一對一工作坊」, 7月28日至31日於台北舉行,工作坊旨在教育台灣電影工作者提升國際提案能力,由南特選派的資深業內講師,將針對學員的企畫案一對一指導。報名日期從4月8日至5月7日截止。
★ 中文簡章與報名方法 : http://www.taipeiff.org.tw/pastaipei
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From 28th to 31st of July 2015, Taipei International Film Festival and the Festival des 3 Continents, Nantes, France, will co-host Produire au Sud Workshop - Taipei (PAS Taipei hereafter). This project will be open for submissions on 8st April and close on 7th May.
The workshop aims to help local producers develop their projects for international recognition and markets, highlighting international co-production potential, and assisting filmmakers with skills necessary to locate partners, identify co-production funding, and present, develop and deliver internationally viable productions. Key European mentors with many years experience in the film industry, and selected by the Festival des 3 Continents, will be in Taipei to supervise all participating projects on a one-to-one basis.
★ For more details, please visit the website : http://goo.gl/vdC3Aj