【追魂8月13日開庭受審 可能面對更長年期囚禁】
藝術家 #劉進興(又名「追魂」)將於2020年8月13日於南京市宣武區法院開庭受審,被控以「尋釁滋事罪」。他於2019年5月28日被帶走,被拘禁近15個月才被安排庭審。他曾聲援2014年的「雨傘運動」被拘禁9個月。這次可能面對更長年期囚禁 。
Artist #LiuJinxing (better known as #ZhuiHun) will be tried at Xuanwu District Court in Nanjing on 13 August 2020. Liu is accused of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. He was taken away on 28 May 2019 and has been detained for nearly 15 months before being taken before a judge. In 2014, he supported the “Umbrella Movement” and was detained for nine months. This time, he’s likely facing several years of imprisonment.
Name: Liu Jinxing, aka Zhui Hun (劉進興,又名追魂)
Date of birth: 4 August 1972
Occupation: Artist
Date of detention: 29 May 2019 (criminal detention)
Location: Police took him away with five other activists in Nanjing
Ground of detention: Picking quarrels and provoking trouble
Date of formal arrest: 5 July 2019
Date of Indictment: 14 January 2020
Legal representation: Beijing lawyer Liang Xiaojun
Date of trial:
Location of detention/imprisonment: Nanjing No. 3 Detention Centre, Jiangsu Province
Police took away Liu, a Hubei province born artist, on 28 May 2019, along with five other artists in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and criminally detained him the next day. Police officers searched Liu’s home in Beijing, confiscating his artworks and some printed materials. The other five artists were subsequently released on bail.
His friends believed that Liu Jinxing’s detention was related to the government’s crackdown on activists before the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. Among the activists and artists circle, he was famous for selling his artworks to help support other detained political activists.
Liu Jinxing was only allowed his first lawyer’s visit on 23 September 2019. His previous requests were denied as the police claimed that his case involved “endangering state security”. The lawyer learned during the visit that Liu had been formally arrested on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.
On 14 January 2020, Xuanwu District Procuratorate in Nanjing indicted Liu and listed his “crimes” as producing videos and artworks to support detained political prisoners. His trial is scheduled to take place at Xuanwu District Court on 13 August 2020.
Liu had been detained for several times for his art and activism, including being detained in October 2014 for his performance art to support the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. He was released in July 2015 after being clear of criminal charges. Liu has lived in the Songzhuang art colony in Songzhuang Town of Tongzhou District in Beijing, the most famous and largest artist community in the municipality.
For more information: https://www.nchrd.org/2020/06/liu-jinxing/
Updated on: 6 August 2020
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,330的網紅FAT DRAGON肥龍,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第二日去咗非洲動物保護區 探一探動物孤兒 有羊羚 有疣豬 仲有花豹! 全部都好可愛 ( ♥д♥) Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy Address:Mount Kenya Safari Club Road Mount Kenya Safari Club, Nany...
municipality香港 在 報導者 The Reporter Facebook 的最佳解答
約翰霍普金斯大學媒體關係辦公室代表杜諾文(Douglas Donovan)回應,負責網站開發的約翰霍普金斯大學土木暨系統工程系副教授賈德納(Lauren Gardner)與團隊原決定依循世界衛生組織(WHO)的國家名稱,以確保資訊一致性。但經過進一步考慮,團隊決定使用美國國務院的官方名稱,包括台灣。
此波疫情從2019年年底傳出後,全球得以同步掌握各國狀況,科學家及教育家的資訊開放助益許多,其中,由美國約翰霍普金斯大學系統科學與工程中心(Johns Hopkins University CSSE,後簡稱JHU)架設的全球即時病例地圖,於1月22日上線後,許多國家及媒體採用。但今日清晨,包括台灣在內,許多國家名稱遭變更。
在這波更名潮中,JHU不僅將台灣名稱變更為「Taipei and environs(台北及周邊地區)」並置放在中國之下,香港、澳門兩地也從國家地區清單中被移除,併入中國省份;中國則由原先「Mainland China」改為「China」。
除了中港澳台四地名稱更動,巴勒斯坦名稱由「Palestine」改為「occupied Palestinian territory」;梵蒂岡名稱由「Vatican City」改為「Holy See」,另外JHU也將韓國、越南、伊朗、俄羅斯、摩爾多瓦皆變更為WHO使用之稱呼。
對於台灣名稱遭變更一事,不僅網友熱議,也引起外媒關注,美國新聞網站《Axios》報導指稱,向JHU團隊負責人、土木工程系的副教授賈德納(Lauren Gardner)詢問後,其表示關於台灣更名一事,會更改回原本的「台灣」用法。但截至今晚8點10分,台灣名稱仍顯示為「Taipei and environs」。
至於奇特的「台北及周圍地區」(Taipei and environs)之名,出自WHO這波COVID-19疫情報告對「台灣」名稱的多次更名。WHO在1月22日先把台灣名為「中國,台灣」(Taiwan, China);隔日又變成「台北直轄市」(Taipei Municipality);1月25日再改為「台北」(Taipei);2月5日出現了前所未見的「台北及周圍地區」(Taipei and environs)。
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municipality香港 在 譚文豪 Jeremy Tam Facebook 的最讚貼文
Alan Leong Kah-Kit 梁家傑:
Hon Alan Kah-kit LEONG SC
Leader, Civic Party
September 18, 2016
Dear Fellow Hongkongers,
This will be the last Letter to Hong Kong I wrote as Leader of the Civic Party. My term as a Legislative Councillor will end in just less than a fortnight’s time, on September 30. Looking back at my twelve years as a legislator, I am thankful for the trust you have reposed in me. I sought public office in 2004 so that I could do my utmost to uphold the Hong Kong System according to what Hongkongers had been promised by the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. And, in particular, I had wanted to see implemented in Hong Kong universal suffrage for election of the Chief Executive and all members of the Legislative Council. 1997 saw Hong Kong revert to a Sovereign that practises People’s Democratic Dictatorship, and autocracy is the order of the day in Mainland China. Without a local government that is fully accountable to Hongkongers, our long cherished freedoms and institutions like the Rule of Law, apolitical Civic Service and Independent Commission Against Corruption are bound to wither and cannot stay.
It is regrettable that the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”), thus the Central People’s Government, has not honoured the One Country Two Systems constitutional order as promised by and enshrined in the Basic Law. One only has to remind oneself of the black and white letters of Article 22 to tell how flagrantly the Basic Law has been breached. The Article provides that
“No department of the Central People’s Government and no province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central People’s Government may interfere in the affairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with this Law.”
Only as recently as the Legislative Council Elections on September 4, interventions from Zhang Xiao-Ming, the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, were rampant. The Liaison Office bent over backwards to make sure that people like Tse Wai Chun Paul, Yung Hoi Yan, Ho Kwan Yiu, Leung Mei Fun and Chow Ho Ding Holden were elected. Such manoeuvres had gone so far that cost the seats of Anti-Democracy incumbents Wong Kwok Hing and Tang Ka Piu from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, the most ancient supporters of the CCP in Hong Kong. And, those blessed by the Liaison Office are not slow to show their gratitude by thanking Zhang Xiao-Ming for his support, as if these were normal business, and conveniently forgetting all about the non-intervention guaranteed by Article 22.
On the subject of the treachery of the CCP, how can Hongkongers forget about the White Paper published by the State Council on June 10, 2014 and the Resolutions of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (“NPCSC”) on August 31? By the former, the CCP emphasized its total control over Hong Kong and the self-restraints this omnipotent sovereign had enticed Hongkongers into expecting was shattered by the stroke of a pen. By the latter, the CCP unequivocally denied to Hongkongers our right to elect the Chief Executive, with anyone allowed to stand.
Public outrage over the White Paper and the NPCSC Resolutions prompted the Umbrella Movement later in 2014. Thoroughfares in the heart of the city were occupied for 79 days. The Umbrella Movement has moved the world by showcasing how David can stand up against Goliath using peaceful means and by engaging in rational debates. Hongkongers have shown the world that giving in and foregoing principles is not the only option when facing up to the CCP. While it draws the world’s appreciation, the Umbrella Movement has to date failed to move the Beijing Leadership an iota towards fulfilling its promises made in the 1980s to Hongkongers in its bid to entice us to accepting reversion to Chinese Sovereignty.
During the past four years with C Y Leung as the Chief Executive, Hong Kong saw our society being torn apart and polarized. Such a divide is getting wider by the day and one doubts if it can ever be mended, at least so long as C Y Leung stays.
At one pole are cynics or pragmatists who have long resigned to succumbing to the CCP and reaping whatever benefits they can by dancing to its tunes or even second guessing what the Beijing masters would like to see them do. Many of them, now occupying key positions in government and the civil society, contribute to the daily deterioration of Hong Kong’s core values and corruption of Hong Kong’s key institutions.
At the other pole are childish and naïve souls who, following our more elemental instincts, refuse to forget our original intentions and wanting to see implemented the vision we have been promised, namely, One Country Two Systems, High Degree of Autonomy and Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong. We want our long-cherished freedoms and well-respected institutions to continue to flourish for the benefit of many more generations to come.
Personalities dictate our destinies. When coming face to face with the adversity of suppression and overwhelmed by an apparently unmatchable power, individuals do react differently. I certainly would love to see more of the naïve souls and less of the cynics. It is not just our personal destinies that are at stake; Hong Kong’s fate is in the balance.
Elections of the Sixth Legislative Council, which completed on September 4, broke many records. 58%, or 2.2 million, of our registered voters came out to vote, which is unprecedented. Legislators-Elect include Law Kwun Chung, Lau Siu Lai, Shiu Ka Chun and Cheng Chung Tai, who were core participants and very much involved in the 79 days of Occupy. Hongkongers have voted them into office so that they are properly mandated to continue fighting for a democratic Hong Kong, in the spirit of the Umbrella Movement. Besides, Chu Hoi Dick Eddie and Yiu Chung Yim have been civil society activists who see as their mission to deliver a fairer and more equal Hong Kong.
These six, together with other Democratic Legislators-Elect, have all openly declared frustration with what they are seeing of Hong Kong, and, to different extents and degrees, are advocating for Hongkongers to take charge of Hong Kong’s fate beyond 2047. The numbers of Democratic versus Anti-Democratic Legislators in the new Council will be 30:40. It will be politically impossible, or at least very unwise, for the CCP to ignore the voice of Hongkongers who have spoken through the ballot box and attempt to continue to suppress the Democratic Camp.
Engagement is the only reasonable way forward. The Civic Party has proposed a Hong Kong Affairs Conference, which should foot the bill in this connection and is worth serious consideration.
Just as I had told Zhang DeJiang, the President of the National People’s Congress, when we met a few months ago, the only way the CCP can prevent separatism from gaining popularity in Hong Kong is for it to deliver according to what has always been promised to Hongkongers by the Basic Law. If Xi Jinping stifles democracy even more, I can only predict that anger and frustration will grow, with separatist demands boosted.
Very soon, Hong Kong will elect 1,200 members to the Election Committee mandated to select the next Chief Executive who will assume office in 2017. The Democratic Camp is determined to win as many seats as practicable so as to be able to have a say in who is to be put at the helm for the next 5 years.
To me, Hong Kong has no luck at all if the incumbent stays on. He must go. Whoever is eyeing the top job must be able to deliver hope to especially the young, up-and-coming generations of Hong Kong and to mend the divided society with apt and timely messages capable of taking into account the public sentiments of betrayal and frustrations.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all the best and hope to continue to see you around. God Bless Hong Kong.
municipality香港 在 FAT DRAGON肥龍 Youtube 的最佳貼文
探一探動物孤兒 有羊羚 有疣豬 仲有花豹!
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municipality香港 在 芝麻高 Youtube 的最讚貼文
【Zaki Liu】
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YouTube Acc : : https://www.youtube.com/user/ZAKILIU
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