🦾 #國際松 以「Sustainability 2.0 –Climate Action (永續2.0-氣候行動)」為主題,號召黑客們一起運用資料提出解方
📌得獎團隊將可獲得高雄亞灣新創園為期1個月的International Program喔!
👉邀請中央大學太空及遙測研究中心劉說安教授,及2020年國際松卓越團隊--CivicDataLab–Fiscal Force 進行分享
💼國際松提案及活動詳情請進: https://pse.is/3hlkmq
【Startup Adventure】2021 Presidential Hackathon calls for your participation!
💡 Challenge Theme:
Sustainability 2.0 – Climate Action
We are all facing the challenge of the climate change. Therefore, we call for hackers with innovative thinking and digital technology to joint us on taking climate action.
Introductory Webinar II
💡Date: 17:30-18:30 (GMT+8), July 1st
🌎Language: English
〒Registration: https://forms.gle/TFfXzsNdwJ9CTktu9
👉Host: Audrey Tang, Digital Minister
👉We are inviting potential participants to join introductory webinar, listening to data specialists and a 2020 team of excellence to share their experience.
💼More info at https://pse.is/3hlkmq
joint us英文 在 iiiNNO Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
## 2021 日本加速計畫正式啟動 ##
在疫情時刻,我們想持續協助新創團隊不中斷國際拓展的規劃,歡迎加入iiiNNO-Okinawa 三週短期線上加速計畫!
各位團隊! 線上說明會時間目前安排兩場次,
第一場時間 05/21 (五) 13:30-14:00 +A
第二場時間 05/25 (二) 14:00-14:30 +B
## 2021 Japan x Taiwan Joint Program ##
Sign up link : https://bit.ly/3ovQN3x
Are you currently looking for local Japan partners or resources to expand your business to Japan? Are you working hard to continue your business expansion or market evaluation despite the COVID-19 situation?
Inviting you all to join iiiNNO-Okinawa three weeks online acceleration program with group mentoring sessions and resource matching to soft-land or expand your network, and demo to iiiNNO's investment and partner network with English and Mandarine speaking mentors.
Combining the resource and relationship building in the Fukuoka and Okinawa region for the last five years, iiiNNO will help you establish and expand your business network, validate the market, and match resources & pitching online demo day end of the program.
Fear of losing business or not capturing the new-normal opportunities because of lack of understanding of the market insight and the business culture difference, join the program to accelerate business launch today.
We have two session for the Kick-off day also explain the program.
Please tell us which one you can attend!!
First session 05/21(Fri) 13:30-14:00 +A
Second 05/25 (Tue)14:00-14:30 +B
joint us英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 蕭美琴出席拜登就職典禮 🇹🇼🇺🇸
Bi-khim Hsiao 蕭美琴:
“I'm honored to be here today on behalf of the people and government of Taiwan at the inauguration of the United States President Biden and Vice President Harris. Democracy is our common language and freedom is our common objective. I look forward to working with the next administration in advancing our mutual values and interests.”
•on behalf of 代表
•inauguration 就職典禮
•democracy 民主
•common objective 共同目標
•look forward to 期待
•the next administration 下屆政府
•advance mutual values and interests 促進共同的價值觀和利益
「 很榮幸代表台灣政府及人民,應就職典禮主辦單位國會聯合委員會正式邀請,參加美國新任總統拜登、副總統賀錦麗的就職典禮。民主與自由是我們的共同價值,經濟繁榮與區域穩定是我們的共同利益。在堅定的基礎上,期待未來繼續深化台美關係!」*
•獲得正式邀請 be officially invited
•主辦單位 organizing committee
•就職典禮國會聯合委員會 the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
•在堅定的基礎上 be based/built on solid foundations
•深化關係 deepen/stregthen ties
影片: http://bit.ly/35ZmZ70
*Please note that the English and Mandarin versions are not literal translations.