It's official! We are lawful partners in Taiwan now❤️🥰 His name is finally on my ID card!
lawful中文 在 東講西讀 Facebook 的最讚貼文
香港消防處徽 (1868-1997)
Badges of Hong Kong Fire Services Department (1868-1997)
由成立起至1997年這129年間,隨着不同時期,消防處 (隊)的徽章亦更改了幾次。
1868-1947 (香港消防隊)
1947-1961 (香港消防隊)
第二代徽章,在傳統的「斧頭加火把」外加上了麥穗和飄帶,使其結構更為緊密完整。飄帶寫上 ”HKFB",即 "Hong Kong Fire Brigade”,頂部再加上了「皇冠」,令其更添貴氣。
1961-1997 (香港消防處)
第三代徽章,同樣是「皇冠、麥穗加飄帶」的結構,但飄帶加大並改為向下彎曲,飄帶寫上 “HONG KONG”。而最大不同是此徽章主體圖案併棄了傳統的「斧頭加火把」或與消防有關的圖案,而是用了「香港盾徽」上手執「東方之珠」的小獅,與當時的香港盾徽相呼應。寫上 “Fire Service” 的圓形圍繞着小獅,使其重心更為明確。第三代徽章可說是幾代徽章中,結構最緊密、形態最優美的徽章。
"It shall be lawful for the Governor to select from the Police and any others volunteering for the duty a force to whom shall be entrusted the duty of extinguishing fire and protecting lives and properties in case of fire within this colony and to furnish the said force with such fire engines, hoses, accoutrements, tools and complements may be necessary for complete equipment for the said force or conducive to the efficient performance of their duties. The Force of Firemen established under this ordinance shall be called the Hong Kong Fire Brigade and shall be under the command of an officer to be called the Superintendent of the Hong Kong Fire Brigade …"
1960年,副布政司戴麟趾 (David Trench) (後出任香港總督) 奉命研究消防隊的各種問題。他聯同當時的副消防總長覺士 (Ronald G. Cox) 撰寫了戴麟趾報告,消防隊因此徹底改組,並改稱為香港消防事務處 (Hong Kong Fire Services Department) (在1983年7月中文名稱改為香港消防處)。該報告建議進行一項10年的分期發展計劃,包括加設小型消防局,務求以6分鐘內抵達現場為準則。報告上亦建議大量增加人手和消防車,以及縮減負責行動的消防員工作時數。
Source: 香港消防處
lawful中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳貼文
語文除了用來傳情達意,有時也用來矇混敷衍、塗脂抹粉。此道官員政客、公關人員最擅長。舉個例,公司要裁員減開支,直截了當的說法是:To cut costs, we will sack some of you.(為減開支,我們要炒些人。)但通告上一定不會這樣寫,而可能是:
In response to the current global economic downturn, we are planning to better manage our costs by introducing a series of business restructuring initiatives which will result in an increase in non-voluntary turnovers.(為應對目前環球經濟衰退,我們正籌備一系列商務重組計劃以更有效地控制成本,其間非自願人員更替的數量會因而上升。)
第一招:Use the passive and omit the agent. 轉主動為被動,不要加「by」
主動句的主語通常是做事的所謂agent,假如改寫成被動句即可把他從句子剔走。所以不說 Tom stole the apple 而說 The item was stolen(物件被盜)。當然不要加 by Tom。
第二招:Prefer the abstract to the concrete. 棄精確,取模糊。
所有精確的字,都要用含混語言代替:棄 kill,steal,rape,sack,dump,而取 occur,engage,conduct,render,undergo。所以,不是 We are going to sack some people(我們將要炒人),而是 Our company is undergoing a restructuring process(本公司正進行業務重組的過程。)
第三招:Prefer nouns to verbs. 棄動詞,取名詞
這與第二招互相補足。總之生動鮮明的動詞,都改成名詞,再配上 abstract verb。所以,不說 Tom raped Mary(Tom強姦Mary了)而說 Tom and Mary engaged in non-consensual sexual activities(Tom跟Mary發生非自願的性行為)。
第四招:Prefer the long to the short. 字越長越好,句子亦然
因為讀起來較廢勁,表達亦較間接。所以 steal 不夠 misappropriate 好,misappropriate 又不夠 temporarily remove from the lawful owner(從合法物主處暫時拿走)好,所以:Tom temporarily removed the apple from its lawful owner。假如配合第一招一起用,就變成:The item was temporarily removed from its lawful owner(物件被人暫時從合法物主處拿取)。從 Tom 的角度看,這樣寫肯定比赤裸裸的「Tom stole the apple」(Tom偷了個蘋果)順眼。以上四招的目標相同,都務求令讀者花最大力氣才能把文字和文字代表的事物連繫起來。最後,畫龍還要點睛:
第五招:Sprinkle with favourable modifiers. 有利己方的修飾詞,不妨多加
別說 We tortured the suspects(我們虐待疑犯),要說 We subjected the suspects to some harmless but effective interrogation methods(我們在疑犯身上進行了一些無害但有效的審問措施)。別說 We burn coal to get electricity(我們燒煤取電),卻說 We have devised a fuel strategy that enables us to produce electricity in a sustainable and environmentally-responsible manner(我們的燃料政策,讓我們能以可持續和有利環境的方式發電)。
We are killing more and more innocent civilians in the war.(我們殺的無辜平民越來越多。)
More and more innocent civilians are killed in the war.(越來越多無辜平民被殺。)
再用名詞配上模糊的動詞。現在「kill」不見了,變成委婉詞「collateral damage」(這個詞,根據新出的牛津英漢漢英詞典 Oxford Chinese Dictionary,中文譯為「附帶性破壞」,跟英文的有異曲同工之妙)。「More and more」太直接了,改成「There is an increase in」;「war」也因為太敏感而改成「operation」:
There is an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our operation.(我方執行任務其間,附帶性破壞的發生次數上升了。)
血腥味頓時消減不少。最後,「There is an increase」語氣太肯定了,改成「There have been reports of the possibility of an increase」(有報告顯示有可能增加)。而「our operation」可進一步修飾成「our peacekeeping operation」(維持和平任務):
There have been reports of the possibility of an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our peacekeeping operation.(有報告顯示,我方執行維持和平任務其間附帶性破壞的發生次數可能上升了。)