【LifeinTaiwan is looking for an intern】
Hello everyone,
I love being a Youtuber. I love the freedom it gives me and appreciate the connection it gives me to my ever-so-supportive audience. I began the channel 4 years ago and never imagined it would be more than a small hobby or side project that I would do in my spare time in order to allow my son in South Africa, William, to watch his Daddy sharing his Life in Taiwan with him and anyone else who wants to watch.
I have been so blessed that although the channel and myself have had some ups and downs over the years, the channel has grown to a size where I feel that I am now able to offer somebody the opportunity to join me and share the journey I am taking through the Youtube world. For 4 years, over countless hours I have created 300 videos and grown to the channel to a quarter of a million subscribers all by myself. Video conception, writing, planning, producing, filming, editing, subtitling and re-editing have all been done by myself with the occasional welcome assistance from friends who have stepped in when I have required help. Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to this point.
However, it has recently become apparent that I need help. The constant strive for ideas and pressure to create interesting, watchable videos has pushed me to the limit of what one person can do in order to provide the best content for the viewers here in Taiwan and around the world. This is in addition to the fact that as a foreigner in Taiwan, I often find myself needing the help of a Taiwanese person to prevent making some basic mistakes that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Therefore, in order to show you a higher level of content and better quality videos, I have decided to invite an intern to join me! 💪
What kind of person am I looking for?
- Those who are interested in marketing, film creativity, script writing and filming. Students studying in these fields are also welcome.
- Those who usually watch youtube videos and understand the Youtube space
- Those who have lived or studied overseas or have cross-cultural experience are preferred
- Those able to communicate fluently in English
- Those who want to know more about the YouTube space and accumulate experience in the social media field
- Somebody who wants to learn more about the video creation process and develop their skills in video production
- Somebody in Taichung City
What do I need help with?
- Assistance in planning videos for Youtube
- Advice and opinions on video topics
- Help with writing video scripts
- Assist in filming and production.
What am I offering?
- Salary: Part time salary is negotiable
- Bonus: Video view targets will earn bonus pay
- Working time: 10-15 hours per week
- Flexible schedule if I find the perfect person
Please send a CV and a motivation letter to the address below.
Subject Line: Lifeintaiwan Intern
Applications without CV & Motivation Letter cannot be processed.
[email protected]
同時也有3477部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅ぱらかるた(paracarta),也在其Youtube影片中提到,動画の撮影日:9月14日火曜日 新規感染者数:1004人(先週より625人減) 国際線ということもあり、殆どの便は欠航、お店も臨時休業中でした。 でもコロナで全然どこにも行けず、気持ちが落ち込んでいる中、私の心を救ってくれた、希望を持たせてくれた飛行場✈️またたくさん旅行に行って美味しい物をたくさん...
「hello in english」的推薦目錄:
- 關於hello in english 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於hello in english 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於hello in english 在 美麗佳人 Marie Claire Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於hello in english 在 ぱらかるた(paracarta) Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於hello in english 在 葉山舞鈴 / Hayama Marin Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於hello in english 在 Hokkori ouchi-gohan Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於hello in english 在 10 Ways to say Hello in English - YouTube 的評價
- 關於hello in english 在 Other Ways to Say Hello in English | Informal and Professional 的評價
- 關於hello in english 在 Ways To Say Hello, English Phrases Examples - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於hello in english 在 Four Ways to Say "Hello" in English | Facebook - Facebook 的評價
hello in english 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
│主導開發 Disney+ 的 Kevin Mayer 正在用黑石集團的20億美元打造一個專注在內容、商務和社群的未來商業模式上的新娛樂集團│
•兩位來自 Disney 集團的畢業生 Kevin Mayer 和 Thomas Staggs 不久前組了一個 SPAC 特殊目的收購公司,並獲得 Blackstone Group 黑石集團大手筆的20億美元資金,開始到處收購影視製作相關的公司。Kevin Mayer 在拿下估值高達8、9億美元之多的 《The Morning Show 晨間直播秀》製片公司 Hello Sunshine 並讓該公司創辦人 Reese Witherspoon 成為好萊塢身價最高的女明星之後,今天首度在一場英國皇家電視學會的活動中談及他創辦的這家連沒有名字都還沒取就已經在影視產業投下震撼彈的新公司發展方向。
• 人物背景複習:被黑石指定為新公司共同執行長的兩位好萊塢資深高管,包含 Disney 前營運長 Thomas Staggs 以及原本在 Disney 主管 DTC 和國際業務的 Kevin Mayer。 Kevin Mayer 原本會是 Disney 執行長 Bob Iger 呼聲最高的接班人選。從 Miramax、Lucasfilm、Pixar、Marvel 到 Fox 的併購都有 Mayer 的身影,更別提如今整個 Disney 未來命脈所在的 Disney+ 正是他一手主導開發。然而去年初 Bob Iger 在一片錯愕聲中將 Disney 執行長的位置交給了主管主題樂園業務的 Bob Chapek,逼使 Kevin Mayer 黯然離開 Disney(後來曾短暫擔任 TikTok 執行長3個月)。
• 黑石和 Kevin Mayer 看準了串流大戰對於內容製作的史無前例強烈需求,將投資主力放在有串流經驗的製作公司之上。除了 Reese Witherspoon 的製片公司 Hello Sunshine 之外,根據先前 Variety 的報導他們也在評估購買 NBA 球星 LeBron James 的製片公司 SpringHill 和導演 Ron Howard 的 Imagine Entertainment。加上早先讀報中注意到的新聞說黑石集團與房地產投資商 Hudson Pacific 合作買下倫敦北邊大約 36.8萬平方公尺的土地用以興建新的 Sunset Studios 攝影棚的倫敦新棚,讓這家連名字都還來不及取的新公司在還沒開張營業時就已經讓許多好萊塢公司另眼相看。
• 黑石和 Kevin Mayer 並不是市場上唯一到處在買公司的金主。事實上他們原本看上的 LeBron James 的製片公司 SpringHill 這兩天就被另一個投資公司劫標成功。買下 SpringHill 的 RedBird Capital Partners 同時也投資了運動頻道 YES network,並且和前運動明星、現任好萊塢片酬最高明星 Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson 集資1500萬美元買下美式足球聯盟 XFL。
• 回到 Kevin Mayer 身上,他今天的演講重點:
1. Kevin Mayer 先承認了這兩天媒體報得沸沸揚揚的傳聞說他已經洽談準備收購 Will Smith 和 Jada Pinkett Smith 夫妻創辦的製片公司 Westbrook Inc。該公司除了製作 Will Smith 夫妻參與演出的相關節目之外,也是最早在 YouTube 播出、後來成為 Netflix 熱門節目的電視劇《Cobra Kai 眼鏡蛇道館》的製作公司。
2. Hello Sunshine 和 Westbrook 只是該公司整個大計畫中的一小部分。他們將繼續尋找各種類型的傑出企業和品牌,以滿足整個消費光譜中的所有觀眾。他沒有透露後續還會併購什麼樣類型的公司,但明白表示確實還有好幾家公司正在評估中。
3. Mayer 說這家新公司將專注在內容、商務和社群的未來商業模式之上,並將以全世界的消費者為目標。他特別強調「社群」將是他們業務的重要一部分。雖然 Mayer 只當了 TikTok 抖音的執行長沒幾天,顯然很有自己的社群心得。
4. 因為是在英國電視學會的場合,因此 Mayer 說他和創業夥伴 Thomas Staggs 搜尋併購目標的範圍涵蓋全世界各國,當然也不排除併購英國本地的公司。然而被問到正準備私有化的英國公共頻道 Channel 4,他有點失禮地斬釘截鐵說「我們不買廣播電視台」。畢竟串流才是未來,誰要買天知道還能撐多久的日落產業。
5. Mayer 也提及了跟新公司無關的議題。他自己擔任董事長的運動串流服務 DAZN 最近被排除在英格蘭足球聯賽的轉播權競標的資格之外,Mayer 表示遺憾之外並希望未來 DAZN 仍有機會在談判桌上和其他對手一起競爭出價。另一方面值得注意的是他特別強調 DAZN 短期內應該不會參與美國職棒大聯盟的轉播權競標,理由是美國市場並非他們的策略重心,因此不打算投注太多資源在美國賽事上。這一點其實也符合他在黑石投資的新公司的市場策略——優先打造一個滿足全球觀眾的服務,而不是打造一個美國服務然後再推銷給全世界其他人。
◇ 新聞來源:
Kevin Mayer Teases Further Acquisitions From Blackstone-Backed Media Firm & Talks Potential DAZN Premier League UK Rights Deal – RTS Convention(https://flip.it/bZnbsy)
Kevin Mayer Reiterates English Premier League Rights Ambitions, States Global Acquisition Plans for New Media Company(https://flip.it/0ueHdE)
Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith’s Westbrook Studios In Sale Talks With Kevin Mayer & Tom Staggs’ Blackstone-Backed Media Venture(https://flip.it/sl5O.W)
LeBron James’ SpringHill Co. Moves Closer To Clinching Investment From Group Led By RedBird Capital(https://flip.it/XDFcYC)
│Netflix 還不打算放棄漫畫超級英雄業務,將開拍由 Dark Horse 漫畫《Grendel》的電視劇 │
◇ 新聞來源:Netflix developing adaptation of Dark Horse comic series ‘Grendel’(https://flip.it/ViG7HL)
◇ 新聞來源:A New Generation Of Smart TVs Is Changing The Way We Watch TV(https://flip.it/17qpq6)
hello in english 在 美麗佳人 Marie Claire Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
【#mcCover】 9月號 #封面人物 金高銀 享受每一個此刻
儘管不分晝夜投入新劇《柔美的細胞小將》拍攝工作,視訊螢幕裡的金高銀,依舊元氣滿滿地用中文說:「你好。」讓人融化在她魅力之中。這次為戲剪去長髮,短髮的金高銀更有種精緻感,簡單卻又充滿個人特色的姿態,連換多套 CHANEL 全新季度設計,在攝影師HONG JANG HYUN的觀景窗裡,比起過去經常流露少女般的羞赧,歷經時間的淬煉打磨,眼前的她,自信油然而生。身為CHANEL J12系列腕錶繆思女神,正符合了腕錶所傳遞超然的「經典」之美,演繹出成長蛻變懾人力量。
Through the screen of the video call, Kim Go-eun flashes her signature sweet smile and says “hello” in Chinese. Having tried on multiple sets of CHANEL’s seasonal designs, her confidence is captured in photographer HONG JANG HYUN’s camera viewfinder. As a muse for the CHANEL J12 watch series, she fits the transcendent “classic” beauty conveyed by the watch.
👉看 金高銀 中英文版獨家專訪>>https://bit.ly/3gFvUA0
👉看 金高銀 美圖大片>>https://bit.ly/3mMLYnt
Talent_KIM GO EUN @ggonekim
Production Supervisor、Text_廖崇捷 @patreeck_xxoo
Executive Producer、Interview_PARK YUN SEON @yunsun100
Photographer_HONG JANG HYUN @hongjanghyun
Styling Director_ 蕭景引 @chingyinhsiao
Styling_ LEE YUNMI(brand L) @stylist_eel
Make Up_JO EUN JEONG @b_joeun
Hair_KANG HYUN-JIN @kanghyunjin_official
Film Director YANG JOONG SAN @yangjoongsan
Film Editor_ 林粟柔 @milky_the_poop
Props_DARAK @set_darak
Translator_PARK YUN SEON @yunsun100 、LEE MIN HAE @miiin___h、Kyra Lai @keepupwithkyra
English Subtitles_ Christine Lee
Talent Manager_CHOI SEUNG MIN @seungmin__choi 、KIM JAEHYUN
Special Thanks To_Mia Chou @miachou1021 、BH Entertainment @bhent_official 、BL CREATIVE HOUSE @blcreativehouse
Wardrobe、FineJewelry、Watches_ @chanelofficial
#marieclairetw #J12 #CHANELWatches #CocoCrush #CHANELFineJewelry #CHANELFallWinter #kimgoeun #金高銀 #김고은
hello in english 在 ぱらかるた(paracarta) Youtube 的最佳解答
🌼外国語の字幕制作にご協力ください(Please help translate subtitles into your language.)↓
(If you've captioned/subbed one of my videos, please tell me that in the comments section of the video. Thank you.)
ぱらかるた(paracarta)のおさちーです٩( 'ω' )و❤︎
Hello everyone ♪
I am "osachi" of ぱらかるた (paracarta).
I update youtube at 5-10 p.m.
♥ ︎ cooking and food repo videos
♥ ︎Love new sweets, animation, manga and games
♥Recipe video is recorded in English
Please subscribe to my channel! 😊
Kevin MacLeodのFig_Leaf_Times_TwoはCC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)でライセンス付与されています。
AudionautixのRags 2 Riches RagはCC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)でライセンス付与されています。
Licensed via Audio Network
SFX Provided By AudioBlocks

hello in english 在 葉山舞鈴 / Hayama Marin Youtube 的最佳解答
▼ 新作歌ってみた動画投稿したよ!🎬
シネマ - Ayase feat. 初音ミク (Cover) / 葉山舞鈴
🦕🍖前回までのにじARK(ARK Crystal Isles)
for steam
①最新作!期間限定「おやすみ&おはようボイス2021」🌤😪(10/31 23:59まで)
▼ おはやま常設ボイスはこちらから ▼
葉山舞鈴(Hayama Marin)です!
My name is Marin Hayama.
I can only speak Japanese and I can speak a little English.
I understand a little English,
Please use simple English slowly.
I don't understand English and sometimes I can't reply. sorry.
If you like this channel Subscribe to my channel!♡
My streaming is almost every day from about 1 am Japan time to the morning. Occasionally it will be streamed in the evening, so please turn on notifications and come visit us.
#葉山舞鈴 #生け捕り町おこし
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hello in english 在 Hokkori ouchi-gohan Youtube 的最佳解答
Lotus root with Umeboshi( Pickled plums ) and bonito flakes.
英語吹き替え版/Dubbed in English.
✅日本語版はこちら(Original ver.↓)
Hello, this is Misuzu.
Today, I will show you a menu where you can enjoy crunchy texture of lotus root and sour taste of Umeboshi. It is a side dish that can be easily made.
☆Here is my recipe blog.
【Related videos.】
How to cook Fried Lotus Root (Easy Version) - Chinese Recipe
Crispy Lotus Root Chips Recipe
Spicy Sichuan Lotus Roots Stir Fry|🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶|家常麻辣藕片
★TikTok @misumisu0722
★Instagram @misumisu0722
★Twitter @misumisu0722
𖧷Nutritional value calculation is quoted from Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2021.
BGM:Music-Note.jp(have a good time)
#Lotusroot #umeboshi #Pickledplums

hello in english 在 Other Ways to Say Hello in English | Informal and Professional 的美食出口停車場

Is 'hey, what's up' an appropriate English greeting to use at work? What about with your neighbors? English speakers use more than just a ... ... <看更多>
hello in english 在 Ways To Say Hello, English Phrases Examples - Pinterest 的美食出口停車場
Dec 8, 2019 - Ways To Say Hello, English Phrases Examples Good to see you Hey, boo How are things? What have you been up to? Look what the cat dragged in! ... <看更多>
hello in english 在 10 Ways to say Hello in English - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
JOIN THE ACADEMYhttps://speakenglishwithtiffaniacademy.comIn this English lesson we look at 10 ways to say hello in English. ... <看更多>