其中所謂「情節最重大之罪」,依人權事務委員會相關解釋,雖限於「蓄意殺害並造成生命喪失」(there was an intention to kill which resulted the loss of life),然此僅屬公政公約因應不同國家刑事法制度所設之「最低度要求」。
經由一些文獻指引,找到公民與政治權利國際公約第36號一般性意見第35點,原文節錄:「The term “the most serious crimes” must be read restrictively and appertain only to crimes of extreme gravity, involving intentional killing.(僅限於涉及故意殺人的極嚴重罪行。) Crimes not resulting directly and intentionally in death,(未直接和故意導致死亡的罪行,) such as drug offences, attempted murder, corruption and other economic [and political] crimes, armed robbery, piracy, abduction, and sexual offences, although serious in nature, can never justify, within the framework of article 6, the imposition of the death penalty.」簡而言之,必須「故意殺人」,而且「直接、故意地導致死亡」,才能判處死刑。本段落並列舉包含毒品罪、殺人未遂罪、武力強盜、海盜及性侵害犯罪等罪,不能宣告死刑。
這段英文出自A/HRC/4/20,解釋「情節最重大之罪」:「The requirement of human rights law that the death penalty should be imposed only for the “most serious crimes” continues to be interpreted subjectively by certain States. The report examines the travaux of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, surveys the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee, and analyses the comments by the Secretary-General, principles declared by the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights and concludes that, if it is to comply with the most serious crimes restriction, the death penalty can only be imposed in cases where it can be shown that there was an intention to kill which resulted in the loss of life. 」
首先,第一個問題是,英文「intentional/intentionally」,是否包含「不確定故意」?如果從英美法的角度,犯罪的主觀要素分類大致上有intentional, reckless, negligence等,如果並沒有強烈的意圖(intention),但是能預見而去做某些行為會侵害法益,仍然去做,也會構成魯莽(reckless),以殺人罪為例,魯莽行為致死會構成involuntary manslaughter(英美法的殺人罪有很多種,這邊姑且翻譯成「比較嚴重的過失致死」)通常會比murder(謀殺)的罪輕很多。
(這邊以美國為例)你以為美國刑法會用魯莽殺人(過失致死)輕易放下強盜致死、縱火致死、強姦致死的人嗎?在大部分的立法例裡,只要犯下重罪(felony,能判超過一年徒刑的,全都是重罪)致人於死,而且沒有嚴重違背因果歷程的,都會被被擬制為「謀殺」,稱為「重罪謀殺」(felony murder),所以即使行為人在強盜過程中,被害人嚇到跌倒死亡,或者結夥搶劫,你的同伴把被害人槍殺,自己也要成立「重罪謀殺罪」。這個理論是基於「移轉的故意」(transferred intent),意思是說,你在做某些危險的事,就該知道那件事可能發生的危害,對實際發生的危害直接當成是故意所為的。
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interpreted意思 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie 2020 part 2 / #2020世界盃麵包大賽決賽照片集錦part2 (English below)
過去幾天內收到許多留言與私訊,謝謝大家的鼓勵,我也已經將大家的心意轉給台灣隊,希望他們能夠再接再厲。此次也一路陪伴著選手的吳寶春師傅在搭機回台前特地和我說,他們 #一回台灣就會立刻召開教練團會議,#接下來會立刻改變訓練方向與策略,希望能再次證明台灣烘焙的實力。
1. 所有官方網站與文件上寫的都是 Chine Taipei / China Taipei,即「#中國台北」,甚至在公佈決賽結果的網頁寫的是「Chine (Taipei)」,即「中國(台北)」)。僅在台灣隊參加比賽的當天現場改為「Chinese Taipei」(中華台北),但其他地方一切沒有更改。在此之前的每一屆賽事,台灣都是使用台灣的名字出賽。
2. 台灣是 #12個參賽隊伍中唯一一個不能攜帶國旗上台、#也不能講自己國家名稱的隊伍,選手接受訪問與發表作品時,都只能用「my home country / mon pays d'origine」,即「#我的家鄉」代替。
這和主辦單位的處理方式有關,所以我已經和黃偈(黃先生的甜點日記(Dessert diary) 一起在主辦方的文章下方留言:https://tinyurl.com/rvpyns7,我認為如果沒有得到足夠的關注,將來會有更多不公平的事情發生。我在法國生活多年的血淚史得到最大的教訓就是「 #遇到不公平的事一定要發聲,不然沒有人會理你」。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
世界盃麵包大賽與 2020 戰況:https://tinyurl.com/svdxmlr
2020 世界盃麵包大賽決賽照片part1:https://tinyurl.com/v6k3e3y
2020 世界盃麵包大賽頒獎典禮實況:https://tinyurl.com/qsvfhqv
Last photos of the 2020 World Bakery Cup. Have a close look on the wonderful work of the last four teams (China, Denmark, Costa Rica, Egypt)!
I've chosen to shown more photos of the work from the Chinese team as they've won the championship and I guess everyone is curious about how it is like.
I would like to clarify one thing here that I've never wanted to attack the Chinese team or tried to hint that their work is not good enough to get won the 1st place. Everything that I've written is based on facts and what has happened during the contest. And I want to bring your attention to the regrettable event that there is a team that was not treated fairly:
1. Taiwan is marked as "Chine Taipei / China Taipei" (or even Chine (Taipei) / China (Taipei)) everywhere on the official website and printed materials of the competition,
2. Taiwan team WAS NOT ALLOWED to use and speak of its name. The candidates could only talk about "my home country / mon pays d'origine" to avoid mentioning TAIWAN, and
3. Taiwan team is the team that WAS NOT ALLOWED to bring its national flag to the competition and the award ceremony.
What I've learned from my experiences of living in France is that you have to speak up for yourself. Nothing is taken for granted. In my opinion, this event took place in a country with beliefs in liberté, égalité, and fraternité (freedom, equality, and fraternity) is a real irony.
I wish our candidates and coaches will get more support from whether within the island or internationally and get to stand out on the global stage where they only need to worry about if they're doing their best. If that intention is interpreted as a sore loser's mentality or is even taken as the origin of getting more unfair treatment which resulted in not getting the prize, I find it regrettable as well. From now on, I won't be reporting any international contests from the perspective as a Taiwanese, but from the perspective of a professional journalist.
I hope this is the last post that I share about this contest. I can't wait to share with you more exciting news of pastries and my future projects!
🔖 More on this topic:
What is Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie (World Bakery Cup) & its 2020 competition: https://tinyurl.com/svdxmlr
Photos of 2020 Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie part1:https://tinyurl.com/v6k3e3y
Award ceremony of 2020 Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie: https://tinyurl.com/qsvfhqv
More videos & photos of the contest & Europain exhibition: https://tinyurl.com/tc9msgq
#yingspastrynews #coupedumondedelaboulangerie #europain Europain Lesaffre Bakery Competitions
interpreted意思 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答
不久前,有個國際譯者協會會長寫一諫書呼籲國際社會介入促使金正恩釋放「犯錯」的口譯員,我說這英文寫作需要修潤,對一個專業譯者組織而言,顯得有些諷刺。經查,這位會長Aurora Humarán應是西班牙文母語,英文是外語,更應找英文母語的專業編輯或譯者幫忙潤稿,免得丟面子。以下建議的修改,以「最少的、必要的修改」爲標準,使之夠合乎英文用法,夠體面,可以刊登、出版。
[1] if true inexcusable 這插入成分寫得很笨拙,必須改。要表達的意思是:if the allegations are true, they are inexcusable。目前這樣寫,即使勉強不算真的錯誤,也造成讀者的剖析困難,例如,兩位網友就提出,是不是想表達 if truly inexcusable?不是的,如果是,語意邏輯就完全錯了。顯然,true inexcusable 擺在一起,容易造成誤解,無助於讀者將之斷開為 if true | inexcusable,改的方法很簡單,又以(a)較簡潔:
a. the allegations, inexcusable if true, that...
b. the allegations — if true, inexcusable — that...
[2] charged 前面最好加一個逗點,否則這麼長的一句,在這裡容易被誤讀成是「political prison camp」遭到指控。
[3] hurt 前面不可以有逗點,這是文法錯誤:英文的主詞和動詞之間不得加逗點。
The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) is deeply concerned over the allegations【, if true inexcusable,】[1] that Interpreter Shin Hye-yong, who interpreted for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Leader Kim Jung Un at the Hanoi summit with U.S. President Donald Trump, was detained at a political prison camp【】[2] charged with undermining the Leader’s authority by, in the judgment of undisclosed sources, making a “critical interpreting mistake” when President Trump walked away from the negotiations.
As an international association devoted to the advancement of the profession and its practitioners, we are troubled by the process, charges, and detention of Ms. Shin, and invite the authorities to reconsider these actions.
Diplomatic interpreting is an invaluable tool governments use to avoid conflicts and settle differences. Actions like the ones reported by the international media in this case【,】[3] hurt peaceful dialogue, and have a chilling effect on the interpreter and diplomatic community worldwide.
Aurora Humarán
On behalf of IAPTI's Board
May 31, 2019
interpreted意思 在 Over interpret2023-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和 ... 的美食出口停車場
Over interpret在2023的熱門內容就在年度社群熱搜話題焦點新聞網. ... 是"Over Interpret","Over Interpret"(再唸一次),就是"過度解讀"的意思,大家都學會了嗎~ ... ... <看更多>
interpreted意思 在 Over interpret2023-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和 ... 的美食出口停車場
Over interpret在2023的熱門內容就在年度社群熱搜話題焦點新聞網. ... 是"Over Interpret","Over Interpret"(再唸一次),就是"過度解讀"的意思,大家都學會了嗎~ ... ... <看更多>
interpreted意思 在 翻譯這檔事- 修潤英文不久前,有個國際譯者協會會長寫一諫書 ... 的美食出口停車場
要表達的意思是:if the allegations are true, they are inexcusable。 ... who interpreted for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Leader ... ... <看更多>