A key piece for the founding couturier in defining the decorative aesthetic of his couture house at 30 Avenue Montaigne, the gracefully feminine form of the Louis XVI-style medallion chair has inspired a wealth of Dior designs since. Now this House icon is the subject of a Dior Maison project at the Salone del Mobile fair in Milan for which 17 international designers - from Seungjin Yang and Martino Gamper to India Mahdavi, Linde Freya Tangelder and Tokujin Yoshioka - were given carte blanche to reinterpret this timeless piece. Discover more on.dior.com/medaillonchair-21.
© Marion Berrin, Sungmin Kim, Tanya Traboulsi, Yuto Kudo, Valentin Hennequin, Ken Ngan, Ayesha Kazim, Nick Van Tiem
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【Startup之Low Tech撈嘢】
流動QB House攞英國初創獎,爭...咩...笨
早幾日英國Home Office公布咗Tier 1嘅審批機構名單,咁可以話整個程序同要求已經完整公開。對於Startup同Innovator兩種簽證嘅睇法,有啲人揼心揼肺,後悔當日無用舊制申請T1E,而另一邊,就有啲朋友就興致勃勃,磨拳擦掌。其實初創嘅嘢,邊個話一定高科技?英國就有個年青人就將速剪加Uber,攞咗個初創獎。咁仲唔係「撈埋一齊做瀨尿牛丸」嘅好例子?
雖然呢個年青人嘅初創唔關移民或者T1 Startup或者Innovator事,但係佢攞嘅係University of Sussex學生創業家年獎,而呢間大學正正就係Tier 1 Startup嘅其中一個Endorsing Bodies。咁有無參考價值?如果佢係申請T1 Startup,大家覺得佢嘅Business Plan會唔會批?
其實佢間Trim-It公司概念好簡單,因為佢之前學過剪髮,而覺得城市人好忙,唔得閒去Barber Shop,咁就用部改裝嘅貨Van變成流動速剪(即係地鐵QB House加Gogo Van)。係咪好有親切感呢?初頭用Social Media宣傳,之後整個App比人book時間地點,結果就瀨尿蝦加牛丸變咗個「掂」字。依家佢仲用年薪三四萬鎊請人擴充車隊,如果代入T1 Innovator嘅話,連啲業務發展要求都符合埋㗎。
所以講黎講去就係肯用下個腦,肯了解下個市場,加埋自己嘅經驗同長處,邊個話要高科技上太空?邊個話Low Tech搞唔掂?
Mobile barbering: 'It's like Uber, but for haircuts'