We are a close-knit group of Norwex Independent Consultants from Malaysia.
The team name is ABC for Always Be Caring. There are so many things that we care about; personal growth, loved ones, our customers, financial independence, the environment - but today, what we care about is YOU. Join our wonderful team to kickstart your meaningful and fulfilling career.
#morewexABC #gangstaNorwex
Directed and edited by Shuant Goh. @greenyourcleaning
Message any of our Norwex Independent Consultants below to find out more:
1. Aileng - https://www.instagram.com/ailengmiao
2. Trinie - https://www.instagram.com/triniebeh
3. Jing Yi - https://www.instagram.com/ginny.law
4. Eileen - https://www.instagram.com/elshopnorwex
5. Shuant Goh - https://www.instagram.com/greenyourcleaning
6. Melissa Chuah - https://www.instagram.com/melcpp
7. Gan - https://www.instagram.com/norwex_melaka
8. Cath - https://www.instagram.com/caringyourhome
9. Micheall - https://www.instagram.com/wokandkadhai
10. Cass - https://www.instagram.com/mrsgbhuller
11. Mandy - https://www.instagram.com/kch.norwex
12. Nurul - https://www.instagram.com/nurul_norwex
13. Kathryne - https://www.instagram.com/kleenwithkath
14. Racheal - https://www.instagram.com/_minimer_
15. Kristy - https://www.instagram.com/wipetastic
16. Whizzy - https://www.instagram.com/cleanhouse.goodlife
17. Janet - https://www.instagram.com/janet.wong__
18. Erony - https://www.instagram.com/cleannorwexclean
19. Marcia - https://www.instagram.com/dancewithnorwex
20. Rayleen - https://www.instagram.com/rayleentan
21. Esther - https://www.instagram.com/cleanwme_aumy
22. Cyndi - https://www.instagram.com/cyndi1411
23. Shoo Koon - https://www.instagram.com/shoo.koon
24. Kim - https://www.instagram.com/transformyourcleaning

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