MARRAKECH by Daido Moriyama
「我很喜歡伊利亞斯.卡內提的傑作《聆聽馬拉喀什》(Die Stimmen von Marrakesch),而且我發現我自己每隔幾年就會拿起這本書來翻翻。每次閱讀,都會喚起我許久以前到馬拉喀什短暫旅行一個星期的記憶,這已經是過了四分之一個世紀的事了。這些令我懷念的聲音、氣味以及擁擠的街道場景,就這樣鮮明地重新走入我閉上的眼睛。」——森山大道
《Marrakech》(馬拉喀什) 收錄日本攝影家森山大道數十年前造訪摩洛哥時所拍攝的照片。這本長型的攝影書以書套包起,打開後裡面有兩本小書,讀者可以透過自由組合兩本書裡滿頁出血的高對比黑白照片以參與這趟旅程。
“Elias Canetti's brilliant 'Die Stimmen von Marrakesch' is a book I like and one that I find myself casually re-reading once every few years. Each time I do, I will the memories from a faraway past of the short, week trip I took to Marrakesch, already a quarter of a century ago to come back. The nostalgic scenes of the many sounds, aromas, and crowded streets vividly return to my closed eyes.” - Daido Moriyama
"Marrakech" injects a shot of energy into a body of work Daido Moriyama made decades ago when he visited Morocco. This long, narrow book comes enclosed in a slipcase and opens to reveal two book blocks stacked on top of each other. The reader is invited to mix-and-match the full-bleed, high-contrast, black-and-white images according to his or her whims.
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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲