What will you going to learn in teacher training
2. Yoga History and Philosophy ·
好多人以為自己練習左好多年既式子,咩高難度既動作都做就覺得自己已經master左瑜伽(其實有咩可以master得到😅),結果越走越extreme 甚至參加埋所謂既比賽。
但其實asana 只係瑜伽八支其中之一支,因為tangible 再加上Marketing, social media 既吹捧,人淨係識focus 係最表面既野上
瑜伽其實最少有五千年歷史,經歷過好多時代既洗禮,有好多重要既典故書籍例如 Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutra...... 不同既Guru一步一步甘建立,現代人所著重體位法既練習都係好近代先有。你可能覺得好悶好無聊,正常既,絕大部分既年輕人返學都最憎歷史哲學,覺得對將來完全無貢獻,無經濟效益。
如果要講真係有排講,有機會可以上堂同我討論,但你想像一下如果一個唔知自己既根係咩,亦無咩人生經驗, 淨係識教個動作,極其量呢個人只可叫做instructor唔可能係老師。
Because teacher is more than just instruct students asanas, they give students insights, they see the potential of the students, they guide the students when they get lost. If you want to be a teacher, you need to work much more than just asana.
Think about what do you want to become.
200 - hour foundation yoga teacher training
入學要求: 最少一年恆常瑜伽練習經驗 喜歡及相信瑜伽 希望可增加對瑜伽既認識,希望日後可以將所 學既分享比身邊人
學習文本: 英文
What will you going to learn:
1) Asana Practice (from basic to advanced)
2) Yoga History and Philosophy
3) Anatomy
4) Meditation and Pranayama
5) knowledge of pregnancy and options to mothers-to-be
6) Practicum: how to teach, what do you need to prepare, what situation you will going to face to
7) Hand on adjustment in different situation
8.) Marketing and how to find a job
What will we provide:
1) locker
2) shower facilities
3) all the yoga equipments and teaching materials
4) one on one section to seek the goal / style/ the struggle you are facing now
5) Yoga Alliance certificate
schedule 1:18 April 2020 - 5 July 2020 (break from 25 May - 5 June)
schedule 2 : 12 September 2020 - 2 December 2020 (break from 19 October - 30 November)
Time:Saturdays & Sunday : 10am - 5pm Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Early Bird Discounted Price: 28,500 hkd (schedule 1 : ends on 2 March, schedule 2: ends on 30July)
Regular : 32,000 hkd
Details: www.thepracticegroup.com