#法國 #巴黎 #Paris #毛毛甜點
很少會二訪同一家甜點店的毛毛我,這次來二訪法國巴黎18區的法式甜點專賣店 Pâtisserie La Goutte d'Or Yann Menguy,因為第一次來訪的時候印象就已經非常好,La Goutte d’Or Patisserie的甜點真的是外表極美、裝飾精緻、造型獨特,口味更是讓人驚艷,絕對值得二訪。
還吃了肉桂brioche、開心果蔓越莓費南雪、秋季限定的無花果塔,樣樣讓毛毛覺得非常驚喜又喜歡,真的是巴黎實力派的超強法式甜點店,有機會的話絕對會想三訪,實在太喜歡La Goutte d’Or Patisserie了!
la goutte d'or patisserie paris 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Paris guide / 巴黎導覽]
Ying's Paris pastry shop digital guide / 我的巴黎甜點店電子導覽(for English, click "see more")
這個電子導覽不僅能夠減低大家旅行還要帶著書的不便,更好的是還有內建甜點店地址的Google Maps連結,看到喜歡的店家就能直接查詢所在地與路線,在規劃行程時也能節省很多時間。雖然是英語版本,但仍然很推薦想來巴黎吃甜點的朋友們參考♥
ps. 如果台灣也有類似的中文電子導覽平台,或是有人想合作巴黎主題導覽路線的,也歡迎私訊聯絡喔!:-)
Finally updated my Paris pastry shop digital guide "Paris for the Sweet Tooth": 20 addresses in 46 pages with original photos and Google Maps links (many thanks to Pathport for the beautiful editing!). I include in this guide my recommended addresses in the world's capital of pastries where you can find some of the prettiest and mouth-watering ones. The digital version allows you to peep into the alluring windows even before you're on your way. With this guide you'd also enjoy the convenience of traveling light while having all the information on hand in your iPhone.
Click here for the guide: https://pathport.store/shop-1/paris-for-the-sweet-tooth
#yingspastryshopguide #yingsparisguide #paris #pastryshop #pastry
Cedric Grolet Le Meurice Yann Couvreur Karamel Paris Christophe Michalak Pâtisseries et Ecole Michalak Boris Lumé patisserie boulangerie Pâtisserie La Goutte d'Or Yann Menguy Pâtisserie Gilles Marchal Gilles MARCHAL Mamie Gâteaux Sadaharu Aoki Paris (Officiel) des Gateaux et du Pain Claire DAMON Pierre Hermé Paris Colorova L' Eclair de Génie Christophe Adam MORI Yoshida Morihide Yoshida Un dimanche à Paris Nicolas Bacheyre POILÂNE (page officielle) Café Pouchkine Hugo & Victor Jacques Genin
la goutte d'or patisserie paris 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Paris pastry shop / 巴黎甜點店] Pâtisserie La Goutte d'Or (中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
Finally pad a visit again to la pâtisserie Le Goutte d'Or before the year-end. It's been months but I still wanna share with you the lovely experience I had there.
Since Montmartre is not my neighbourhood and I'm not particularly attracted to it, I hardly set my foot there and hence hardly have chance visiting the pastry shops, cafés, etc. there. The early morning visit this time was especially made for tasting the chef Yann Menguy's pastries, and apparently it's worth it.
We've picked 3 pastries including the Chou fève de cacao (Cocoa nibs cream puff), Saint-Honoré framboise coing rose (Raspberry-quince-rose Saint-Honoré), and the Tarte mange-jasmin (Mango-Jamine tart). I liked three of them as they were really delicate both the presentation and the taste. Everything was in a sweet harmony. The style of the chef is actually quite close to that of Michalak, being very neat, simple yet modern and elegant while less boyish.
It was a very pleasant experience as the atmosphere of the shop is very cozy as well, and I don't mind visiting it often if I lived nearby. I think we can expect some more interesting creations to come along as this young and talented pastry chef develops his own brand with a vivid personality.
前幾個月和好友一起去了在18區的甜點店Pâtisserie La Goutte d'Or。甜點主廚Yann Menguy在第一季Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier得到亞軍後立刻被大師Christophe Michalak網羅,在他的Pâtisseries et Ecole Michalak擔任甜點主廚與教師。之後他又擔任Ladurée的甜點主廚一年,最後在自己最熟悉的蒙馬特開了屬於自己的甜點店。他的甜點其實很有Michalak的風格,非常簡潔俐落,但不管是外型還是口味搭配又相當細緻。是年輕甜點主廚一輩中非常值得期待的人物。
當天我們選了三個甜點:Chou fève de cacao(可可碎粒泡芙)、Saint-Honoré framboise coing rose(覆盆子溫桲玫瑰聖多諾黑)、Tarte mange-jasmin(芒果茉莉花塔)。三個甜點我都滿喜歡的,每個元素的完成度都很高、且手法細膩。在可可碎粒泡芙中間還夾了一塊巧克蛋糕增添口感變化。
蒙馬特其實有不少好的甜點店,包括上次提到的Boris Lumé patisserie boulangerie、以及 Pâtisserie Gilles Marchal。下次來到蒙馬特,除了聖心堂之外,也可以花點時間拜訪這些當地街坊鍾愛的店家,給自己補充一點溫暖與甜蜜。
#yingspastryguide #paris #patisserielagouttedor #yannmenguy