2018年5月26日,玻利維亞首都拉巴斯為「偉大力量之神」(El Senor del Gran Poder) 舉行年度巡遊,表演者在街道上起舞慶祝。
May 26, 2018 - Dancers perform the "Morenada" during the annual parade in honour of "El Senor del Gran Poder," or "The Lord of Great Power" in La Paz, Bolivia. Thousands of dancers and faithful gather every June to show their devotion and to thank the gods and for blessings received throughout the year.
攝:Juan Karita/AP
#玻利維亞 #拉巴斯 #偉大力量之神 #巡遊 #表演 #跳舞 #端傳媒 #端影像 #Bolivia #LaPaz #ElSenorDelGranPoder #LordOfGreatPower #Parade #Dance #Initium #InitiumPhoto