❤️Disney World 第二天回到經典必去的Magic Kingdom❤️ Disney dining plans 介紹
原因是晚上直接原場地續攤Halloween Party省得進進出出浪費體力與時間
我們中午一樣買了dining VIP event 門票
萬聖節派對 大人票價 $135 小朋友(3-9歲)則是$130 門票最好半年前提早買、通常7-8月就會賣光囉
最精彩的莫過於Boo-to-You Halloween Parade夜間遊行與Disney’s Not So Spooky Spectacular煙火!!一年一度會放出各個平日遊行少見的反派角色走上街頭,賈方、壞皇后、虎克船長、黑魔女、庫伊拉、烏蘇拉、、、就連其他角色也都有萬聖節特殊造型,也有部分遊樂設施、甜點、照相區會添加萬聖節的巧思值得大家慢慢挖掘,實在太精彩了!
⭐️⭐️今天分享的Disney tip 跟「吃」有關⭐️⭐️ #DiningPlans
我還蠻推薦大家購買dining packages 的!今天順便來跟大家分享迪士尼的dining 方案選擇。
1️⃣ 眾所皆知迪士尼有所謂的dining plans。總共有三種不同的價位選擇。
Quick-service dining plan
Dining plan
Deluxe dining plan
最大的限制是,你必須住在Disney resort/hotel 裡面,假設你選擇住在鄰近的其他旅館,就無法購買這種dining plans 。
2️⃣ 往年我們都會買的是character dining,吃飯的時候會有卡通主角們輪番來打招呼合照,省去烈日下排隊的辛苦!每個餐廳都有不同的角色,例如Cinderella’s royal table 自然就是五位公主們擔當重責大任,Be our guest 不會見到Belle公主但有野獸本人🤣 crystal palace 可以見到維尼小熊家族
這種餐廳多半很熱門、建議提早幾個月預約(最早180天前可開放預約,預約時需要提供信用卡號保證位置),並且注意餐廳位置在哪個park,餐廳預約有些需要有該天進入該園區的門票,比方說你的餐廳訂在Magic kingdom但當天卻只有Hollywood studio一日入場門票,這樣你是不能走進Magic kingdom 的、自然無法前往該餐廳。
3️⃣ 另外一個也很受歡迎的方案是dinner show!可以坐下來一邊用餐一邊欣賞Disney的歌舞劇,經常會邀請觀眾上台一起互動❤️ 根據表演的屬性與場地有不同的座位安排與收費標準。有的甚至可以使用dining plan的餐費來抵銷!缺點是通常表演場地都安排在Disney resort 的餐廳、必須提前離開園區、表演經常是2小時甚至更長,有時不得不放棄夜間遊行或煙火(除非還有力氣再回園區)
4️⃣ 於是我們改買dining and dessert event 的方案,反正飯都是要吃的🤣
不論是煙火、各種歌舞劇、表演、甚至是煙火,許多都可以搭配餐廳+VIP seating 的組合
這次我們買的是Fantasmic 水舞秀的VIP座位,直接坐在正中央第六排!觀賞位置超棒的❤️
我們看了獅子王Festival of the lion king,超級精彩!歌手都太會唱了聽現場好感動啊
但我個人最最最推薦的是 A sparkling dessert cruise!!
雖然稱為Cruise 郵輪但實際上沒那麼大啦!比較像是ferry 渡輪
大人費用$99 小朋友$69 下船前還有一份小禮物
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅MindBonnieSoul,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Remember to like and subscribe to MindBonnieSoul and turn on your notification bell! www.MindBonnieSoul.com Venue: Kind Kitchen IG: @Dietician.Celia @...
「magic of 9 table」的推薦目錄:
magic of 9 table 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最讚貼文
In the recent accident of HFMD, I feel is really important parents or caregiver (helpers and grandparents) are seriously aware how contagious the virus can be. Just like normal flu and cough, they are contagious too. It can be spread through saliva, nasal discharge, fluid and stools.
BH doesn't goes to childcare, (indoor and outdoor) playground and I'm the only caregiver. So how does he got it? We got no idea, and is also not a time to do finger blaming game.
Here is the important part
1. You, can be the carrier without getting any HFMD symptoms at all! Which means, in any cases me, hubby or my 2 girls can be the carrier IF they happen to come in contact with someone having HFMD.
That's is why hand hygiene is very important. And don't any how kiss people baby lah.
2. Your child is sick, you bring them around. Their hand touches their mucus or fluid. Then they touch the table and high chair they sat on or even lift button. The virus/bacterial that is in the mucus and fluid STAYS at the things they touch. No, it doesn't "die". Especially in indoor area. That is why I'm not a fan of indoor playground. It just wait for the next victim who happens to be in low immunity to caught it.
Sun kills bacteria/virus then outdoor playground is ok? No, is not ok. U think is magic? The virus/bacteria get killed immediately? No. And what happen the next child immediately came and play the stuff your child has touches it. The virus/bacteria just found themselves a new host.
My girls nvr had a full blown hfmd before, only suspected HFMD for Xin He but still I kept her at home. Even though no ulcer and countable rashes. She still stays at home.
So it really pains my heart when BH skin is in this horrible stage. He is not even 1yr old. So the skin discomfort is unbearable for him, that he keep waking up in the middle of the night crying.
We parents, caregiver or even adults with no child just need to practice a little kindness and self-awareness on how important basic hygiene and social responsibility is very important. We don't want to wait for another SARS to happen right?
And since now is a peak period for flu, cough and hfmd, I wish every child to get well soon so they can enjoy their needed school holiday.
magic of 9 table 在 劉明昆的創作世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這一次更新相當相當的多 1、首頁版面調整 2、增加likebutton、希望大家多多支持按下手掌的喜歡鈕 3、側邊欄增加Google翻譯指令、可直接對全網頁進行語系轉換、方便其他語系瀏覽者觀看(Google翻譯就.....可以看就好) 4、博物館藏Museum下各選單都有修訂與增加內容、角色Actor部分增加了配音員與聲音。 5、漫畫Comic作品全部1600P漫畫稿都上去了、看好看滿ASAKU-Rainbow Crystal、ASAKU-Genesis for King、SunshineASAKU-Start、Stupid Soldiers 6、小說部分持續更新The Phantom King來到第1-5、The world of magic and fairies來到Chaptert 3 7、遊戲館藏Game更新、SunshineASAKU TRPG、Monster World、SunshineASAKU Table都非常豐富、各資料庫表單設定還有劇本等都放上去了。 8、品牌資訊下的Report、Activity補充完畢 9、關於博物館藏下角色、魔獸、技能三個項目可能不會更新太快、因為會嚴重劇透。 10、剩下把ITEM部分也就是ASAKU曾經出過的周邊商品還有AR遊戲的介紹補充完、官網的就算是正式完成(第一階段)。 11、要趕永恆典藏遊戲的體驗版發布了........因為加入了[門後的秘密]新玩法、複雜化了、主要是跨平台與設備的互動玩法、我會盡快解決這部分、因為會直接影響遊戲玩法。 後續就是再把一些資料作補充與更新、官網的準備就告一段落、下次再發布文章時就是體驗版發布了。 看著官網琳瑯滿目的各領域資料、真的覺得自己這30年沒白活、走過的痕跡都在這官網了。 為自己加油!再往前走吧。
magic of 9 table 在 MindBonnieSoul Youtube 的最讚貼文
Remember to like and subscribe to MindBonnieSoul and turn on your notification bell!
Venue: Kind Kitchen
IG: @Dietician.Celia @MindBonnieSoul @Bonnieschan.
I came across a fried rice called “Not A Fried Rice” when dining at a Shanghainese restaurant one time. I was so intrigued by its name and wondered where the rice had gone in this “fried rice”. The magic revealed when it was served on table. The rice was replaced with cauliflower that was chopped very finely. The texture was like the real fried rice, but without the heaviness that ordinary fried rice would have and the drowsiness that came after when you had eaten too much carbs. I love the fact that by eating this “fried rice”, you can actually increase fibre intake a lot. Cauliflower is a very healthy food, which is under the category of cruciferous vegetables. Other vegetables in this category include broccoli, kale, arugula, cabbage etc. They all have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer function.
We love to add fresh fruit to fried rice to bring more stimulations to our taste buds. I chose to add red pitaya this time. Not only because it can make the fried rice turn into a dazzling purple colour, but it also contains a very strong antioxidant called betalains that can slow down skin ageing!!
Red Pitaya “Fried Rice”
Recipe for 2 portions
Heura plant-based chicken (diced) half box
Cauliflower (finely chopped) half pc
Rice 1 bowl
Fresh corn kernels half pc
String beans (diced) half bowl
Red pitaya (diced) half pc
Minced ginger 2 tsp
Minced garlic 2 tsp
Salt to taste
Soy sauce to tase
1. Heat oil in a pan, pan-fry plant-based chicken until both sides turn golden brown. Set aside.
2. Slightly stir-fry corn and string beans until soften. Set aside.
3. Add cauliflower to pan, season with a little bit of salt. Stir-fry cauliflower until it becomes dry and crumbly.
4. Add a little oil, stir-fry garlic and ginger until aromatic.
5. Add rice and stir-fry it to loosen up. Once the rice turns a bit golden brown on the outside, add cauliflower, plant-based chicken, corn and string beans. Season with soy sauce.
6. Add red pitaya and turn off the heat. Mix all the ingredients well and serve.
Written by Celia Lau
Heura 植物雞(切粒)半盒
飯 1碗
紅肉火龍果 (切粒)半個
薑蓉 2茶匙
蒜蓉 2茶匙
鹽 適量
豉油 適量
1. 熱鑊下油,將植物雞煎至兩面金黃色,盛起備用。
2. 把粟米和四季豆下鑊略炒至軟身後盛起。
3. 椰菜花碎下鑊炒,加少許鹽調味,炒致乾身後盛起。
4. 下少許油,爆香薑蓉和蒜蓉。
5. 加入白飯炒散後,待飯面轉微微金黃色後,把椰菜花、植物雞、粟米和四季豆回鑊炒勻,加入豉油調味。
6. 最後下紅肉火龍果,熄火後炒勻,讓飯粒和椰菜粒沾上火龍果汁後便可上碟。
magic of 9 table 在 JohnFungMagic Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Romantic Street Magic with Korean Girls in Hong Kong - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaCFK...
Chinese Magic TV Show "The Amazing Magicians" Performance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qXrf...
Money Levitation Magic Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUbIS...
Japan (Tohoku) Travel Special - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmZYc...
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magic of 9 table 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
It was last night's best bet on Broadway -- Allen Iverson of Georgetown against Stephon Marbury of Georgia Tech. The scene was Madison Square Garden. The occasion was a semifinal game in the 11th annual Preseason National Invitation Tournament.
The war between the precocious college basketball stars was more or less a draw. Iverson had the better numbers, but he also had a better team behind him. A noisy and appreciative crowd of 15,249 watched Iverson and Georgetown pull away in the second half to a 94-72 victory. That was no surprise because the Hoyas are ranked fifth and Georgia Tech 25th in the latest Associated Press poll.
The triumph sent Georgetown into tomorrow night's final against Arizona. In the first game of the semifinal doubleheader, Arizona held off Michigan, 86-79.
With little more than three minutes left in the game, Georgetown got a scare when Iverson jammed his left thumb. He left and did not return, but later, in the locker room, Iverson said the thumb was fine and he would be ready for the final. Still, as a precaution, he was taken to a hospital for X-rays.
Iverson shot 9 for 16 from the floor, 1 for 6 from the 3-point line. He finished with 23 points, 6 assists and 2 steals. Marbury (4 for 14, 0 for 4 on 3-pointers) ended with 13 points, 8 assists and 7 steals.
Before they are nominated for the Hall of Fame, it should be pointed out that Iverson made eight turnovers and Marbury six. But as point guards, they handle the ball more than others, and it also should be remembered that Iverson is a 19-year-old sophomore, Marbury an 18-year-old freshman.
Here are their assessments of the game:
Iverson on Iverson: "I think I played all right. But I made a lot of mistakes."
Iverson on Marbury: "He's a great player, but he's a freshman. He's got a lot to learn, just as I've got a lot to learn. He'll get better."
Marbury on Marbury: "I think I did a pretty good job. But I don't think I'm playing my normal game. I'm not shooting well."
Marbury on Iverson: "You can only try to contain him. He'll get his points, regardless."
Marbury was the more spectacular player. The Coney Island youngster played with the peripheral vision and magic of a Magic Johnson or Isiah Thomas. Once, on the run, he bounced a perfect long pass to a teammate sandwiched between two defenders. Several times, he drove to the basket and jumped and, when a defender would double-team him, he dished off the ball to an open teammate.
But Marbury did not have the help that Iverson did. Victor Page, Georgetown's freshman shooting guard, was the high scorer with 25 points. Othella Harrington, the 6-foot-9-inch senior center, was held to 2 points in the first half but finished with 14 points and 14 rebounds. Georgetown's bang-the-boards defense outrebounded Georgia Tech, 45 to 24.
John Thompson, in his 24th year as Georgetown coach, likes his team. "They've got a lot to learn," he said, "but it's a team I can drive. You don't drive people who aren't talented."
Georgia Tech Coach Bobby Cremins said he knew why his team was beaten badly.
"I think it was too much, too soon," he said. "We were not ready for that type of game. We're young, we hung in there, but it's tough on a young team."
The first semifinal matched Arizona's speed, defense and experience against Michigan's youth and bulk. Arizona broke open a tie game in the last 13 minutes.
The Wildcats, ranked No. 19, made fewer errors than 16th-ranked Michigan. Much of the time, it kept the ball from Michigan's post players and forced the Wolverines into bad shots from the outside. When Michigan closed to 79-77, Arizona tried to freeze the ball, Michigan double-teamed it and Joseph Blair, the Arizona center, got loose under the basket and sank the game-clinching field goal and free throw.
"Their post players beat us to death," Michigan Coach Steve Fisher said. "It seems like every shot they made in the second half was a result of our defense. But eight of our players are freshmen and sophomores, and you know it's going to happen some. I'm mad. I told our team they should be mad we didn't play better. You can't be afraid to make mistakes. Maybe I made them afraid to make mistakes."
Coach Lute Olson was pleased with the way his Arizona team played.
"The difference down the stretch," he said, "was probably that we had a lot more experience. But the only way to get experience is playing. You have to go through it with game pressure."
Reggie Geary, Arizona's point guard, scored only 8 points but also had 7 assists and 2 steals. Once, trying to keep a ball inbounds, he crashed into the press table and knocked over a telephone. He picked up the phone and put the receiver to his ear. It worked. He nodded and went back to business.