今次聯同Session 5 x Zuk Studio Rock Motel 純粹組團, 同一大班好朋友樂隊所舉辦的 "Rock's Up" Live, 來緊陸續會有唔同主題的band show 比大家享受, Stay Tuned!!
灣仔樓上酒吧Session5 新場地新作風,聯同觸studio + Rock Motel合作推出表演新企劃"Rock's Up"! 每個月獨立主題band show為大眾樂迷搜羅現場最好聲音,送上大量聽覺視覺新享受!Get everybody rocking!三月二十三日主題:British Rock首場出發英倫!!密切留意近日公佈表演詳情!
Sessions 5 joint force with Zuk studio and Rock Motel, present a new project "Rock's Up"! This monthly themed band show project would be the best for music lover who seek for the best sound! Get everybody rocking! Theme on 23rd March: British Rock! Stay tune!
Session5 x Zuk Studio Page:
Zuk Studio Page:
#session5 #zukstudio #rockmotel #rocksup #bandshow #bandlive #geteverybodymoving #23032014 #britishrock #staytuned #jj #instalive #instamusic #instaband #musc #indie #indieband #indiemusic #hk #indiehk #indiebandhk