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#情人節插畫 #人像畫 #人像畫訂製 #似顏繪 #客制化禮物 #香港插畫師 #插畫 #週年禮物 #紀念日禮物 #情人節禮物 #禮物推介 #情侶插畫 #結婚禮物 #生日禮物 #訂製禮物 #婚禮佈置 #插畫 #igshop #hk #hkonlineshop #hkwedding #hkigshop #hkiggirl #hkiger #hkig #hkigstore #hkillustrator #tattooartist #hktattooshop
About author
Tiffanycheetah 為香港著名插畫師,她創作的靈感源自人與人相處之間的細膩的情愛、簡單的快樂、霎時的感動,這都是她所尋找的生活態度 。
Tiffanycheetah用畫筆巧妙地捕捉女性美麗的面貌於紙上,渴望她的畫成為一面鏡子,讓讀者更了解自己,從而懂得愛自己、愛別人、愛生活,更學 會珍惜我們所擁有的。 她把人生意義的反思融於畫中,讓讀者能積極地面對人生種種挑戰,為世界發放正能量。
她曾與多個品牌合作,包括 SONY 、 Samsung、Smart car crossover 插畫、 蔡卓妍 CD 插畫及首度與年輕作家王貽興crossover的繪本作品《素晴^.^日子》等。她從事形象設計工作,為不少商場設計形象。而最近正為自己的品牌設計形象及籌備展覽中。
Tiffanycheetah is a young renowned contemporary illustration artist from Hong Kong.
Having participated in various projects with famous brands and celebrities - Sony, Smart Car, album design for local artist Charlene Choi, Tiffanycheetah is also one of the first artist to collaborate with the rising multi-platform writer Ong Yi Hing in his illustration book “Life is Bittersweet”. She is also highly active in brand imaging for shopping centres, including event marketing promotion for Christmas 2011 at Gi Mall, and also various art exhibitions.
Not only reflecting the latest trend, Tiffanycheetah’s works also closely depicts daily life situations, love, lust, emotion inhibition with a tinge of melancholic beauty, touching the hearts of many. Being highly observant and sensitive to people around enables Tiffanycheetah to experience vibrant emotions and create fantastical visions of the world. Her artistic expression then takes form as a simple diary, at times identifying her own emotions, with beauty and mischief showing through eyes of her characters, deep emotions flowing through luxurious hair of her creations, which forms the mysterious universe she is highly immersed in.
Moreover, Tiffanycheetah loves daydreaming. It is the extension of dreams at night, tying her to the strange yet wonderful dimension - with the little rabbit and its endless cute gadgets! Tiffanycheetah would record them all with her creative stokes, bringing the cheerful childhood fantasies to reality.
Imagination often reflects the goodwill of people in modern day. They fill you with joy, they fill you with tears. Yet, maybe that’s the reason why Tiffanycheetah’s work is so enchanting.
Recently Tiffanycheetah is concentrating on her new brand imaging and preparing exhibition of her works.
香港插畫師 www.tiffanycheetah.com http://tiffanycheetah.tumblr.com/
香港插畫師 www.tiffanycheetah.com http://tiffanycheetah.tumblr.com/
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