Ketika mengandung, kadang kala ibu menggunakan postur badan yang salah untuk mencari keselesaan.
Tanpa disedari, postur tersebut memberi keburukan kepada diri sendiri akibat selalu membongkok, mengiring, terlentang dan sebagainya.
Jangan buat kerja dengan berdiri terlalu lama. Bila kandungan dah semakin sarat, berat kandungan yang ibu bawa menekan-nekan sekitar pinggang, tulang belakang dan pinggul ibu. Ibu akan mudah letih dan sering sakit.
Seeloknya ketika duduk dan baring, pastikan ada bantal yang support belakang badan anda supaya anda kekal selesa.
1- Make sure ibu-ibu minum air secukupnya, jangan sampai anda dehidrasi.
2- Dapatkan rehat yang cukup dan elakkan dari buat kerja2 yg berat yg boleh merisikokan kandungan.
3- Stabilkan emosi anda.. fikir yg baik2.. jangan stress sorang2. Share problem dgn suami ya.
4- Jangan lupa makan vitamin untuk kandungan anda kekal sihat.
5- Makan makanan yang berkhasiat, elakkan makanan segera.
Take note ya mommy!
Jom tambah ilmu dgn buku 9bulan10hari!
Ada banyaaakkk lagi ilmu penyusuan susu ibu & mendidik anak2 soleh solehah di dalam ebook 9bulan10hari 😍😍
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
Wrong posture while standing, sleeping and sitting for pregnant mothers.
When pregnant, sometimes mom uses the wrong posture to find comfort.
Without realizing it, the posture gives evil to itself due to always being bending, the, lying and others.
Don't do work by standing for too long. When the content is getting loaded, the weight of the content that mother brings to the waist around the waist, back bone and mother's hip. Mother will be easily tired and often sick.
It's nice while sitting and laying down, make sure there's a pillow that supports your back so that you stay comfortable.
Tips to stay more energetic :-
1-make sure mothers drink enough water, don't let you be dehydrated.
2-get enough rest and avoid doing heavy work that can increase the content.
3-stabilize your emotions.. think good.. Don't stress alone, share problems with your husband.
4-don't forget to eat vitamins for your content to stay healthy.
5-Eat Nutritious Food, avoid fast food.
Take note ya mommy!
Let's add knowledge with the 9 Bulan10hari Book!
There are more breastfeeding knowledge of mother's milk & educate religious children in the 9 Bulan10hari Ebook 😍😍
For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - confinement - educate children & Nursing Mother's milk can click this link for it ya: 😍Translated