因為週三是全家人一起七點就出門. 我也得上班.那天是我兒子的化學Abitur考試.
車子上的廣播每天都會根據當天Abitur考的項目當談話主題. 兩位主持人邊聊邊笑. 並且出題目給大家動動腦. 那天被問的主持人不知道答案. 自我解嘲說: 我Abitur沒選化學.
這好像就是只有在這裡從小到大受這裡的教育及生活習慣影響, 才會有相同的話題, 才會有的同高度的笑點.
( 結果, 老爺沒認真聽. 因為這個廣播從周五的德文考試就已經開始了!
老爺周一載兩小去上學. 下午下班回來時我請他載我去超市. 他問我兒子那天的Abitur考得如何? 他說他聽到廣播講那天考的是物理. 他想到自己物理考試早早就寫完交卷. 就是一整個提當年勇.
兒子去了學校才發現那天考物理, 而他根本不用考物理🤣🤣🤣
我故意不告訴老爺. 請他自己問兒子考得如何?
老爺問: 那你在學校做甚麼?
兒子: 能做甚麼. 當然就回家了啊! 🤣🤣🤣
前天的化學考試兒子說他提早兩小時離開教室了. 化學對他來說比德文輕鬆有把握很多. 感覺想跟老爸一別苗頭.
考化學還會有操作考.一間教室有三個考生. 考官會看你的操作.
這讓我想到我的醫生朋友. 這些年從她新生到萊比錫醫學院就讀直到去年她考上醫師執照. 我當了她學生時期的語言交換學伴. 每次有考試我都會問怎麼考的.他們的操作考試也很有趣. 是請專業的演員來演病人. 你必須經由詢問與觸診來判定這個人的真正疾病. 當然是在考官面前.
總覺得德國人對於" 實習" 與" 模擬考試" 這件事做得很徹底. 就連考駕照都是真正上路路考. 麵包師傅的學徒制也不容小覷. 這也是每個職業都有他自己的專業. 都很難半路出師的原因. 就算你會. 也得有那些包含實習時數與成績才能得到的證照才可以工作.
今天Abi考的是英語. 廣播上出的題目是American dream的定義. 選擇題. 主持人答對. 我把這段從wiki找到的文字貼上來. 這是1931年由一位作家與歷史學家James Truslow Adams 所說的 "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement"
我覺得所謂的美國夢其實也不是美國人才有....但當時( 現在不知道) 的狀況真的是努力就會有金錢回饋的感覺....
因為下雨, 老爺載女兒去上學. 結果他也在聽這個廣播....
廣播說今天考英文. 為什麼兒子不用考?
搞半天, 他的年代是每科都要考! 所以從周一老爺就完全是狀況外到周五! 兒子只考三科會不會太輕鬆😅😅😅
第一張照片是坐在車上照到的. 目前麥田休耕改種的油菜花....
本來昨天想進FB 的. 但是先看了台灣新聞後覺得好恐怖. 整個心情很差.一點都不想打中文...
我國中同學的母親被酒駕肇事不治身亡的新聞一直出現. 新聞出現台中的場景. 我父母也住東興路那條路上.....
比較讓人心疼的是黃同學因為政治觀點. 有人說是報應的新聞也在其中....
這點, 就讓我很怕了....
所謂的Karma 報應. 因果論其實都是比較宗教性的詞彙. 在台灣的社會中. 那個" 活該" 的說法. 比用器官或是非人所養的髒話來得嚴重. 在我的教育及生活中. 我們家是不會說那些髒話的. 所以對於髒話很無感. 但是對於這種報應論會覺得有種讓人難以接受且近乎頭暈目眩的無力感.
在我的感覺中. 這是我對於台灣社會最懼怕的一件事....
這要談到我之前和女兒談心的時候所說的話. 我女兒是一個很需要大家肯定的小孩. 我了解她非常需要人讚美. 回到台灣, 很多人都會誇她越長大越漂亮, 但, 我在這一點上從來沒有讚美過她.
不過有一點是不能改變的. 那就是每個父母都不會覺得自己的小孩是醜八怪. 雖然外人當然會有不同觀點.
只是. 那是生出來就這樣的! 那是你生出來就帶著的牌. 不管被發到好牌還是爛牌. 怎麼玩出一場精采的人生賭局是你自己掌握. 不見得被發到好牌的都會贏. 我記得我國中同學有很多" 人生勝利組" 但是自己的人生失去家族或外貌的光環呢?
你的外貌, 你的智商都是與生俱來.
所以我從不會對著我的小孩說妳長得好漂亮, 你實在好聰明這樣的話.
Hast du Prima gemacht!
也就是通過你的" 努力" 不是靠" 天生" . 把事情做得很好!
而不是誇獎你頭腦真好. 你真聰明. 或是告訴他你長得可愛長得美才會做得好....
雖然, 當我們在這個世界上打滾得夠久. 就可以知道社會上甚麼都有比較級. 長得美長得英俊甚至家裡有錢就" 比較" 吃香.... 但是, 萬一那個外在的條件不見了呢? 這時可能當初受那種" 天生" 讚美薰陶的人就會想到報應. 因果論.... 然後這種人就比較可能一厥不振.
昨天跟我小妹談到這一點. 她說她大學有個教授說, 30歲以前的外表是父母給的. 30歲以後的外貌是自己給的. 照照鏡子. 想想你要活到幾歲.
只是我覺得, 我們當父母的, 應該要給小孩的是會影響一生的性格及生活態度. 那就是盡量讓他們知道並懂得在不需要比較之下就能感覺甚麼叫滿足. 什麼是單純的快樂. 這樣他們一生才會活得幸福. 你說不是嗎?
請那些講報應論的, 照照鏡子. 想想自己!
對~ 我真的就是太難過了. 因為我爸就是早上3點起床很早出門去走操場的七十多歲老人... 但真的就要這樣打電話回家叫他不要去走操場嗎? 我想了一整天....
回台灣, 除了現實上很難. 心理上其實也有一種懼怕.....
等一下還要去菜市場買這兩個水果. 我一直期許自己能用當地吃當季. 但實在太久沒回去. 所以最近比較花大錢吃外地來的水果.
一個是我小時候家裡就有隨便丟種子隨便長的木瓜. 另一個當然就是大家都知道的鳳梨....
住德國的朋友如果看到這個牌子的鳳梨. 應該可以買來試試看. 這是我買過最甜的鳳梨. 一次買了兩顆. 都很甜. 所以切第二顆就請老爺昨天帶回去給我婆婆吃了. 另外的木瓜是我從沒買過的空運木瓜. 也是一半帶著籽分給我婆婆. 因為我婆婆是個甚麼都想種種看的人. 我覺得她有可能會把木瓜籽拿來種種看.😅😅😅
我們家真的很喜歡全酪奶的吐司. 這一條帶蓋吐司用的是德國的淡色全穀粉. https://www.aurora-mehl.de/produkte/alle-mehle/helles-vollkornmehl
1. Helles Vollkornmehl ( Aurora, 12% 蛋白質) 45%
2. Weizenmehl405( 低礦物質粉. 12.8%蛋白質) 55%
3. 酪奶 78%
4. 白糖 5% 22 g
5. 鹽 1.8% 8 g
6. 椰子油 7% 30 g
7. 鮮酵 2% 8 g
跟這個食譜一樣的做法. 最後秤量麵糰種量是790g 放2840 ml 的一斤半吐司模
但是後發放29度. 1小時30分鐘
麵包開蓋後發現縮得很厲害. 但確實有滿模. 你可以看到切面頂部的吐司邊烤色就可以知道. 麵包香Q好吃!
另一個是很久沒做的脆皮. 這是我前一天做的. 但沒有很滿意. 3.3 容積比.
1. 40% Emmermehl1300 65%水量硬種
2. 100% Weizenmehl 405 ( 12.8% 蛋白質低礦物小麥粉)
3. 5% 糖
4. 7% 椰子油
5. 2% 鹽
6. 0.3% 鮮酵 ( 2840ml 用1 g)
7. 芝麻兩大匙
混合後休息半小時. 整形放模具. 28度後發6小時. 上面噴水以低溫起步的方式烤 我覺得有點特別. 整個麵包白白霧霧的. 顏色不深. 縱使我沒有蓋鋁箔紙烤完全程....
最後當然還有最近會拿來當小零食的低醣泡芙. 用的是之前的做法...
還沒想要公布食譜. 但這個顏色很特別. 因為亞麻子有兩種不同的顏色. 當然亞麻籽粉也有不同顏色可以跟之前的比比看:
真抱歉~ 今天滿滿負能量. 但我真的消化一天還是脹得難受!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Andy Dark,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【同遊異輯 COLLAGE #2 | 3款高級牛扒醬汁】 ⭐跟埋John Rocha 學做兩款配菜! ⭐Check out John's video and learn how to make two side dishes! ▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/QAzpPo22X10 ...
ml to g中文 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 的最讚貼文
📌 豉油雞
📌 砵仔糕
蘋果膠中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉
材料: 光雞一隻,薑.蔥.乾蔥頭.老抽二湯匙,片糖半塊,半碗紹興酒或一至二湯匙玫瑰露,細半碗生抽
1 洗淨雞放滾水中淥一淥後即放冷水中過冷河(雞身較爽)
English Version
Soya Sauce Chicken in a Rice Cooker
(YouTube video starts at 4:30 )
Whole chicken - 1
Ginger slices
Cinnamon stick
Bay leaf
Star anise - 1
Garlic, optional
Green onion - 2 bunches (1 bunch for the cavity of chicken. 1 bunch to put in the rice cooker inner pot.)
Dark soya sauce - 2 tbsp
Shaoxing wine - ½ a bowl (or you can use Chinese rose wine but only use 1 – 2 tbsp due to the strong taste)
Light soya sauce - ½ a bowl
Chinese brown sugar - ½ a slab (or you can use Chinese rock sugar but less richer in flavour)
1. In a pot of boiling water, grab the whole chicken by the neck and dip it into the boiling water a couple of times and lastly submerge the chicken head into the boiling water. With a pair of chopsticks, secure the chicken neck and transfer to pot of ice-cold water or flush cold water in the sink to stop the cooking process.
This step will result in firm skin texture, to prevent the chicken skin from breaking, and to better absorb the color from the dark soya sauce.
2. Gently pat dry the whole interior and exterior of the chicken with paper towel.
3. Chop both chicken feet to prevent them from sticking out from the rice cooker. Set aside.
4. In a bowl, add in the whole chicken and coat the exterior and interior of the chicken with dark soya sauce. Stuff a bunch of green onion and two big slices of ginger into the cavity of the chicken. Set aside.
5. In a heated wok, add in less than a tbsp of oil, shallots, ginger slices, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, and fry until fragrant and slightly charred then transfer to the rice cooker inner pot.
6. Add the chicken feet and the whole dark soya sauce coated chicken into the rice cooker inner pot with the chicken breast facing down. Add in Shaoxing wine, light soya sauce, 1 bunch of green onion, and Chinese brown sugar. This step is done or you can take an extra step to heat up the sauce in a pan. Pour all the sauce out from the rice cooker inner pot into a pan and bring to boil then return the sauce to the rice cooker inner pot.
7. Put it in the rice cooker and cook for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes flip the whole chicken over on its side and cook for further 5 minutes for each side for a total of 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, TURN OFF the heat and let the chicken sit in the rice cooker for further 10 minutes. Total cooking time 30 minutes.
8. Let the chicken cool for 20 to 30 minutes before cutting into pieces. Pour the liquid from the rice cooker to a cooking pot and bring to a boil and let it reduce to a thick sauce. Drizzle sauce over chicken. Serve.
📌 牛肩胛一碟(按照自己份量需要)
📌 薑一至兩片
📌 葱兩至三棵
📌 辣椒適量
📌 鼓油半碗
📌 麻油一茶匙
📌 生粉少許
📌 酒一湯匙
📌 清水
1. 薑片切條再切粒。
2. 開火煲滾熱水,把薑粒和酒放入煲內,煮滾。
3. 牛肩胛一片片分開,加入生粉撈均。
4. 葱切絲用水稍浸,之後瀝乾。辣椒切片或粒,之後和葱撈均。
5. 用碗把鼓油,麻油和少許步驟4的葱和辣椒,撈均。
6. 準備一隻碟,放入步驟4剩餘大半的葱和辣椒鋪底,備用。
7. 牛肩胛一片片放入煲中,灼大約10-15秒。
8. 把牛肩胛放在已鋪底的碟上,之後再次鋪上步驟4餘下的葱和辣椒在面。
9. 最後倒入已調味的鼓油(步驟5),即成。
English Version
Poached Beef Chuck Slices
(YouTube video starts at 30:15)
Beef chunk slices
Ginger - diced
Shaoxing wine - 1 tbsp
Spring onion - wash, soak in water and rinse well
Fresh red chilli
Dipping sauce ingredients:
Light soya sauce
Fresh red chilli
Sesame oil
Green onion
1. On a plate, separate the beef chuck slices and mix thoroughly with corn starch. This is to make the meat more tender.
2. In a dipping bow, add in light soya sauce, sesame oil, fresh red chilli, green onion, and mix well. Set aside.
3. In a cooking pot, add in water, diced ginger, Shaoxing wine, and bring to a boil. Add in the beef chuck slices and poach them briefly and transfer them to a serving plate covered with green onion and red chilli pieces. Garnish with more green onion and serve with dipping sauce or drizzle dipping over the plate. Serve.
70 g 粘米粉
85 ml水
150ml 水
紅豆(早一晚浸過夜,然後用水浸過紅豆煲滾至熟,不要開蓋,焗一個鐘, 盛起紅豆備用)
1) 先把小碗輕輕掃油,蒸熱
2) 粘米粉,粟粉放在碗來,先放入1/3的85ml水入碗內,用手把水搓入粉內,再加入1/3的水、將水搓入粉內至成團,再加入餘下的水,搓均,放一旁備用
3) 切碎棷糖及片糖,放入煲內,加入150ml 水,煲至糖完全溶解
4) 糖水大滾後,先再拌勻粉漿,然後分三次把已煑滾糖水撞入粉漿,邊撞,邊攪拌至糖水完全加入
4) 把紅豆分入已蒸熱的小碗內,然後倒入粉漿
5) 用保鮮紙包蓋著小碗
Red Bean Pudding (“Put Chai Ko”)
(YouTube video starts at 14:08)
Rice flour - 70g
Corn starch/flour - 1 tbsp
Water - 85ml
Red bean - 50g – 60g (soak overnight, cook till tender and leave the lid on to cook further without the heat. This will preserve their shapes and still tender inside.)
Sugar mixture ingredients:
Palm sugar &/or Chinese brown sugar - 60g a small piece (crush into tiny pieces)
Water - 150ml
Water - 1 tsp, optional (larger pieces of sugar will take longer to melt so add an additional 1 tsp of water to the melted mixture to make up for the evaporated water.)
1. In a heat-proof mixing bowl, add in rice flour, and corn starch. Slowly add in a bit of water and knead well to let the rice flour absorb the water and MUST form a dough like texture then add a bit more water and continue to knead until the rice flour has absorbed the water and becomes dough like texture again. Continue with this process until the water is finished. Set aside.
This kneading process will give a firm, bouncy texture to the pudding whereas simple mixing all the ingredients together without this kneading process will be soft and sticky.
2. Prepare 6 small bowls. Brush each with a bit of oil and steam them. Steamed bowls will cook batter evenly.
3. In a cooking pot, add in palm sugar, Chinese brown sugar, water, and cook until sugar has melted. Optional to add 1 tsp of water if sugar takes longer to melt and more water has evaporated. Bring to a boil.
4. Add boiling melted sugar mixture into Step 1 rice flour mixture and mix well. Set aside.
5. To assemble, add the red bean first to the 6 small steamed bowls. With a ladle, add and divide mixture from Step 4 evenly among the 6 small bowls. Make sure to keep stirring the mixture each time you add to the small bowl to avoid the sugar and rice flour mixture from separating.
6. Cover the bowls with plastic wrap and steam 20 minutes.
7. Let puddings cool before removing the bowls. Insert skewers into the sides of the puddings. Serve.
ml to g中文 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最讚貼文
【同遊異輯 COLLAGE #2 | 3款高級牛扒醬汁】
⭐跟埋John Rocha 學做兩款配菜!
⭐Check out John's video and learn how to make two side dishes!
▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/QAzpPo22X10
我與John Rocha的合作項目 「同遊異輯 COLLAGE」也算終於開始啦。第一集就有我們分別製作出兩款配菜和三種醬汁去配襯牛扒。
亦在此感謝Marble Prime送上片中的安格斯黑牛扒給我們試食!
-- 紅酒醬汁 Red Wine Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs
蒜蓉 White wine | 2 cloves
紅酒 Red wine | 100 ml
牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml
牛油 Butter | 10 g
麵粉 Flour | 10 g
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入油、乾蔥碎和蒜蓉炒香。加入紅酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。
2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。
3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。放入醬汁裡攪拌。調味。煮數分鐘汁稠身。完成!
1. Turn on the heat, pour some oil into the pot and saute the chopped shallots and garlic. Add the red wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.
2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.
3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season it. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken. Done!
-- 蕎頭忌廉醬汁 Chinese Onion Cream Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
蕎頭 Chinese onion | 3 pcs
白酒 White wine | 100 ml
牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml
牛油 Butter | 10 g
麵粉 Flour | 10 g
淡忌廉 | 100 ml
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入蕎頭碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。
2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。
3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。調味。放入醬汁裡攪拌。煮數分鐘汁稠身。
4. 關火,倒入淡忌廉。攪至均勻並完成。
1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped Chinese onion and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.
2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.
3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season well. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken.
4. Turn off the stove. Pour in the cream and mix well. Done!
-- 賓尼士醬 Bearnaise Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs
龍蒿 Tarragon | 1 stalk
白酒 White wine | 100 ml
檸檬 Lemon | 1 pc
雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc
澄清牛油 Clarified Butter | 150 g
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入乾蔥碎、龍蒿碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把水分收至約1湯匙份量。倒出隔渣,把精華放涼備用。
2. 之後在熱水上放上一隻碗,放入蛋黃和精華。開始拂打。之後,一邊加入溶化的澄清牛油,一邊繼續拂打,至達到像蛋黃醬的濃稠度便可。
3. 再放入調味和龍蒿碎,拌勻便成!
1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped shallot, tarragon and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce to a tablespoon of liquid. Strain it, and reserve the liquid.
2. Place a bowl over a bain-marie, put the yolk and the liquid into the bowl. Start whisking it, while slowly adding the clarified butter. Keep doing it until the consistency becomes something similar to the texture of a mayonnaise.
3. Season it and add some more chopped tarragon. Mix well. Done!
ᴀɴᴅʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋ
▶ ????????: Andy Dark | @chefandydark
▶ ?????????: @Andy_Dark
▶ ???????: https://www.youtube.com/AndyDark/
▶ ?????: contact@andydark.hk
ᴊᴏʜɴ ʀᴏᴄʜᴀ
▶ ????????: John Rocha鹹蝦燦 | @johnrochacooking
▶ ?????????: @johnrochacooking
▶ ???????: http://www.youtube.com/JohnRochaCooking
▶ ?????: eurasianfoodjourney@gmail.com
ml to g中文 在 Nora Hsu- Barrel Leaf Youtube 的精選貼文
最近在台灣還是覺得有一點冷,來分享 2 道全植的暖心蔬食料理食譜!
I'm still feeling the cold weather in Taiwan, so here are 2 cozy vegan meal recipes!
❤ Nora
✗ 我的食譜電子書 (限時優惠)- http://bit.ly/nora-ebook-bundle
» Why & How I became Vegan - https://youtu.be/Jtjf87f7s4Y
» 我如何變成全植飲食者 - https://youtu.be/Jtjf87f7s4Y
• Instagram: barrelleaf
• E-mail: nora@barrelleaf.com
• Facebook - http://fb.me/barrelleafstoastnotebook
• Website - https://www.barrelleaf.com/
✗ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/barrelleaf
RECIPES 食譜 [中文於英文下方]
#1 Rosé Sauce Lentil Stew - http://bit.ly/vegan-lentil-stew-en
#2 Japanese Potato Curry
1/2 Tbsp oil
1.5 Tbsp brown rice flour https://iherb.co/MgtSWpUv
1/4 large onion
1/2 medium carrots
A slice of ginger
1 huge garlic clove (or 2-3 small ones)
2 potatoes ~200g
1/2 apples
100 g mushrooms
salt, to taste
ground black pepper, to taste
2 Tbsp curry powder
1 tsp Garam Masala, optional
1/8 tsp clove
1/4 tsp cinnamon
350 ml vegetable stock or water, plus more if needed
2-3 tsp coconut amino https://iherb.co/hMqDwptn
#1 全植粉紅醬扁豆燉煮 - http://bit.ly/rose-lentil-stew
#2 日式馬鈴薯咖哩
1/2 Tbsp 油
1.5 Tbsp 糙米粉 https://iherb.co/MgtSWpUv
1/4 大洋蔥
1/2 中型紅蘿蔔
1 塊薑片
1 個超大蒜瓣 (或 2-3 小個)
2 顆馬鈴薯 ~200 g
1/2 顆蘋果
100 g 任一種菇
鹽, 試味道添加
黑胡椒, 試味道添加
2 Tbsp 咖哩粉
1 tsp 瑪莎拉, 非必要
1/8 tsp 丁香粉
1/4 tsp 肉桂粉
350 ml 蔬菜高湯或水, 視情況再添加
2-3 tsp 椰香調味醬 https://iherb.co/hMqDwptn
• Food processor - https://amzn.to/2WyvG0N
• Blender - https://amzn.to/2WXFKBY
• Blender Container - https://amzn.to/2PIjGHG
• Grinder - https://amzn.to/2NOsaf2
• Sauté Pan - https://amzn.to/2ntgnLc
• Air-tight containers - https://amzn.to/2K87U9V
• Mason jars - https://amzn.to/2WPofUj
• My Kitchen Staples - https://www.barrelleaf.com/shop/
常用器具 (2019)
• 食物處理機 - http://bit.ly/nora-magimix
• 調理機 - https://amzn.to/2WXFKBY
• 小調理杯 - https://amzn.to/2PIjGHG
• 研磨機 - https://shopsquare.co/2a1sv
• 不沾炒鍋 - http://bit.ly/woll-28-pan
• 密封盒 - https://igrape.net/2U_TZ
• 密封罐 - https://ibestfun.net/2Q_aC
I often buy ingredients on iHerb
Get 5-10% Off with Code: MOK5777
我常在 iHerb 上採買食材
用折扣碼 MOK5777 享 9-95 折
• 常用器具 & 食材 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/shop/
• 常見問答 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/recipe-measurement/
• iHerb 購物︱經驗&開箱 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/iherb-first-buy/
• iHerb 購物 9-95折折扣碼「MOK5777」- http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=MOK5777
• 音樂 - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mcrmf4/
Music - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mcrmf4/
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