"Khasiat Surah Al-Ikhlas"
1 -Tercapai Setiap Hajat
Bacalah Surah Al-Ikhlaṣ 1,000 kali selepas solat Subuh dan Maghrib, berdoalah minta apa yang dihajati, Allah akan mengabulkan semua yang dimaksudkan.
...Continue Reading′′ Benefits of Surah Al-Ikhlas ′′
1-Every wish is achieved
Read Surah Al-Ikhlaṣ 1,000 times after Subuh and Maghrib prayers, pray for what is said, Allah will grant all that is meant.
2-The cure for Disease
When we read Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 X after every fardu prayer, we cure ourselves. From Abu Hurairah; Rasululllah SAW said: ′′ Surah Al Ikhlas is the cure for all diseases (Rohani / Jasmani)." (HR: Ibnu Majah r.a.)
3-Avoiding Difficulties
a - If read this 3 surah - Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and An-Nas in the morning and evening, you will not experience any difficulties.
b-Read Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 X before sunrise and 3 X after sunset. God save from all evil.
4-Subdue the Wicked
Read Surah Al-Ikhlaṣ 1,000 times after fardhu prayer, then read the following prayer;
′′ Indeed, I empower the spirit of this surah, hot and cold, to the spirit.... (mention the name of the wrong person)."
God willing it will be successful.
5-Stayed From Other People's Greed
a - Read lafaz 'YA SHAMAD' 133 times daily. InsyaAllah, we will save from the evil intentions of the greedy and unjust.
b - Read lfal 'YA SHAMAD' 40 times daily. InsyaAllah as long as life is still conceived we always survived the evil intentions of greedy people.
6-Reduce Hunger and Thirsty
To avoid hunger and thirsty feelings, especially those who are in intersted or in a place that is far from the crowd and hard to get water or food, then read the Surah Al-Ikhlas and follow the favor of 'YA SHAMAD' as much as possible. InsyaAllah feeling hard, tired, thirsty and hunger will be destroyed by itself, until the body is strong to continue the purpose.
7-Preventing All Disasters.
Read this Surah Al-Ikhlas 1,000 times in the time between Maghrib and Isyak prayers. Blessing from this reading, InsyaAllah all disaster and danger will be spared.
8-Get the Goodness of the World and the hereafter
Read Surah Al-Ikhlas after finishing the fardhu prayer as a daily practice. InsyaAllah the blessing of the surah Al-Ikhlas that we read, we will get the goodness in this world and
9-Avoid Slander And Torture Of The Grave.
Read Surah Al-Ikhlas to the sick. If the sick person died on that day, then InsyaAllah he will be saved from all the slander of the grave.
10-Multiple Use
Dawamkan 100 times every day after Maghrib prayer without limit... InsyaAllah there will be many benefits, among them are:
- as a fortress / self fence
- as a supplement / vitamin born / inner (healthy soul far from any disease)
- anti magic / khaki
- mahabbah
- good fortune
- medicine
- opening the hijab
- protection from zina
- clean and purify our hearts.
We have seen how big the fadhilat and advantages of the people who read this Surah Al-Ikhlas are. The nutrients that have been mentioned above are useful for life supply, either for a wish or for body shield to be healthy and spared from any distraction. So many gifts and great rewards given by Allah SWT to those who get used to reading surah Al-Ikhlas in a stead.
However, we should not only think of the reward because it is the will of Allah SWT for whom He wills. By reading Surah Al-Ikhlas is our love for the Al Quran and the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. So let's practice and read this surah consistently.
Thank God ♥️Translated