自從影完LUZID Designs lookbook之後都心郁郁諗緊好唔好電亂個頭。昨日登上 #ghdStyleTruck 流動髮型屋再次來個曲髮造型,帶點凌亂既捲曲加重了隨便感、少了一份女人味。今次,又似唔似Herman Joseph Li?
*想玩埋一份?可以到GHD facebook留意StyleTruck動向,讓專業的ghd髮型師免費為你來個全新曲髮造型,refresh一下!
A quick visit to #GHDStyleStruck to experience ghd's revolutionary hair curling tongs & wands. It's really easy to use and I have my curls done in just 20 minutes! Do these laidback luxe curls made me looking alike with Herman? haha
** You can now get onto ghd StyleTruck for a free hair styling experience. Check their schedule on ghd Professionall's facebook. Don't miss the truck!