上一篇S的閱讀紀錄中📓 < Michael Vey >
但很可惜聽完第5集不能測LitPro線上閱讀測驗, 所以找了AR線上閱讀測驗, 書籍能測的比想像的多(#昨天發現連ORT樹頂系列也能測S就一連讀後測了三本)...
#{AR} : Accelerated Reader
📝 Michael Vey 4: Hunt for jade dragon (8/6)
I like this book from this series the most because it happens in Taiwan! And it’s where I live! This book is about Michael Vey and his friends Taylor, Ostin, McKenna, Jack, Abigail, Zeus, Tessa, and they have a big secret: they had electrical powers!(most of them) they called themselves the Electroclan, they’re preparing to fly to Taiwan to rescue a nine-year-old Chinese girl called jade dragon from the Taiwanese army and a group of Elgen superninjas called the Lung Li. But first, they went to pick Nichelle up (who everyone hates) When they’re in Taiwan, they meet Giacomo Schema. He's the CEO of the Elgen Corporation, he helps the Electroclan find jade dragon.
At the end of this book, jade dragon was in safe and Nichelle become a member of the Electroclan, but“The Elgen have attacked the ranch (some of their parents and lot of people were in there)! So now they about to save them!
In some parts of this book, they went to try food from Taiwan, for example, they tried eel noodles, they thought it tasted yucky, and one time they went to the night market and tried some shaved ice, I think they will like it. I can tell that some foreigners don’t like foods from Taiwan.
(By #Saphanie) ✏#S的五升六暑假