朝聖The Macallan全球首間Concept Store🥃🏬 作為世界級Single Malt威士忌,香港概念店展覽好多唔同年代The Macallan威士忌🥃 鍾意whisky嘅實望到眼定定,而入面仲可以試到今年新品15年同18年嘅Double Cask威士忌。唔熟悉whisky 嘅未必清楚咩叫Double Cask,其實就係用上歐洲雪莉橡木桶同美國雪莉橡木桶,唔同地方嘅橡木都有佢哋嘅特色,配對出嚟就有獨特風格。
一次過試哂Double Cask 12年、15年、18年,比較上12相對力道十足,15年就帶啲好似楓糖嘅甜味,最後18年嘅after taste同味道最為百感交集,估唔到去pairing朱古力果仁月餅係咁衝擊。入手嘅話,我就覺得15年balance啲之餘,價錢都比較抵飲,啱晒平時飯局同朋友小酌🥳🥳
Congratulations on the first concept store opening of The Macallan Room in K11 Musea, with the newly launch of The Macallan Double Cask 15 and 18 Years Old🥃🥃 crafted with both sherry seasoned European and American oak casks. We both enjoyed the whisky tasting session and vote for the 15 yr-old one. Balanced flavour and perfectly pair with chocolate mooncakes 🥮 ~
The Macallan Room
尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號Victoria Dockside K11 Musea 5樓507號舖
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