2018 感謝上帝用了另類方式讓我‘享受人生’,安靜自己思考了很多事,同時又將最愛的人帶走,重擊中卻要平靜自己,粉碎後還得自己重整。但過程中體會和領悟了許多人事物,思考和面對自己,學會了放下執著。
經過這一切的洗禮,新的一年認清了方向,會勇敢跳出框框,走出舒適區,一切從心出發!願上帝繼續眷顧和祝福,期待 2019 的美好!
祝福大家在 2019 幸福,快樂,平安。❤️
#happynewyear #lookingforwardto2019 #展望2019 #everydayilivebetter #thankgodimalive
lookingforwardto2019 在 Joseph Ma Facebook 的最佳貼文
總結2018嘅flying life都係好positive,
臨尾一腳更加有我親愛的bff同我一齊完成埋2018嘅last flight!
#cabincrew #flightattendant #flyinglife #yearend #review #happynewyear #lookingforwardto2019 #crewlife #safe #happy #memorable #bff #buddy #buddyflying #cathaydragon #hkig #hkiger #igers
lookingforwardto2019 在 Melinda Looi Facebook 的最讚貼文
It has come to the end of 2018..
2018 was a year of giving back.. We have supported 40 children and their families with monthly food supplies and education in Perlis, we did a fundraiser event at the Swiss Dream Circus and raised over RM350K for 19 homes; and were involved in many other charity events.
It was an eventful year of many weddings and functions. Meeting people and making new friends. Did many exciting events and learnt new things. Travelled and explored new places. Ticked one of my bucket lists of having one of my creations exhibited in a prestigious museum and witnessed the launch myself. Spent quality time with my families and friends near and far. Became an interior designer accidentally. It has been quite a journey. Ups and downs. People came and went.. some left without a goodbye .. Part of life journey that made us tougher and stronger. Making us realized many times of how lucky and blessed we are. Treasure every moment in life. Enjoy what we do.
I don’t give myself a new year resolution. I had never done it. I go with the flow and always look forward to something new and challenging. 2019 will be an exciting year for us at Melinda Looi, and we are ready.. Are you?
#Melindalooijourney #Meltravels #Melgivesback #melcares #Melindalooiteam #GangML #museumdream #Melindalooicouture #deyoungmuseum #comteporarymuslimswearexhibition #sanfrancisco #texas #USA #melindalooifamily #melindalooifriends #melindalooiID #bespokeIDbymelindalooi #interiordesign #blessed #thankyouforsupport #workharder #amazing2018 #lookingforwardto2019 #welcomenewchallenges
Song by Barnatchok .. Love this song so much!