(English writing below)
當時有三位員工 - 兩位華族女子,一位異族外勞男子。
這畫面非常有趣,因為幾天前,一位女讀者來訊詢問我批八字的收費。(我服務的收費都列在:www.qianyu.sg/consultations 有中文網頁功能)
但是,只拿不給,非君子所為,而是自私自利。 我也是人,自然也會需要認同感,尤其是寫的又是一些較另類的課題。
So last Sunday, I went to a plant stall to do a CNY Live.
As per my usual practice, I would always buy something from the shop if I use its premises. I don’t take advantage of other people’s businesses.
That day, I wanted to preempt the plant stall staff but in my haste to start my Live, I plain forgot about it. So the husband went about looking for a plant to buy on my behalf.
There were about three staff - two ladies and the gentleman standing behind me in this photo.
Halfway through my Live, the male staff saw the handphone screen of the Husband’s.
“Wah! It’s Live ah?” He excitedly asked the husband. “How to see?!”
“You can see on Facebook!”
The staff whipped out his mobile phone and opened the Facebook app. Then the husband typed in my profile name and what followed next was comical.
I wasn’t aware as I was very focused on presenting to my Live audience.
After the Live ended, I looked through the list of Likes to see who engaged with my video.
And I was wondering why there were some foreign names.
Then the husband told me what transpired.
Yesterday while editing the Live for my Youtube upload this week, I realised at one point in time, the staff also waved to my camera and flashed his handphone screen of my Live. 😂
I bet he somewhat understood what I said, despite it being in Mandarin.
It was an interesting moment because few days ago, a lady PM me to inquire about my Bazi consultation fee. (It’s all listed at www.qianyu.sg/consultations btw)
She told me the information in my videos were accurate and valuable.
I thanked her for telling me because I had never seen her name appeared in my engagement list.
She told me she was shy.
This reminded me of a Bazi client who told me the same thing. That client said she had always been low profile, so she did not think to Like my posts even though she benefitted from it.
I told the client:
But what if I stopped writing and filming because I received no or little affirmation from the audience?
She didn’t answered me.
I laughed and said I would not stop because I had made an aspiration in the past. I had made it my lifetime goal to keep my words.
But to be only taking and not giving is always selfish. I am human. And humans always need to feel belonged in one way or another. Even more so when I am writing about unorthodox topics.
Giving encouragement is a form of kindness and showing appreciation, be it through post engagements or telling me now.
The good thing about direct post engagement is that it benefits others, who may need the message more than us.
Since I started weekly uploads to YouTube in June, a lot more queries come in every month. A number of them know me, due to their FB friends sharing my videos on their timeline.
Thing is, their FB friend does not have a clue that they watched my video and came to seek my service.
We don’t go around telling the whole world our problems, you see.
Sometimes, it’s easier to tell a stranger who has the solutions, than a friend who can only tell you to think about happier things.
I have been posting online for 3.5 years and have met hundreds of people. Perhaps to you, it seems that I am helping people.
But like what Buddha says, the sentient beings are here to help us actualise our spiritual practice, to attain enlightenment and Buddhahood.
It is a reciprocal cycle. The more people I see, the more I realise how transient this Samsara world is. The more I write and film, the clearer I am in my thinking and aspirations.
I don't wish to have the kind of destinies I deal with, so I am more careful in my doings and thoughts. I see first-hand how greed, ignorance and anger can kill people, so I have opened up my heart to give out more love and let go of stubborn beliefs that benefit no one.
So thank you to you, you and you for helping me to be a better person and giving me a holy purpose in this life. I have never been happier in my entire lifetime and I want to do this for as long as I live.
I hope I can do the same for you, so that you will do the same for others too.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Kye923,也在其Youtube影片中提到,https://fb.com/kye923 最近看到的手機 App 【 Ditty 】 好有趣自己也來玩玩 (′~`;)...
mobile number中文 在 歐洲大丈夫 Bonjour Jerry Facebook 的最佳貼文
🇬🇧 #倫敦大丈夫 🇬🇧 英國打工度假常見Q&A
英國打工度假(Youth Mobility Scheme, YMS)已經實施多年,對於準備參加或者考慮參加的台灣朋友們,大家一定會有很多疑慮,這篇文章整理出大家常有的問題給大家參考。
🇬🇧 英國打工度假長度多久?幾年呢?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假資格為何?有哪些條件呢?
須為中華民國國民,在國內設有戶籍並領有國民身分證,年滿18歲至30歲。持有效期6個月以上之中華民國護照。男性須役畢或免役。至少有1,890英鎊存款。 打工度假期限不超過2年。
🇬🇧 英國打工度假年齡限制?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假的人數?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假的申請時間?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假財力證明怎麼辦?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假對英文程度要求多高?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假申請準備資料?
其實申請抽籤非常的簡單,只要寄送email即可。2018年根據官網指示:郵件標題/主題欄必須明列與申請人護照資料一致的英文姓名,出生日期(日/月/西元年)及護照號碼。範例如下:FAN Janet – 31/01/1990 – Passport123456789。申請電子郵件之內文則需包括以下資訊(申請電子郵件請用英文,切勿使用中文):姓名(name)、出生日期(date of birth)、護照號碼(passport number)、遞交簽證申請的居住所在地(例如:臺灣)(country to submit the application)、個人手機號碼(mobile phone number)。
🇬🇧 英國打工度假申請寄信寄到哪個email?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假要找代辦?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假可以延期或放棄?
最慢入境英國時間為簽證付款後六個月內需要生效,生效後的有效期間為三十天,必須於這三十天內入境英國取得居民卡,不得超過這時間。至於抽籤後要放棄簽證是可以的,可以聯繫International Enquiry Centre,有申請放棄並不會影響下次的抽籤資格。
🇬🇧 英國打工度假準備多少錢?
🇬🇧 英國打工度假保險怎麼保?
🇬🇧 行前準備哪些東西?
當然要帶上你的護照,訂機票及前幾週的飯店或民宿首。建議行李不要帶太多,除了個人習慣用英國買不到的特殊亞洲產品,基本上英國超市價格很划算,甚至很多東西都比台灣便宜,衣服在當地從很便宜(例如價格低到令人不可置信的Primark)到很貴名牌都可以買得到,一般台灣冬天衣服可能不夠保暖,可以在英國購買大衣禦寒,英國電話卡可以在台灣就先購買,3 sim卡是很便宜的選擇,可以直接在超商加值,等到有銀行卡再換月租方案或者轉移電信公司也可以。有些人如果找的工作比較敏感需要身世清白的,可以先在台灣去各地警察總局申請英文良民證。
🇬🇧 打工度假要去哪座城市?
🇬🇧 哪裡可以找到英國打工度假訊息?
🇬🇧 進英國海關要注意什麼?
🇬🇧 BRP是什麼?
BRP是Biometric Residence Permit的縮寫,也就是生物識別居留許可,也就是你的英國居留卡,每個住在英國的外國人都有這張身份證明,這張卡片載有你的指紋和居留訊息,必須在入境一個月內去當初線上簽證申請時的指定英國郵局領取。
🇬🇧 NI number是什麼?
NI number指的是National Insurance Number,就是健保號碼,在英國沒有健保卡,看病時要提供這組號碼,工作時公司也會跟你要NI number,你每個月薪水都會有一部分扣除繳交健保費用。進入英國,領取BRP卡並且有居住地址就可以打電話(0800 141 2075或0800 141 2438)去申請,有些人會被要求要去面試,有些幸運的只要填寫資料申請即可(不過據說現在外國人都要面試了)。
🇬🇧 怎麼銀行開戶?
英國開銀行帳戶很麻煩,每個銀行要求資料不同,不過大部分都要你雙證件,通常是護照及BRP卡,另外還要地址證明,如果已經有租處,就提供水電帳單(通常手機帳單不行),或者NI number寄給你的信件上有你住址,但也有銀行不接受這個。所以在還沒有BRP卡、NI碼和租屋之前,銀行開戶難度就特別高。
🇬🇧 英國打工度假有哪些工作限制?
🇬🇧 英國工作好找嗎?
🇬🇧 英國打工通常薪資大概多少?
🇬🇧 英國有沒有哪些像104或1111的求職網站?
英國求職網站非常多,隨便舉幾個Reed, CV library, Monster, TotalJobs, Jobsite, Glassdoor,上google搜尋就有非常多,建議每個網站都去登入自己的履歷,增加自己的機會。
🇬🇧 英國CV要怎麼寫?
🇬🇧 英國怎麼看醫生?
🍷 記得將我的專頁設定為搶先看,才不會錯過我的分享!
🍷 Instagram: www.instagram.com/bonjour.jerry/
🍷 website: https://bonjourjerry.com/
🍷 上網搜尋🔍「歐洲大丈夫」也可以找到我其他發表文章
🍷 購買書籍【巴黎大丈夫:一個旅法男子的巴黎生活X文化觀察筆記】https://goo.gl/cVGmzn
mobile number中文 在 陳星合 Facebook 的最讚貼文
(Master Degree in Computer Science - Johns Hopkins University at Laurel, MD)
Diego 17歲 Paula 13 歲 Alonzo 12 歲
Felizi 8 歲 Matteo 6 歲
九月,Diego , Paula, Alonzo進入惠文高中寄讀
Contact Information
Postal: Lane 400, Unit 11, Section 2, Nantun Road, Nantun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 408
Email: tirizar@gmail.com
Phone number: 0908 979 417
LinkedIn Profile: http://pr.linkedin.com/pub/tommy-irizarry/25/16/815
Diego violin in a quartet:
Diego violin Doble de Bach:
Diego plays piano Clair de Lune:
You can see some other videos in this YouTube channel:
Summary of qualifications
Software developer for private industries and government agencies. Proficient web developer using classic ASP code, standard html, CSS and SQL Server for data storage. Web server administrator and SharePoint Power User.
Android developer
Certified Ethical Hacker
Programming / Markup languages: HTML, XML, ASP, PHP, CSS, JavaScript/AJAX/JQuery, experience with Java, C++ and C.
Mobile development: Java, Android, Android Studio.
Technologies / Tools: IIS 6.0/7.5, SQL Server, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Microsoft SharePoint 2007/2010, Microsoft Office suite including InfoPath, Access, Excel, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, Facebook Advertising, Microsoft SharePoint Designer, Inquisite Surveys.
Since November 2016-current
Enterprise Iron
Principal consultant – Web Developer
Worked on the redesign efforts of the secure site for an international financial client. Applied responsive design principles using the Bootstrap framework while creating modular, reusable components of the code. Analyzed web page dependencies and identified legacy unused pages in the system.
Since November 2015-current
e-Nabler Corporation
Android developer – Professional Services Contract
Developed Java code for the eMobilePOS and Tupyx apps for their Android versions.
Since October 2013-November 2014 TEK Systems
Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
Continued supporting Veteran’s Affairs IT systems, including managing SharePoint 2010 systems and supporting databases. We identified issues with several databases including the management of IIS and SharePoint logs which were consuming many recourses and in a couple of occasions made the systems unavailable.
Enabled and configured space monitoring tools in the SharePoint server farms.
Since November 2011-September 2013 Centuria Corporation
Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
Developed a training registration web site that has been tweaked and used multiple times for different registration purposes, including new telephone system training, and scheduling software upgrades of encryption on laptops and upgrades to Apple Mac OS. The system uses a web front end and a SQL back end.
Performed a routine web server maintenance tasks including monitoring traffic logs, identifying and archiving sites no longer in use, evaluating tools to assist in the management of the web server.
Administered and migrated the FTP server from Windows 2003 Server / IIS 6 into Windows 2008 R2 Server / IIS 7.5. Configured new sites to support general operations within the VA Intranet.
Maintained and enhanced legacy sites, modifying forms and reports in needs to be updated. This includes modification and creation of site in the Enterprise Content Management System used at the VA.
Assisted other team members in various tasks including the creating or modification of surveys in the Inquisite system, and also the migration of some surveys into SharePoint, the modification of an Access application.
December 2001 – August 2011
Systems & System Software Solutions
Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
Mr. Irizarry developed a web based application for the State Home Per Diem Office, which manages millions of dollars in payments to the state homes, to replace an Access database. The Access database was converted to MS SQL Server database and all data was migrated successfully. He created a web based interface using the standard VA intranet look and feel. He also developed a custom interface for each of the 3 roles (CBO, VAMC and VISN). Tools were built for the administrator to view current reports, view missing reports lists, and configure many parameters in the application. The VAMC report form was heavily automated using jQuery to perform auto calculations, increasing data validation and saving time to the users. After the application was launched users commented frequently about how user friendly is the new interface and about the time savings. Tasks that will take 2 hours to be completed now take 15 minutes. We have close to 12,000 reports in the system.
There were various requests to the IT office for a web based training registration system of different types. Mr. Irizarry developed a registration system which was later used for the following projects: Take your child to work day, New Telephone system training registration, Laptop Hard Drive encryption software upgrade among others.
Developed an alternate cascading style sheet for SharePoint 2007, converting the out of the box look and feel to the Department of Veterans Affairs standard website look and feel.
After one of the VA’s laptops was stolen Mr. Irizarry worked to develop a Risk Assessment web based application. He created an Excel template which management will upload to an FTP server with information and details about remote employee access and the sensibility of the data accessed by those users. He also created VB Scripts to validate those Excel files an upload that information into an MS SQL database. Reports for upper management in Central Office were then created which prompted management to enforce stronger security measures, like hard drives encryption. In total more than 500,000 records were processed for the reports.
Administration of IIS 6.0 web server and MS SQL Server databases used in our websites.
Wrote migration scripts to move IIS 6.0 sites into a new IIS 7.5 server
Designed, developed and maintained multi-tier applications for the Veterans Health Administration. Most of the sites access a MS-SQL Server database, use cascade style sheets and ASP server side processing. The sites were developed using Adobe/Macromedia tools like Fireworks, and Dreamweaver.
Installed BlackBerry wireless email devices and trained users on the basic device usage.
Web developer for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Redesigned and modified web pages to make them compliant with the Section 508 guidelines. Tested validation tools that verify if web pages are “Section 508” compliant. Section 508 are guidelines that must be followed by all government agencies and points to which government resources must be make accessible to people with disabilities, i.e. blind, deaf, etc.
November 1999 - December 2001
Compaq Computer Corporation
Consulting Associate II
Design and develop the XOOB (Xevo out of the box) Web user interface. XOOB uses COM+, ASP, XML, XSL and JavaScript to provide a web user interface to the Xevo Workbench Platform based on the role associated with the user. Development was done using Visual Studio tools, IIS and XMLSpy.
Develop Active Server Pages for the Helpdesk solution for the PrimusASP project.
Design and code an ActiveX component that serves as the bridge between the Compaq ASP Framework and the Infranet billing system for Primus. Supported integration with other components of our framework.
Design, code and troubleshoot software for the Primus ASP (Application Service Provider) project. Software includes a DLL and various VB programs that run as NT Services, which are key components of the Compaq ASP framework.
June 1998 – October 1999
National Security Agency
Computer Scientist
Mr. Irizarry worked for as a software developer for the TOKENEER project. TOKENEER is a test platform for the integration of smart cards, biometrics (fingerprint, hand, iris and facial recognition) and a public key infrastructure. Development was done on Windows NT workstations using Visual C++ and Visual SourceSafe for source control. Mr. Irizarry used an SDK to capture and match fingerprints against a database of fingerprints. He also created software to created some statistics of “False Accepts and False Reject Rates” of the fingerprint. He also worked with other team members to identify which fingerprints characteristics could affect those rates. He then added error detection functions to the fingerprint recognition software to identify corrupted files of fingerprint images
Conducted research for methods to add security services to an off-the-shelf computer.
Developed C code to process fax data on an UltraSparc/SunOS station.
Wrote software to generate a daily report of traffic load in a telephone switch by analyzing the switch logs.
Certified Ethical Hacker – 03/28/2014
Master Degree in Computer Science - May, 2001 Johns Hopkin
mobile number中文 在 Koodo 中文服務- How to block a number on an iPhone 的美食出口停車場
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