The only way for me to experience snow in my country, from the Cotton Tree or also known as Kapok Tree!😍 The snow that never melts😆
It is surreal being underneath this beautiful and gigantic Cotton Tree. 11 days ago I shared on my Ig story, we accidentally found the trees and today I was amazed to see the trees bloom🌱🌳
This is my second time in my life I witnessed the bloom but this time it's the best blooms I've ever seen. So much cotton🤩❤
Kapoks do not bloom every year and some may go every 5-10 years without flowering. You can see the pods before and after from my photos and videos. The cotton is so fluffy and silky.
The tree provides food and shelter for many species and can survive up to 300 years in the wild and they also benefit the ecosystem. Beautiful nature. Nature at its best. 😊💚
🌸 Let it snow!☃️
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