拍到了!十二年才一見的「血之月」的月全蝕被我這非專業的捕捉到 😻😲🌖📸
可惜只有 70mm 的鏡頭可以拍😥 因為望遠鏡頭自從 2018年在哥斯大黎加賞鳥後後就再也沒拿出來拍過🐦 沒想到剛剛想用的時候居然已經陣亡😓
只能將就一下給各位看一下囉~😘 不過沒有攝影器材的好處就是可以用眼睛好好的欣賞 😌
更多關於血之月的資訊↪ https://tw.appledaily.com/supplement/20210520/FDZW5QINN5FPDBZTZ7HZMQKYYQ/
#月蝕 #血之月
Blood moon🌖 Lunar eclipse that happens once every twelve years 😻😲
Only used 70mm lens as didn't realized my zoom lens died...😢Last time we used it was in Costa Rica back in 2018 while bird watching 🐦
Still very cool to see it with our naked eyes though 😎
#bloodmoon #lunarclipse
📚《跟著Winny勇闖中美洲》2019 → http://goo.gl/RYPSTp
📚《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》2018 → https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
📸 歡迎跟蹤 IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny
🎧 Podcast ➡️ https://anchor.fm/travelwithwinny