[Michael Sandel很忙]TL:DR – 疫苗公司話:成本價?食慒你。股東要賺錢的。股價當然即升。兩日升5倍咁咯。
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一個星期至少三篇,一個月一舊水唔使,一星期已近400人訂,仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
1. 呢間公司CureVac (CVAC),聽聞就快搞得掂疫苗。但已經講到明,免費?痴線啦,開善堂咩。成本價?一樣睬你有味。唔使賺乎?講明,不能成本價賣出去。咱們上市公司,上市公司最大目的是甚麼?賺錢?(*)錯!係shareholder wealth maximization。
2. 新聞一出?股價即時升。一升就40%。唔止,上星期五已經升咗250%。上星期五16美金,昨晚(星期一)見過85蚊。股價歷史?冇喎,就係得呢兩日,新股嚟的。睇漏咗。
3. 呢隻嘢堅。我都睇漏咗,開頭仲想講香港傳媒冇乜報,只見台灣。後來發現明明信報就有,但我miss咗。鬼咩,一日睇咁多嘢。昨晚(星期日)我一晚清晒過去一個星期嘅Bloomberg Newsletter,唔係好多啫,好似兩百幾三個email,俄羅斯方塊咁,一路積住越嚟越高。好彩我昨晚再返返去Inbox Zero嘅目標
4. 其實啲人講咩「成本價」,我有時都好R頭。亦都令啲記者有時對住我扯火。因為我真係問佢,「咩係成本價」?如果你係Trading 之類,都好似仲易啲,我上網訂件波衫四百蚊,你唔識上網我五舊水賣畀你,大約咁玩。可以計埋我啲郵費車錢之類。
5. 但真實企業邊有咁簡單?你一杯星巴克「成本」幾錢?我都唔知。只計啲咖啡粉?咁租呢人工呢?果啲都係value add,否則你自己買包粉返屋企沖啦—你去茶餐廳飲好立克都係開粉之嘛,睇下收你幾錢?但基本常識都知,租呀人工呀呢啲,好大程度上fixed(with respect to 量)。起碼一定範圍內係。你一日賣得一杯咖啡,都係交咁多租架啦(如果冇分成),你賣得一杯,都要出咁多糧架啦。咁明顯地你呢啲average cost 係隨住個量會跌落去嘛。
6. 所以啲人問「成本價」,而我不知道咩係「成本」。你用易乾講,咪可能講所有成本都係機會成本,highest value 科乾。咁我寫呢篇文嘅成本價幾多?我都唔知。我拎去幫人補數學好,定寫篇Patreon好?而更重要係,啲成本同你個售價無關嘛。我寫到嘔血,你都絶對可以一個仙都唔畀,甚至要我貼錢你先肯睇。你付出幾多同個市場肯畀幾多,可以冇乜關係。全部都基本經濟嘢。
7. 咁疫苗我唔識啦,但好似都係啲化學嘢,蛋白質,加啲咩DNA—可以有幾貴?咁但,當然啦,研發成本喎。而我又唔知啲「研發成本」可以點attribute 落去。我研發失敗嗰啲又點計?冇失敗又點有成功?仲有坐冷氣房班肥佬,啲人工往往一個頂十幾廿個研發人員,但又計唔計成本?(一般計gross profit就唔計嘅)
8. 所以其實公司話計要拎返個「ethical margin」,我都唔係好知幾多先叫ethical。不過主要都係即使我們錯,不比他們多。醒目嘅,咪拎啲同業出嚟鞭屍。拿,隔離檔嘢,賣偉哥之嘛,都咁高利錢呀。喂,扯唔起之嘛,死得人咩?叫啲肥佬食清啲啦。我地賣嘢救世人喎,唔係更有貢獻?掂晒。
9. 如果要justify自己嘅margin高過人?仲簡單。唏,你唔好睇我地margin高人地成倍。人地大藥廠幾百億喎,我地幾億真係勉強夠交租架咋。仲有,成咗一隻唔知幾時先有下隻嘛,係咪咁講?
10. 藥廠之類啦喎,其實未有呢啲疫情已經極其惹火,拗足幾十年。一方面會講藥廠唔應該謀暴利應該有社會責任之類。另一方面又話你知沒有錢研乜鬼發?有錢先有人做呢啲嘢。藥廠冒幾大風險呀搞幾多年先中一隻藥呀啲PhD幾貴呀如果一出嚟又畀人抄咁阿水仲同你去做研發咩齊齊搽精油攬炒周兆祥算啦。最後都係中間落墨,你見到藥廠依好然賺錢,但又唔係去到科技股果種呼風喚雨了。
11. 講到尾(拿,右翼呀),個世界話你知,多數都係錢能通神。你總唔見啲NGO研發到呢啲東西,十居其九都係商業機構,incentive唔同。你總唔見有班人唔順超我要改變呢個生態我自己搞間藥廠唔賺錢唔拎專利 — 因為你根本請唔到人。請到人研發到都冇人幫你賣。講真的,你大可以政府牽頭國營研發,但你見多數都唔多成功。人性如此。我拎你公務員人工,咪交公務員嘅貨。Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs全部都係變態老細迫到啲下屬發癲。但點解人地肯同佢癲?
12. 隨住肺炎疫苗好似真係有希望短期面世(*),呢啲爭議只會越嚟越多。畢竟邊個發明到而又批到,就真係好過印銀紙。反正而家印銀紙都唔係好值錢(?),因為銀紙都唔係好值錢。
13. 但,發明到又過到各種測試後,又應該點?你諗下口罩最初都搶到癲,但口罩明明係low tech嘢(相對啦,唔好叫我自己整個),因為供應咁樣搶上去,你啲產能都要一排先跟得上。順帶一提,人人得以誅之嘅「坐地起價」,其實又一次見到係提供咗誘因畀啲生產商去開機。如果係疫情前嗰啲價錢先冇咁多人睬你,唔係加咗價,邊有咁快人人有口罩?嗰時唔敢講,而家就可以講。
14. 而疫苗?係咪可以快速量產架呢?似乎都應該係。不過,畀咩人先?自己國家優先?定價高者得?定抽獎?畀唔畀轉售?可以嘅,咁肯定好多窮人,或者啲疫苗撚(**),實會轉賣畀人,反正自己都用唔著或者想執返一千幾百多啲。唔可以嘅,你點防止?實名制?定好似美砂酮咁要望住你打?咁你最多只係防止到埃汾賣畀第二個,但你防止唔到窮國賣去富國
15. 呢啲咁深嘅問題,就真係叫Michael Sandel講兩句了。其實眾多眾多嘅機制,都係資源分配。買口罩係,買疫苗係,入大學都係。你可以用市場機制機高者得,可以混合少少(例如有補貼,或者限買幾多),又可以純抽獎,或者只畀青年人(因為預期壽命更正),或者只畀老嘢(因為佢地更需要),甚至逆向地只畀窮人都得。冇話邊個選擇一定啱,睇你背後嘅價值觀係乜—不幸地現實就九成九都係本人優先,屁股指揮腦袋。「你畀埃汾去定規則就梗係鬥快打倉頡」。
16. 最後要講,德國公司,但美國上市呀。你懂的。其實之前好多篇文都講過,嚟緊都會講。歐洲大陸有極之源遠流長嘅反金融肥貓傳統—所以啲人才係去晒外國的。所以點解歐洲一路都冇啲好嘅科技,唔係冇人,而係冇發達嘅,搞嚟把托?你睇添曲,完全江山人地打落,做個普通CEO 食下老本(講就易),都係咁意10億美金身家啦。(後來見到好似歐洲都有上市,但你懂的)
17. 香港其實都差不多,覺得金融撚冇貢獻,不事生產。我造就你發達,咪就係貢獻。人地以為金融撚賣產品,錯了。咱們賣嘅係夢想,貪婪。呢啲需要同性愛一樣,遠古人類已經有,我唔覺得幾千年有變過,所以同娼妓一樣,金融業實在好難被淘汰。
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一個星期至少三篇,一個月一舊水唔使,一星期已近400人訂,仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
(*)典型corp fin問題。上市公司唔係要profit maximization,否則你斬晒啲R&D嘅友咪得。而係要shareholder wealth maximization。所以蘋果唔使盈利新高,但年年回購股票,就幫到每股盈利,就幫到股價。呢個遊戲都未識嘅—你就真係要睇Ivan Patreon 學多啲嘢,講真的(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)
報完名交咗錢,呢度log in:https://bit.ly/3gYXu9e
本星期內特惠售價: $80
客服whatsapp: 63832145
gross value中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
(「花現GNP」是花博宣傳口號 XD)
《Taichung Declaration》has redefined the GNP Promote and raise the proposal for Green, Nature and People
The Taichung Declaration has redefined the pursuit of GNP growth in a new proposal of Green, Nature, and People
The Taichung Declaration redefines GNP as Green, Nature, and People
* 重點明確:臺中宣言提出GNP新定義
* 明示GNP所代表的新名,但細節賣關子
* 藉此吸引讀者閱讀內文一探究竟
* 英文不存在中文新式書名號《……》
* 亂用動詞原形raise,不合文法
* 「GNP Promote」是啥?看似想表達「GNP提升」、「提升GNP」?就算視爲一個方案名,這也是糟糕的台式英文,正如Taiwan(,) Touch Your Heart 給人的感覺,無法端上國際。
問題出在把不合文法的動詞原形 promote、touch 一路用到底,不管意思如何,這顯示英語尚在牙牙學語階段,尚無動詞變化的意識和能力。
爲何 GNP Promote 是菜英文?進一步佐證:
請上 Google 搜索 "GNP Promote" (記得加英文引號),出現百餘條結果,清一色與「臺中宣言」有關,細查其實皆出自同一則臺中政府官方英文新聞文章,即本文探討的文章標題。難道「提升GNP」這概念在全人類有英語記錄的歷史中,是臺中市府首推?當然不!更合理的推論是:
《Taichung Declaration》has redefined the GNP Promote and raise the proposal for Green, Nature and People
Issued by Information Bureau Date:2018-04-19
Taichung will conduct World Flora Expo in November. Green productivity proposed by the City Government was based on the Flora Expo addressed concepts of Green productivity, Nature sustainability and People with Green-ability.「Taichung Declaration」is aiming for inviting 100 cities to sign up. Taichung City Mayor, Chia-lung Lin has signed the declaration with Changwon City Mayor, Ahn Sang-soo tonight at Masan Baseball Stadium in South Korea, he also kicked off the starting game for the Taiwanese baseball pitcher, Weichung Wang, who is working currently in South Korea. It’s very meaningful to have Changwon City as the first city to sign up to the Taichung Declaration.
The theme of 2018 Taichung World Flora Expo is「Exploring GNP」 which change the old meaning of GNP as Gross National Product. Redefined GNP now means Green productivity, Nature sustainability and People with Green-ability for pursuing green productivity and facilitating the ecological eternity and embrace the nature in addition to pursuing the technological development. to make people’s living better. We wish to promote and raise the awareness of enhanced collaborations between international societies because this is the only way to connect people to help each other for sharing the goodness and prosperity for the world. (4/11*11)*Information Bureau.
Taichung Declaration:
《Taichung Declaration》
A New Proposal for GNP
Have you ever thought about that, sound of blooming, could be heard?
Modern people are busy in earning their livings when they are pursuing the development of economics and technologies. They’ve been too busy to see things through so they’ve forgotten to listen to the hearts, realize the nature how close they are relying on the environment.
In 2018, let’s find out the balance for ourselves, let’s listen to the whispers of the nature, let’s listen to the happy sounds of the blooming, we can feel the the value of life and how great to be alive. After all, the meaning of life is to make the world better.
2018 Taichung World Flora Expo will raise a new proposal for GNP. GNP has it’s own life and means Green, Nature and People so it is no more a neutral number of Gross National Product. GNP stands for green productivity and facilitating the ecological eternity to make people’s living better.
It’s the time to move forwards, it’s the time to look back to the past. When we move forwards to develop the smart technologies in the future, we should remember to turn to embrace the nature again to facilitate the ecological eternity. We believe the prosperity and environmental protection can exist concurrently while the technologies can live with the nature.
Green Productivity
City in green and green in the city. The economical growth traded off by the environment will no more last as we know quite well how to play the role as one of the members in the global village. By applying green technologies, reducing energy consumption and create the shared resources to construct a sustainable city with green production and green economics as the backbone.
Nature Sustainability
The mountain geography left from the ice age and the recent wetland scenes formed by the waves and tides are all the low polluted ecological environment and diverse biological systems we would like to sustain. We will never pay the price of nature to pursue the technological prosperity again. We will rebuild the tight connections between people and nature to find back the harmony and balance between people and nature.
People with Green-ability
We are anticipating people will develop their green concepts and capabilities. Such trivial things as personal thought, diet, living and action or big scope as urban construction and future development, all of them will become the group energy of Green to contribute to the international society. So-called green concepts is to implement the actions, including respect the varieties and embrace diversity. No matter in the aspects of culture, race, politics, education or religion, we will maintain the old traditions and develop the innovations to share a better future with everyone. The aesthetics of living is to live with varieties and grow with the compatibilities.
We believe,
The perfect balance among production, ecology and living can be obtained.
Listen to the nature, connect with the society and link to the world.
Collaborate and facilitate the development of international non-government organizations.
Create the new model of urban management.
Because we connect with each other,
We will share the achievements and good results.