#背包客愛分享 #澳洲當地趣事
只要到了🇦🇺澳洲9月就是 #Magpie (鵲)繁殖的季節,牠們為了保護小孩就會隨機攻擊路人。
然而澳洲人又超愛戶外運動跑步🏃♀️、腳踏車🚴🚲等等,所以有時候會看到有些人騎腳踏車帶著安全帽,其安全帽上方有一個類似天線的東西,就是為了防止magpie 直接攻擊到他們的安全帽。#覺得幽默哈哈哈 #什麼都可以笑的背包客
Go Amber!!! 'Amber and Billo's' from #starFM in beautiful #mildura wanted to test what could keep those swooping magpies away. We know one thing for sure Amber is a tonne braver than any of us and as she has found out for all us "THE EYES DON'T WORK"!!!
Make sure to be on the lookout for our #magpie mates this #aussie #swooping season and try and wear a helmet if you know there about because if ol' mate manages to dig that beak in, #painAWAY products can't be used on open wounds peeps!!! All credits of this ripper vid go to Michael Billings. Make sure to check him out for more of his work.
#AUSTRALIANmade #AUSTRALIANowned #AUSTRALIANformulated #AUSTRALIANproud #painAWAY #PAINAWAYAUSTRALIA #PAAUSTRALIA #teamknowpainknowgain #painreliefspray #painreliefcream #painreliefproducts #prosaltX #aussieOWNED #aussieMADE #aussiePRIDE #POWEREDbyPAINAWAY
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而且不是改電動的費用,是從買14吋自行車到所有電動零件與電池的總花費。 0. 引言; 留言. ... <看更多>
mate腳踏車 在 三一東林Cubee HEP- MATE BIKE 台灣總代理折疊 ... - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
三一東林正式代理全球銷售第一的『折疊電動輔助腳踏車越野版』! - 毫無限制你的生活空間- 無限延伸你的玩樂場所- 極致優越你的生活高度臺灣408台中市南屯區精科七路20 ... ... <看更多>