Dear Gentlemen,
You may feel that girls are from Venus, and you may feel that you are from Mars. But in all honesty, you really don’t need a degree in rocket science to learn how to communicate with us and reach to our hearts.
It is not so much about throwing a huge party ostensibly for us and posting it on social media, or the monetary worth of the gifts you throw in. It would be a lie to say that these are completely irrelevant, but relationships held up by nothing more than money thrown at it are effectively financial relationships.
For a functioning romantic relationship, it’s often the little things and touches that mean the most: things that don’t require a deep pocket, but just attention and care.
It could be as simple as remembering what song she likes or her favourite colours, or even her allergies and phobias. Maybe help out with the dishes, or watch her chick flicks with her for the 10th time. It could be something old fashioned, like opening the door for her, and kissing her on the forehead before heading out for work. Or even something more unexpected and romantic, like leaving little post-its in random places at home with sweet messages for her to stumble upon, or suddenly twirling her around in a little dance ending with a tight embrace.
If that is too much and too long of a list to remember, here is something much easier...
Pay attention to her.
Notice her feelings. Ask for her opinions. Listen to her. All this boils down to simply this: actually showing that you care for her as a partner.
Of course, every girl is different, but this last point must hold true for anyone.
Learn to give before you take and treat relationships as lifelong projects. You will end up reaping much more than what you sow.
PS: an occasional bouquet of roses wouldn’t hurt too.
Anyone agreeing with me? 🙋🏻♀️