Appreciating this length that I kept for 2 years cause it got a trim 😌
Longest I ever grew my hair till it reached the bum. So let's a talk a little on hair health to make it strong and thick:
✴️Watch the food ladies. I noticed when I cut back on my protein in take my hair started to fall a bit more. So it matters what you eat allll the time 😉 Eat a Variety of protein sources.
✴️ Take your supplements Vit B, C, D, Zinc, omega 3s and Iron. In other words eat well. See still talking bout nutrition here 😊
✴️Change in hormones can also cause hair issues. So take note of your hormones for general health.
✴️Brush your hair often. Comb it after conditioning in the shower and use cold water to rinse. Brush hair again after drying your hair.
✴️Hair does need a trim every few months cause this will actually encourage hair growth by getting rid of any damaged, broken, or split ends.
✴️Be mindful that coloring can damage but I know it's soooo fun to have colors 😏 I had red hair for 6 years and yes my hair was damaged for the sake of color.
✴️Care for yourself internally, externally will do the rest ❤️
Vlogged my first hair salon visit since mco at @number76. Catch it in my youtube and see how much I did cut