🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂國際大小事— 🇺🇸
📰 The dying teenager who wanted world peace and love
🀄 垂死少年但願世界和平愛相隨
📘《Ken的文法筆記 I.》即將出售(詳置頂貼文)
When Californian teenager Jeff Henigson was diagnosed with brain cancer and given two years to live, a children's charity granted him the wish of a lifetime. But Jeff didn't choose to go to Disneyland or meet his favourite footballer - Jeff just wanted world peace.
📌 人生無常,這篇文章主人翁就是一個例子。Jeff給診斷患有(diagnosed with) 腦癌(brain cancer),他的一生中唯一願望(the wish of a lifetime)是世界和平(world peace)。
In the summer of 1986, 15-year-old Jeff Henigson was riding his bike to the local electronics shop to buy the last part for a "super laser" he'd been building, when he was hit by a van.
"It's coming in the opposite direction and she doesn't see me and just smashes right into me," Jeff says. "And I'm launched, like a rocket, 10 feet backwards. I land on the back of my head."
Jeff wasn't wearing a helmet, and was knocked unconscious. A few hours later, he woke up in hospital. He seemed to be OK, though, so he was discharged the same day.
📌 在1986年夏天,他騎自行車時發生意外,被廂形貨車 (van) 撞到,由於他沒有戴安全帽(helmet),因此被撞到不省人事(knocked unconscious)。他幾個小時醒來,看似可以了,所以在同一天出院(discharged)。
But within a few weeks Jeff began having seizures and he returned to the hospital, this time to have a CT scan of his brain.
If it had shown injuries from the cycling accident, Jeff would not have been surprised. But the news was worse than that - the scan revealed a tumor.
"Two things went through my mind," Jeff says. "One was a plan to lose my virginity that summer. And let's just say that did not work out. The second was to complete my laser project."
📌 他在幾個星期内感到不舒服,回到醫院進行電腦斷層掃描(CT scan),竟發現掃描顯示他有腫瘤(美: tumor 英: tumour)
Jeff was an ambitious teenager, whose dream was to work for Nasa. He believed that the best way to impress them was to build "the most amazing laser" which could bounce a beam off of a reflector that had been left on the moon by Apollo 11.
But the laser was also a way for him to bond with his father, a distant figure, who had served with the US Navy in World War Two.
📌 這段講述Jeff的夢想:為太空總署(NASA)工作。他希望建造一個激光器,令NASA對他留下好的印象。這個項目也是個與他爸爸建立緊密關係(bond with his father)的方法。
"I didn't know at the time if that was because of the war or something else. But my father was separate, emotionally, from the rest of us. And I thought, 'Here's this thing we have in common. This fascination with science. This fascination with space.' And that's why I pursued it."
Though Jeff's father never mentioned his experiences in the Pacific when the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he would talk, at length, about nuclear weapons, the nuclear threat and the US's relationship with the USSR. And this seems to have had an impact on Jeff.
📌 Jeff解釋他跟爸爸的共同點是迷戀科學(fascination with science)、迷戀太空(fascination with space)。他爸爸詳盡地談及核武器(nuclear weapons)、核威脅(nuclear threat)以及美國跟蘇聯的關係(the US’s relationship with the USSR),這對Jeff有影響。
"There was a fictional film in the early 1980s called The Day After. It was about the Soviet Union dropping nuclear bombs on the US. I was probably 11 years old, and I was scared out of my mind. I would often fall asleep at night and go straight into a nightmare about nuclear war," Jeff remembers.
Jeff hoped not only that he would get that dream job with Nasa, but that the organisation would start to work with the USSR rather than competing with it.
"Even when I was fairly young, I could see the potential for collaboration between the US and Soviet Union," he says. "It just never made sense to me that we were pointing nuclear weapons at each other, when we could be collaborating to do extraordinary things in space."
📌 Jeff 不但希望在NASA工作,而且希望NASA會開始跟蘇聯合作,在太空合作做非凡事情 (collaborating to do extraordinary things in space)。
📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
injuries例子 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的最佳解答
我比個數字 香港警察 Hong Kong Police 睇:
//“In the previous [2013] SSM report we analysed 34 cases and only a few of them had confirmed retinal injuries. In this report the number of cases with confirmed retinal injuries have increased [an additional 47 cases are described in the appendix]. If the availability of the handheld lasers continues to increase, along with higher optical power and lower cost, we expect that the number of severe eye injuries will continue to grow. Also, the distance from which the lasers can be used to disrupt various societal functions, such as air traffic (pilots) and policing will also increase.”
“Almost all the reported cases involve young children and teenagers. There is also a huge overrepresentation by males. Often the lasers are sold as toys and purchased by a relative as a gift to a child.”//
//They found 34 cases from 1999 to 2012. (This does not include the 2013 Saudi Arabian hospital report of 14 young boys injured by high-powered blue lasers, which appeared too late for this study.) Of the 34 cases:
5 were deliberate exposures by the patient (they deliberately stared into the laser for more than a second or two, or numerous times)
5 were deliberate exposures by a doctor, on a patient whose eye was scheduled for removal due to disease//
用返警察先睇得明的中文來說,就是近代英文文獻內僅有 47 宗因鐳射筆造成的眼睛傷害案例,幾乎全部都係兒童或青少年因為貪玩、多次直視激光造成的,只有極少數是醫療失誤引起。
//激光分為不同的類別: Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M, 3R, 3B, 4. 而我們的激光筆上面清楚寫明是屬於 Class IIIb 即是 3B 級別。
第 3B 類激光產品
連續波輸出功率不超逾 0.5 瓦
它說的漫反射 (diffuse reflection) 就是從其他角度看這束激光。而連續輸出功率不超過 0.5W 如果轉做 mW 即等於 500mW 。
根據網頁所講, IIIB 及 IV 是會對眼睛做成影響,隨著激光的強度增加,影響會更大。圖四講解例如 IIIB 的激光如果近距離照射眼睛1/4秒會有中度至高度的損害,而它也說如果距離增加或照射時間減少,損害亦會減少。
而它在網頁中有另外一個大表,舉出了一個數據是 500mW 的激光在 160 米外照射眼睛是安全的。如果是觀測漫反射出來的光線,也是安全的。要令皮膚感到熱力,也只有在長時間近距離照射才會有感覺。//
圖:Stand News 立場新聞
#科普 #factcheck好重要 #反送中 #黑警
injuries例子 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的最佳貼文
What you should know
【一位從事神經系統損傷研究的博士後研究員給警務處處長的公開信 】
致: 香港警務處處長
作為一位多年從事研究神經系統損傷的博士後研究員,本人必須嚴正的指出中樞神經系統損傷的嚴重性及不可逆轉性。根據世界著名的醫學期刊《刺針》旗下的《The Lancet Neurology》,即使輕微如普通的跌傷(falls), 只要該創傷直接或間接造成腦震盪,亦已經能造成永久且不可逆轉(permanent and irreversible)的中樞神經系統損傷(詳見參考文獻1),令患者永久喪失活動、認知及記憶能力。既然輕傷已能造成腦部永久損傷,更遑論示威者被具有高度殺傷力的警棍傷及頭部,其後果更是不堪設想。 來自英國的J.J. Payne-James教授亦於《Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine》一書中提及,使用警棍攻擊頭部屬於具有高度受傷風險(high injury potential)的致命攻擊,於絕大多數的情況下不能以頭部作為攻擊目標(詳見參考文獻2)。在世界各地,已經有不少例子充分地顯示,攻擊頭部可致死或永久性傷殘,而有關的執法人員亦需面臨因使用過度武力而被起訴,負上刑責。
由六月九日開始,本人眼見不少手無寸鐵的香港巿民於參與修定《逃犯條例》所觸發的一連串示威活動當中,受到不同程度的身體損傷,當中亦涉及不少可致命的頭部損傷。作為一位負責任的研究人員,本人實在需要提醒閣下及其領導的執法團隊:使用警棍或其他武器(如橡膠子彈、胡椒噴霧等)直接攻擊示威者的頭部,可對其身體(特別是中樞神經系統)造成極其嚴重且不可逆轉的損傷,而任何的頭部攻擊均屬致命級別的武力,於執法人員的生命未受到致命威脅的情況下,應全面予以禁止。本人高度關注前線執法人員於「清場」過程中,所使用的武力強度是否已經超過合理水平。本人亦提醒閣下及所有前線警員,根據《警察通例》第29章:「使用武力的原則是,所使用的武力必須是為達到目的而須使用的最低程度武力;達到目的後,須立即停止使用。所使用的武力在當時情況下必須是合理的。」本人必須再三強調:攻擊他人頭部屬於致命級別的武力。因此,若前線警員非因受生命威脅而選擇攻擊他人頭部,其武力實屬非必要且不合理的。 故此,本人質疑有關警務人員為何於此等環境下,仍然選擇以致命級別的武力來驅散示威群眾。身為警隊領導者,本人認為閣下應提出充份的理據,以支持警員繼續使用此等高致命性的武力,攻擊示威者頭部。否則,本人呼籲閣下及其團隊停止使用致命武力:以警棍或其他武器(如橡膠子彈、胡椒噴霧等)直接攻擊示威者的頭部。本人亦敦促警方全面審視過往一個多月於應對大型示威活動上使用武力的指引,正視前線警員濫用暴力的問題,並應勒令禁止前線警務人員於生命沒有受到可致命的威脅的情況下,攻擊在場人士的頭部。最後,本人更提醒閣下:若前線警員仍執意於無生命威脅的情況下攻擊他人頭部,其行為已涉嫌干犯香港法例第212章《侵害人身罪條例》第17條的「意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而射擊、企圖射擊、傷人或打人」,最高可判終身監禁。
香港警務處處長 盧偉聰先生
一位於大學從事神經系統損傷研究的博士後研究員 謹啟
1. Maas, Andrew IR, Nino Stocchetti, and Ross Bullock. Moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in adults. The Lancet Neurology 7.8 (2008): 728-741.
2. Payne-James, J. J. Restraint Techniques, Injuries, and Death: Baton. In Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. (2016): 115-117.
injuries例子 在 案例一- 運動傷害扭傷骨折(Example 1: Sports Injuries - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
臺灣大學緊急救護宣導影片案例一-運動傷害扭傷骨折National Taiwan University Urgent Medical Education GuidenceExample 1: Sports Injuries ... ... <看更多>