Non stop for this 1 week plus Today's breaking record of 13 hours of non stop studying & adding new discovery for my PHD Viva , mine it's like going back to my law days , before this I kept dragging my final Viva presentation as I still think that my discovery of findings is still not enough and because all phd thesis would be published inside the international journals and to be shared to the world for centuries and to be used as references, I must make sure the theories I've invented must be of great quality to be shared.Well,this time I am sooooo Ready to sit for my Finals ;) 一整个星期加今天13 个小时不断的温习还有再增加我的新发现进入我的博士论文,仿佛回到了我在英国念法律的日子......晕了🤕哈哈, 之前一直觉得我的博士论文还是不够料,所以就一直延迟我的终极考试,因为每位博士的论文将会被登在世界博士论文网路仓库里以便其他研究生可以参考,所以我一定要确保我的博士论文的料要满满的,这样才够分给选世界的人😬,这次应该够了吧😬 !