[專頁公告] 英文學習「 生態系」
Hello, everyone! I hope you had a great start on the new year. I’ve been radio silent (銷聲匿跡) for a few days because I am currently setting up my Instagram to provide more English learning materials for you guys. Remember my new year goal of providing an "ecosystem" of learning materials?
大家好!希望各位在新年都有一個新的開始。近來我有些 「電波靜默」(銷聲匿跡),是因為我目前正在設置我的IG以提供給各位更多免費的教育資源。還記得我要提供學習資源生態圈的新年目標嗎?
Fanpage 📣📣📣
專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ericsenglishlounge
On our main fan page, you can read about hot topic current events, editorials, posts on English education. We also provide free educational resources, hold book drawings, and perform charitable activities.
專頁宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/2BaENzJ
FB groups and Google Meet 📣📣📣
關鍵思考英文學習團+Google Meet 時事討論
In our critical thinking FB group, you can read in depth news stories and discuss these issues with me. We have periodic livestreams on news topics, providing analysis and discussions available to public think tanks. In our class groups, you'll get constant updates and extra information relating to our courses! Google meet is where we hold our live discussions.
在我們的關鍵思考學習社團,你可以更深入地閱讀新聞報導後和我討論相關議題。我們會有定期直播討論相關新聞主題,並提供從公開智庫找到的分析和討論。在我們的班群社團,你可以得到即時更新,並獲得與我們課程有關的資訊!Google Meet是我們舉行線上討論的地方。
YouTube and Blog 📣📣📣
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2MhEt7h
部落格: http://bit.ly/2Ybp8L8
To be honest, I haven’t updated YouTube for awhile because of the high cost of producing a video (both money and time). However, you can still check out the channel for English learning videos, and I will update it whenever I can.
Our blog, which gets about 2000 visitors a day, is a compilation of all the free resources I published on all media. Thus, if you do not want to get on FB, feel free to check it out.
說實在的,因為做一部影片要成本過高,我已經一陣子沒有更新YouTube。 但是你還是能夠在頻道上觀看英文學習影片,如果有值得我們關注的議題就會有所更新。
Instagram 📣📣📣
IG: https://www.instagram.com/esenglishlounge/
I started working on Instagram a few months ago and so far I have three types of posts:
1. Word of the Day: I go over the pronunciation, collocations and provide example sentences. All these words are high frequency tier-2, cross-domain vocabulary words that appear in both academic texts and the news.
每日單字:我會針對發音、搭配詞、單字用法進行說明。所有的單字都來自高頻Tier 2跨領域學術詞彙,你會常在學術文章和新聞看到它們。
2. News English: I publish abridged, translated, and audio versions of news stories found in the NY Times, Reuters, the Guardian, and so on. These take a bit of time to do, so please use these resources as a part of your learning.
3. Daily life English topics: Anything that I find interesting or useful to students
So, if you need any of these resources, feel free to follow. Everything is free and I will do my best to keep it that way. Do follow me on Instagram if you need News English and want to expand your vocabulary!
📣 https://www.instagram.com/esenglishlounge/ 📣
英文學習資源大全: https://bit.ly/35HMkBy
Onwards to the new year!
「i am available用法」的推薦目錄:
i am available用法 在 黑咪 Facebook 的精選貼文
【完美KO痘痘 + 痘痘印Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel啫喱 HK$640/30ml】
誰有痘痘煩惱?我明白,又紅又腫久久不散,化妝也難掩那個色差。 痘痘過後又會留下好朋友(痘痘印),素顏的時候覺得好心灰,那些好朋友的一個個影子,令膚色好不均勻。前幾天我重新整理鞋之收納,太多塵,弄好之後我鼻上長了一粒又紅又腫的東東(拜託下次可以找其他位置不要在我鼻上長,好嗎?)。 幸好,因為Mr Honey經常長痘,所以家中必定有Aquafolia暗瘡啫喱(HK$640/30ml 黑咪店有售)。 搽了一晚,第二天大部分紅腫已退! 其實它就是一枝暗瘡膏,只不過它是啫喱狀,需要時就搽它在暗瘡位置,它不單可以令痘痘趕快跟你說永別(不要再見),它也可以令痘痘印快點退去。 就是在暗瘡暗瘡印位置一直搽,搽到兩者都不見了的時候就可以停。 而且它不會像一般暗瘡產品令暗瘡位置好乾飛皮。 非常見效又好用,而且用法超簡單啦! 這個是我家中必備,因為我真的不知道什麼時候這些損友會來探訪我! 如果你有同樣煩惱,來試試啊,那個質地你一定喜歡!要注意:產品有2%水楊酸,所以不建議孕婦或創傷性美容療程後第一個星期使用!
🌟網購: http://bit.ly/2Q93cJa
🌟黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
🌟黑咪店路線圖: http://bit.ly/2W3pUZr
Who has acne problem? Yea I understand, that redness and swollen parts seem to last forever, sometimes, even makeup cannot do the tricks. And when they are gone, they kinda leave their friends (pigmentation) behind; you are frustrated when you look into the mirror with bare face because they distort your supposedly perfect even out skin tone. A few days ago, I was reorganising my shoes and you could imagine all the dust during the process. When I finished, there is this red swollen thing appearing on the tip of my nose (please next time, pick a more discreet place). Luckily, Mr Honey always gets pimples, so we have Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel (HK$640/30ml available at @hakmebeauty) at home. I applied it at night and 90% of the redness and swelling is gone the next day! Think about this as your anti-pimple treatment in a gel texture, use it only on the pimple areas when needed. It doesn’t only help the pimples disappearing quicker, it also fades the pigmentation. Use it on the affected areas until they are fully recovered, then stop. It doesn’t dry out the areas too, so it’s a very brilliant, effective and convenient product! This is a must-have for me at home because I never know when the pimples are going to visit me! If you have the same issue, come and give this a try, I am sure you will like the texture! One thing to note: it contains 2% of Salicylic acid, so I wouldn’t recommend it to any pregnant ladies and within the first week of any beauty treatments.
🌟想睇更多黑咪店既資訊?👉🏻 Follow埋黑咪店既Instagram啦 https://www.instagram.com/hakmebeauty/
i am available用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
現代人工作忙碌,拒絕他人邀約的場景時時存在。但只會說”No, thank you.”嗎?喬認為人際關係這塊還蠻重要的,所以這篇要寫下幾個自己用來拒絕他人邀約的英文用法:
例:A: Joe, will you be available for my party tomorrow?
☛ I’ll get back to you later, because I got many projects recently.
✔ 這個回答算是挺婉拒,算是喬認為比較隱晦的。告知邀請者晚點告知是否能去的原因時,邀請者大概心裡也有底了,算是很給對方面子的一種說法。
☛ I’d love to, but my parents are in town tomorrow.
✔ 這個回答算是蠻直接的,但也表達自己想參加的心情,but後面所接的原因可以自行修改。
☛ I already have plans. I am so sorry.
✔ 這回答挺直接的,可以當作是一個標準回絕句記下來。
☛ I am good. Thanks.
✔I am good可以理解為“我很好” —> 所以不需要。這是一種口語的表達,挺好用的,挺委婉的拒絕方式。
☛ (建議別跟熟人這樣回) I am not interested.
✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H
☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/
☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86