而 @n.o.r 就係一直最support 我做所有野既人!! 佢不停話我得架,做就係架啦,依加真係得啊!!!
跟住又見番 @kiubobobobo ,佢地咁岩搞一個新場地搵我做openning,我去完之後覺得喂個場地幾正喎,個感覺好溫馨。於是就開始諗有冇人想睇呢,咁就係ig/tg/patreon問大家既意向(應該係4月既事),其實我係patreon係有不停滙報呢排搞成點傾成點發生咩事HAHA 過程又不停同 norman傾"喂好似真係搞得過喎"
norman就會話 "係呀!搞得架啦!等你炸!"
然後連 @tipsycathk 知道左都話想一齊玩!! 所以就有你地手上既醉檸茶XD
中間大家不斷要解決唔同既問題,例如budget、rundown、場既setting 等等,係一度差D覺得搞唔到。
特別要多謝 @brainlun ,雖然佢話佢都好多謝我,平時玩唔到咁開心既show。但佢真係幫左我好多,又幫我整programm又搞audio又彈野,冇佢真係唔知點算。
好多謝係呀翹同 @faith.ma 同我玩
多謝F.R.I.E.N.D.S !!!多謝 @vienicon.me @lulubepbep 一齊參與😭
無論出場前 @terrylun 既 soul 呀伯轉牌入zone鼓勵,定係唱果陣唔小心J左自己把聲XD 就算自彈自唱大撻Q彈錯走音,我都同自己講我係黎感受每一個moment!
希望大家之後都可以有力量去渡過每一日 ,唔好俾世界束縛,搵番對自己真正重要嘅事物,好好感受!
主辦 - 工廠妹 @gungcongmui / 醉貓仙 @tipsycathk
監製 - Kiu Leung@工廠妹 @kiubobobobo
導演- Natalie Kong@工廠妹 @oopsnapitsnat
副導演 - Charlie @ch222
技術總監 - Chris Li@工廠妹 @ninepluseleven43
統籌 - Edmond@工廠妹 @tg_ccm
舞台設計 - Kiu Leung / Apple Lau@工廠妹 @appleeelau
Band :
Keyboard & Programmer - Brian @brainlun
Drummer - 威倫 @terrylun
Audio :
Equipments - Brian
FOH - Edwin @edwinhokk
FOH - ahMO @ahsien.mo
FOH Assistant - Shing @chowpakshing
Audio Assistant - Wah @chun.wah
Audio Assistant - Matthew @mattshsh_
燈光 - Sangae @lysangae
VJ - Norman @n.o.r
攝影 - Faith ma@sightless vision @faith.ma / Hoshun @dariuzchan
Stage set up - Hins Production Co.
宣傳 & 設計 - Hebi@工廠妹 @hebiyathey
Still photographers - Patrick / Mag Lam @maglamm
Stylist - @anthonytong_aaa
Stylist Assistant - Cheri @cheriii.l
髮型 - Don @a_don_
化妝 - Tungtung @yucca.y
場地提供 - 閒寮 @evrnu.studio
膳食提供 - 友利坊 @yauleifonghk @yauleibistro
「musician photographers」的推薦目錄:
musician photographers 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳貼文
These geniuses involved in this [Ok lah]song are the TOP musicians from Malaysia, who came from different states and cities. The most difficult part of this project is the way we collect each other’s music files recorded by each artist, and to mix them together. We also require them to shoot the best possible video for us; you have to know that they are "musicians", not photographers, which resulted in them having to remake again and again for a good shoot, then we need to collect all these videos, and edit all the videos into one MV. This is a very hard work lu tahu?!
Let me answer your questions since I saw many people asking questions here. The musical instrument that looks very much like a skateboard is called "SAPE" from the Aborigines of Sarawak. There is also a violin with wings, you are right, it is a VIOLIN. The flute is not Chinese flute, it’s a Malay traditional flute called “Seruling”. The cute Sabahan girl is an Aborigine; she has a Chinese surname “TAN” because she is mixed. There is a percussion player from New York, USA. He is a very famous percussion player and living in Malaysia for a long time oredi. Whenever each musician appears in the music video, their names are shown below, together with the names of the instruments they play, and their hometown and state. How CLEAR izit!
We want to dedicate this song to all heroes from the frontline. We hope you like it, and please share it out! Everyone should be careful when going out tomorrow, don't play play . . I wish you all a happy return to work! and Happy Ramadan!
[OK lah]MV裡面出現的都是馬來西亞最頂級的音樂人,來自四面八方不同的州屬和城市。這個製作難度最高的就是蒐集他們錄製好的樂器,然後混音在一起。還有就是要他們這些音樂人自己想辦法拍攝出我們要的畫面,拍不好還要重拍,然後集合完所有的畫面,再把他們剪接成一個MV。真的辛苦大家了!
「數位音樂服務 Digital Music Services」
KKBOX: https://bit.ly/35vgEPi
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3c7zHSe
iTunes & Apple Music: https://apple.co/3aZ9EeM
QQ音乐: https://bit.ly/3fhRd8q
JOOX: https://bit.ly/2WpuoqV
friDay音樂: https://bit.ly/2YyK65D
MyMusic: https://bit.ly/3b0MapL
Tidal: https://bit.ly/3b9ULXc
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2L2YKtP
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
musician photographers 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳解答
These geniuses involved in this [Ok lah]song are the TOP musicians from Malaysia, who came from different states and cities. The most difficult part of this project is the way we collect each other’s music files recorded by each artist, and to mix them together. We also require them to shoot the best possible video for us; you have to know that they are "musicians", not photographers, which resulted in them having to remake again and again for a good shoot, then we need to collect all these videos, and edit all the videos into one MV. This is a very hard work lu tahu?!
Let me answer your questions since I saw many people asking questions here. The musical instrument that looks very much like a skateboard is called "SAPE" from the Aborigines of Sarawak. There is also a violin with wings, you are right, it is a VIOLIN. The flute is not Chinese flute, it’s a Malay traditional flute called “Seruling”. The cute Sabahan girl is an Aborigine; she has a Chinese surname “TAN” because she is mixed. There is a percussion player from New York, USA. He is a very famous percussion player and living in Malaysia for a long time oredi. Whenever each musician appears in the music video, their names are shown below, together with the names of the instruments they play, and their hometown and state. How CLEAR izit!
We want to dedicate this song to all heroes from the frontline. We hope you like it, and please share it out! Everyone should be careful when going out tomorrow, don't play play . . I wish you all a happy return to work! and Happy Ramadan!
[OK lah]MV裡面出現的都是馬來西亞最頂級的音樂人,來自四面八方不同的州屬和城市。這個製作難度最高的就是蒐集他們錄製好的樂器,然後混音在一起。還有就是要他們這些音樂人自己想辦法拍攝出我們要的畫面,拍不好還要重拍,然後集合完所有的畫面,再把他們剪接成一個MV。真的辛苦大家了!
「數位音樂服務 Digital Music Services」
KKBOX: https://bit.ly/35vgEPi
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3c7zHSe
iTunes & Apple Music: https://apple.co/3aZ9EeM
QQ音乐: https://bit.ly/3fhRd8q
JOOX: https://bit.ly/2WpuoqV
friDay音樂: https://bit.ly/2YyK65D
MyMusic: https://bit.ly/3b0MapL
Tidal: https://bit.ly/3b9ULXc
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2L2YKtP
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志