我形容大家現時的感覺有點像Phantom limb syndrome(幻肢症候群),例如一個士兵不幸踏中地雷,沒有死但炸掉一隻腳(某類地雷的惡毒精心設計,死了屍體可留下,受傷反而迫使浪費軍力帶走傷者,拖慢行動)。在復元過程期間,八成以上失去肢體傷者都有幻覺,以為失去的肢體仍存在,有時還「感覺」到痕癢!要經過一段長時間,傷者的身體、思想和感情上,才可逐漸接受斷肢的事實!
但我早已指出Covid可能是人類史的一個分水嶺,A.C.(After Corona)時代的世界,在多方面都必將跟B.C.(Before Corona)截然不同。更根本一點,大家需要接受的是,這個疫情將維持多久,都是一個大問題。我一早也已指出過,Covid將由一個pandemic(大流行)演變為一個endemic(風土病),即Covid將永遠存在,人類只可學習如何與它共存。按照過去大流行經驗,每次都必有第二波,最有名的當然是1918年那一次,從7月開始的第二浪,死亡人數比第一浪更嚴重得多。今次在美國,根本連第一浪都仍未完結,已搞到這個地步!即使美國繼續它的瘋狂鴕鳥政策,假裝疫情已不存在,任由Covid如野火般燒穿整個國家,仍將需時最少數年(已感染人口比例仍少於7%)!况且即使不管將死數百萬人,終抵達所謂群體免疫臨界點(約八成人口),仍不保證疫情完結,因為不知道免疫力能維持多久,和到時候病毒變異的情况。當然更不知道未來數年將有沒有其他新病毒的出現。
港貨運現檢疫漏洞 貿易或受影響
疫苗效果成疑 只可說好過冇
第三層問題是產能和物流。即使價錢和負擔能力不是問題,我亦相信中國必免費或只收取最低價錢,且盡力與其他國家分享疫苗(美國必將繼續非常自私),但每月和每年的產能將有多少?即使高達每月1億劑,對比全球人口75億,都需要好幾年才足夠。如何把疫苗運送到世界各地,更加是個極困難的物流問題。近年全球不少地區更冒起一股反疫苗潮流,令到經多年接近消滅小兒麻痺的努力,都功虧一簣。即使在理論上科學發達的美國,簡單如口罩,都變成一個極具爭議的政治問題。美國死那麼多人是有原因的。所以即使有疫苗,肯定將出現很多跟Bill Gates和Dr. Fauci有關的陰謀論。相信最少三分之一美國人將拒絕注射!
美國排斥移民 似南非種族隔離年代
擺脫美元獨大 可考慮港元主動脫鈎
香港過去一年的動亂亦是一個無法回頭的改變,中央不可再天真地以為所有香港人必定愛國。實事求是,香港地位特殊(跟美國定性沒關係),亦可說是中國的soft underbelly(軟肋),所以其穩定性的確對全國都非常重要,當然亦影響跟全球的外交關係。我再次建議重新審核香港人的定義,不應再保持鴉片戰爭遺留下來、居留權和國籍的嚴重混淆。尤其如英國真的願意承擔它羞愧地推搪了30多年、對香港人本應一早提供的居英權責任,那麼中方更有必要修訂《基本法》,取消外籍人士和持有雙重國籍但不承認是中國人的投票權(中國根本不容許雙重國籍,香港已寬容)。在美國持綠卡人士有投票權嗎?取消居港外國人士投票權,有何不對?
我對未來較現實,將是一個New Abnormal(新不正常態),行動將未如從前自由,即使能再度出外旅遊,次數也將大減,健康和政治上安全能去的地方也縮小。南美、非洲、印度等,甚至美國、歐洲都不肯定。將來可能連出外吃飯,看場電影都是罕有的奢侈品。看演唱會、舞台劇和球賽、參加大型派對,更有難度。
我的bucket list上其中一個願望是駕車穿越美國南部,吃盡各州不同風味BBQ,參觀一下Nascar賽事和昔日《Gone with the Wind》年代莊園。即使不計疫情,如今美國如此排華,尤其種族主義高昂的南部,除非如電影《Green Book》中(但那是1960年代初!),我僱用一名或多名攜槍白人保鑣,要不然此旅程確實有點危險!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過120萬的網紅Phê Phim,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Phê Phim News: Snyder Cut KHÁC 100% Justice League Cũ | SIÊU ANH HÙNG VIỆT NAM Của Ngô Thanh Vân ? FOLLOW/LIÊN HỆ CHÚNG MÌNH TẠI ? ?WEBSITE ĐỈNH ► ht...
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ASAKU® X Dragon Life
All 13 chapters in this book.
Original author:Mingkun Liu
Translator: Claudia Liu @ fanyi4life
Preface: Outline of ASAKU X Dragon Life
In year 36722 on Epic Calendar...
On the surface in the Epic World, green Mirror Cores started to appear on Humans Continent, Fairies Continent, and Phantom Continent. The location differed every time it happened. Meanwhile, the center was pouring out little guarding monsters. In 24 hours, the green core would turn red and release energy of Reversal Impact in radius of one kilometer, to turn back the time. The energy released would bring even more powerful monsters, together with the supreme core monster. One Mirror Core would cause one Reversal Impact which would turn animals or monsters around berserk as well.
The Mirror Cores emerged one after another, with the intervals of three to seven days. Currently, there was no way to destroy it. Once a Reversal Impact took places, the time within the range would be turned back, as well as the lives and scenery would be restored to the previous condition. In other words, people might become younger, but those who haven’t outlived the time reversed would disappear. Things would be restored to normal once they leave the range.
When Reversal Impact happened, not only time was turned back, but plenty of monsters would pour in to protect the core. People that once lived in the time that was reversed would be brought back as well, but appeared like a reanimated corpse without a soul. Yet for others who still remembered them, it would be a moment to look forward to.
Since the time reversed could not be estimated, no one dared to risk inside the range and fight against the monsters. When the Reversal Impact took place, whoever was inside the range could do nothing but evacuate as soon as possible.
On the surface of the Epic World, the Fairies were the only ones that were invulnerable to Reversal Impact, which also explained why the Mirror Core would not be found on the Fairies Continent. The Fairies were shielded from the danger of the Reversal Impact. We were not entirely sure of the reason why the Fairies were protected, but they did not hold the power to destroy the core. The only solution the Fairies could propose was to seal the core, to stop the monsters from flooding in our world.
Delegated by Oudelos, the Fairies King, Asaku, as the Seal Priest from the Light race, led his partners to explore the world. With the Compass of No Return, which could locate the Mirror Core and calculate the time turned back, Asaku would seal the core to stop Reversal Impact and the inundation of monsters.
Chapter One: Asaku the Seal Priest
At three o’clock in the afternoon on Monday, August 12th, year 36722 on the Epic Calendar...
In the Village of Eden, part of the Kingdom of Phil and located on the south-west of Humans Continent, a Mirror Core appeared and villagers started to evacuate. Troops dispatched by the Kingdom of Phil were engaged in a hard fight against monsters to ensure a safe evacuation of villagers. In the last thirty minutes when the core started to turn red, the military retreated and set up a line of defense in a safe zone outside village. Once the Reversal Impact started, the monsters would no longer be limited. All of a sudden, in front of the troops popped up a Folding Corridor from which a young magic knight walked out. The magic knight was dressed in blue with a white cloak, equipped with the Seal Knife and followed by a clown puppet and a winged lion. There was also an adorable little girl, walking with the trio toward the village. Some soldiers saw them and tried to stop them. The magic knight turned around and said, “Per order of Oudelos, the Fairies King, I am the delegate to seal the Mirror Core. My name is Asaku, the Seal Priest from the Light race. You are all useless here, so just run.”
Soldiers said, “How insolent!”
Hearing this, the little girl standing by Asaku punched him on the shoulder and said, “Asaku, that is just rude!”
Then she turned around and saluted the soldiers, saying, “My name is Ellia, and I am the animal trainer from the Soil race. Asaku is my brother, and I apologize for his attitude. May I ask: who is the general leading the troops?”
The human general stepped ahead, replying respectfully, “We appreciate assistance from the Fairies. This is General Stalul. Please kindly seal the core to prevent even more damage.
Ellia asked, “Have all villagers evacuated?”
General Stalul replied, “Yes, we have sent everyone to a safe place.”
Upon hearing this, Asaku said, “Great! So now I can do anything I want freely!” Then he rushed into the village with the clown puppet and the illusion lion, in the direction where the core was with all the monsters.
Ellia saluted General Stalul again and explained, “I am here to investigate the reason why monsters have gone berserk. Even the generally gentle monsters are turned violent by the core. Please proceed with caution.” Then Ellia ran into the village and caught up with Asaku.
Facing assault of countless monsters, Asaku fought back with the Seal Knife. Those monster who were injured by the Seal Knife were sealed and frozen. Meanwhile, this knife absorbed and stored power of monsters. What’s more, it could also soak up power of attributes from the Nature. For example, if the knife came in touch with stone, it took in the power of soil.
When Asaku cast magic, he had the three-star matrix magic on his left hand, the reversed matrix magic on his right hand, so all he had to do was to take in the power, based on its nature, and use it on the matrix magic to initiate an attack. When swamped by monsters, Asaku could use the reversed three-star matrix magic to amplify the magic power; to focus fire, Asaku could zero in on the three-star matrix magic for a fatal blow. The more power the rituals absorb, the more potent the magic will be.
Ellia used the Love Racket to purge the monsters. Ordinary monsters would be pacified and become passive. Some of them would even help Ellia in combat.
The closer they were to the core, the more powerful the monsters were. Determined to dash into the core, Asaku put away the Seal Knife and yelled at the clown puppet, “Come, Ghost Card Uda, transform into the Sun Sword!" Uda then transformed from a clown puppet into a sword as shining as the sun. Asaku chopped his way toward the core with the Sun Sword. However, where the sun didn’t shine, the sword lost its glow and power as well. Uda said, “Asaku, seriously, I don’t have power without the sun. And the sun is setting soon. So chop chop, wrap it up now!”
Asaku replied, “Yea, roger that. I’ll finish the fight as soon as possible!” Then he hopped on the illusion lion, and dashed toward the core.
Soon Asaku and his partners arrived at the core that was about to turn red, but a baby’s crying caught everyone’s attention. Looking for where the crying was from, Asaku found a young mother holding a baby, hiding in a corner nearby. Asaku shouted but there wasn’t time. Without second thought, Asaku flew to the woman and grabbed her. Ellia held the baby tightly and hoped to take the mother and her baby to safety. At that moment, Reversal Impact happened!!
A strong wave of ripple dispersed and things around started to change. The young mother turned into ashes and disappeared, yet the baby in Ellia’s arms survived unharmed like a miracle. Shocked, Ellia held the baby and screamed, “You said everyone was evacuated, everyone!”
Checking on the Compass of No Return, Asaku learned that the time was turned back eighty years. Ghost Card Uda reminded Asaku to seal the core and prevent more loss.
Asaku asked Ellia to take the baby to safety, but once the baby left Asaku’s arms, he started to cry. No one but Asaku could calm the baby down. The baby clutched Asaku. In the end, Asaku carried the baby on his back and returned to combat to seal the core. Ellia even teased Asaku about the baby.
Irritated, Asaku yelled, “Shut up!!”
The yelling woke up the baby and he started to cry. At the same time, both Asaku and Ellia put a finger in front of the mouth and said, “hssssss” to hush the baby.
Asaku said, “The supreme demon has showed up. Let’s go knock it down, get it done and go home!”
The supreme demon for this core was a giant cannibal flower, spitting poison at Asaku and lashing him with its vines. Dodging with Flying-n-Leaping, Asaku chopped all vines he could but failed to get close to the demon for a direct strike.
Strange to say, but the baby Asaku carried stayed composed through the fight. He was so quiet, unusually quiet.
Ellia rode on a mountain pig she just calmed, trying to assist Asaku in combat. Yet the demon was too powerful, so all she could do was flee.
By then, the sun set completely. Ghost Card Uda shouted, “Oh no! The sun…” then it turned back into the clown puppet.
Without the Sun Sword, Asaku could only fight with the Seal Knife.
Asaku thought, “Seriously, the Seal Knife can’t do the monster much harm because the power it absorbs is not enough. I need a blaze to burn it!”
Then Asaku turned around and shouted at Samoyed, the illusion lion, “Cast three fire bolts at me!”
With one turn over, Samoyed jumped into distance and spat three enormous fire bolts to Asaku.
Asaku lifted his left hand, fingers spread out, and a three-star matrix magic appeared on his palm and took in the fire bolts. Jumping high, Asaku dashed back into the cannibal flower’s mouth with his left fist clutching and the fire bolts amplifying.
Asaku stepped forward, letting go of his left fist, “Three-star matrix magic, Fire Tornado!"
The wave of fire burned the cannibal flower into ashes. Asaku hurried to the Mirror Core with a transparent cube of crystal in his hand, the Holy Crystal Cell with inscription on it. Before Asaku successfully cast the ward and sealed the core, numerous monsters still fought on. Thanks to Samoyed, the illusion lion protected everyone.
With one flash, the ward was complete and the core was sealed. All monsters were gone right away, but the surroundings remained the same. Everything was the way they had been eighty years ago.
When it was safe, Asaku approached the villagers and wanted to hand over the baby to them. Unexpectedly, all villagers panicked. They were convinced that the baby was the son of Demon. Asaku learned that the mother gave birth to the baby without a known father, so no villager was willing to adopt the baby. Besides, the baby wouldn’t let go of Asaku. Without an option, Asaku carried the baby on his back and returned to the Fairies Continent with Ellia, who said goodbye to her new mountain pig friend, through Folding Corridor.
Chapter Two: A Trojan Horse
At eleven o’clock in the morning on Tuesday, August 13th, year 36722 on the Epic Calendar, a meeting was held in the Fairies Empire Meeting room with the presence of Fairies King Oudelos, General Alga, Priest Harp, Fairies Princess Jiefulo, Asaku, Ellia, and the human baby.
Asaku got down on one knee and updated the Fairies King Oudelos the current situation in the Village of Eden, while the human baby slept peacefully in the cradle tended by Ellia.
Asaku ended the report, “My King, this is the update of the event in the Village of Eden.”
The Fairies King Oudelos dismissed Asaku and turned to General Alga, saying, “My General, may I have your thoughts on this?” General Alga was red in the face, and the King yelled at him, “Seriously, you two got drunk this early in the day?”
General Alga explained, “Well, we are not to blame. Priest Harp brews the best wine ever, which is perfect to wake me up in the morning.”
Priest Harp argued, “Alga, I thought we were friends! And I even saved the goodies for you.”
“Ahem…” the King coughed to stop the fight, and then everyone fell silent. The King reached out his hand, and Priest Harp presented the King the wine. Bottom up and the King yelled, “Woot! Great wine indeed!” Then he turned around to Asaku and said, “All right, now we can continue.”
Seeing this, Princess Jiefulo said to the King angrily, “Father, really? You have business to attend to. How could you drink with them so early?”
King Oudelos said, “Awww it’s nothing, my honey. It’s quite peaceful on the Fairies Continent.”
Hands on her hips, Princess Jiefulo said, “Oh my… Some sense of danger, please?”
Scratching his head, Asaku said in a hopeless tone, “Do you old things really care about this Mirror Core?”
General Alga said, “We fairies do not interfere whatever happens outside the Fairies Continent. It was the Holy Dragon King who brought us an order from the Gods, stating that only the fairies can fight against the Reversal Impact, so the King is commanding you to handle the core in the Village of Eden.”
Asaku said, “The Holy Dragon King, you mean the conspirator? Why do we have to listen to him?”
Fairies King Oudelos replied, “Because this is an order from Gods, we have to comply.”
Asaku snorted.
Priest Harp walked toward the human baby and said, “This is a remarkable baby. He completely waves off the influence of Reversal Impact.”
Ellia pulled the baby’s blanket, and found on the blanket it said “Adam.” Surprised, Ellia even saw a birth mark of emblem of rainbow on the baby’s back.
The birth mark seemed to be quite weighty. Both the King and General Alga went to the baby to take a closer look at the baby.
Slowly, the Fairies King spat out, one word after the other, “Rainbow… Savior..."
General Alga said, “So the kid is the new successor of Rainbow Savior. His name is Adam."
Priest Harp said, “I suppose it was part of their plan to send Asaku off to the Village of Eden. We are set up!”
Asaku said, “So what now? This baby is so needy and wouldn’t let go of me. If he wakes up and I’m not around, he’s going to cry like there’s no tomorrow. Nuh-uh, I’m not babysitting anyone.”
General Alga asked, “Wait a second, Asaku, you know where the two cores were previously?”
Asaku replied, “Yes, they were in the Time Library on the Elves Continent and Hugilus Desert, south-east of Kingdom of Phil on the Humans Continent. But when I got there, Reversal Impact had been completed on the cores. When I went to the Eden Village, per the King’s order, I should’ve been able to seal the core and stop everything, but the kid was in the way.”
Priest Harp asked, “Both cores happened near Kingdom of Phil on the Humans Continent? Something doesn’t add up here.”
Abruptly, the Fairies King Oudelos stood up and yelled, “General Alga, rally the guards and prepare for war!” Immediately, General Alga dashed out of the meeting room and alarmed the guards!
Asaku asked, “What’s going on?”
Princess Jiefulo said, “Protect the baby with all you can.”
Hearing this, Ellia grabbed Adam who was sound asleep in her arms tightly.
Priest Harp yelled, “This is a scheme plotted against us! The core in the Time Library was to fabricate the history, while that in the Hugilus Desert was to restore the mirror in the lake. The baby was left there on purpose because they knew he wouldn’t be influenced by the Reversal Impact. In the end, you returned to the Fairies Continent through the Folding Corridor with the baby. Your tracks left behind granted access to those who cannot enter the Fairies Continent through the reflection of mirror.
At that moment, a tremendous crash was heard, which shook the whole Fairies Empire. Priest Harp said, “I will put the baby into deep sleep, so his crying wouldn’t attract the mobs. Ellia, please take care of Adam. Asaku, go defend us!”
Ellia replied, “Yes, Priest Harp, I will protect the baby with all my might.”
Asaku yelled, “The situation is dire. I’m right on it! Ghost Card Uda! Samoyed!”
Asaku summoned two escorts and the three rushed to where the loud noise was from.
Right above the Fairies Empire Hall appeared a crack of time and space, from which poured in lots of monsters! General Alga led the Royal Guards to fight!
Seeing this, Asaku yelled with surprise, “What is this all about!”
The next second, Asaku transformed the Ghost Card Uda into the Sun Sword and joined the fight.
Soon, the King and Princess Jiefulo came to the Fairies Empire Hall, heavily protected by the Royal Guards.
Out of the crack, a phantom fox with nine tails appeared in the middle of the hall.
The phantom fox said in an exciting tone, “Woot! You guys are here to welcome me, the gorgeous and graceful me, right? Show me your love~”
Asaku yelled, “You high or what? What did you just smoke!?”
Then a fairy soldier who was responsible for space defense reported to the King, “My King, a Mirror Core just popped up on the Fairies Holy Land!”
Hearing this, the king instantly ordered that General Alga guard the holy land, Asaku take care of the monsters to stop them from approaching, and commanded some royal guards to stay and assist Asaku.
Witnessing the depressing situation, Princess Jiefulo said, “I’ll stay and defend the empire with Asaku.”
The King replied in a serious tone, “No! You have to go to the Holy Land with General Alga.”
Through the corridor behind the hall, the King led General Alga, Princess Jiefulo, Ellia and others to the Fairies Holy Land.
All the monsters in the hall were decimated by Asaku and the royal guards while the phantom nine-tailed fox remained still, as if it had been watching a show, until everyone was killed but the fox.
Bursting in laughter, the fox yelled hysterically, “Now the spotlight is on me and only me~ I’m the center of everything like a superstar!”
When the fox was done talking, it waved its paw, creating an enormous shocking wave. In order to protect the royal guards, Asaku dashed to the front, dressed in Shadow Lion Armor and glowing, and blocked the attack of the phantom nine-tailed fox.
Equipped with the Sun Sword, transformed by Ghost Card Uda, and Shadow Lion Armor, transformed by the illusion lion Samoyed, Asaku was ready for combat.
Once ready, Asaku said to the remaining guards, “Go protect the holy land, and leave the monsters here to me.”
“Thank you, sir!” the royal guards replied and then retreated to the holy land.
The phantom nine-tailed fox said, "I am the Darkmirror General VI from the Mirror Continent. My name is Phantom Nine-Tailed Fox. Awww you can also call me Fox Nine-Nine, you know, cuter~”
The fox continued, “So you are Asaku, the one that has gained the power of Gods, the combination of Gods and Fairies, and that makes you a real… goof, you know, god plus fairy, so goof.”
Asaku shouted back, “You goof! What is this with your stupid nickname, Fox Nine-Nine? I don’t have time for this. I’m going to knock you out now!”
Fox Nine-Nine said, “Awww you think you can beat me? Muahaha~” He blinked to Asaku at once and initiated an attack!
The Fox was rather fierce, so Asaku was having a hard time fighting even with the Sun Sword and the Shadow Lion Armor. Meanwhile, Asaku cast matrix magic to absorb the Fox’s magic. Thanks to the Shadow Lion armor, most of the damage was mitigated.
Moving and attacking, the Fox laughed hysterically, “Hahahaha oh my my~ becoming one with god at the price of fairy power? So you can never cast any elemental magic and… now you can only attack by taking in power first? Awww that is hilarious… hahahaha!”
Asaku said, “Why do you look into my history?”
The Fox replied, “Awwww that’s because I love you, silly~ Muah!”
Asaku yelled, “OH MY GOD that is soooo disgusting!!”
Next, the Fox’s nine tails all spread out, looking all appealing and alluring. The Fox said, “Asaku~ this is going to be my mightiest blow, as powerful as my love for you~”
Even with bare eyes, Asaku could see tremendous power compile on the Fox. He knew, this assault would decide the ending of the fight.
On his mind, Asaku was talking to Uda and Samoyed, “We have to use that skill.”
Ghost Card Uda said, “Are you sure, Asaku? You haven’t mastered the power of God, and this strike will exhaust you. We don’t know when you’d recover.”
Samoyed argued, “But this is the only way out now. I cannot take any more attack from the Fox. We have to knock him out first. We will guard you, Asaku.”
By then, the Fox took in enough energy. He shouted, “Multiple Foxes Explosion!”
Turning over, a pair of angel’s wings and a pair of fairy’s wings grew out on Asaku’s back. The Keys of Seven Attributes flew around Asaku. Glowing, the light around Asaku turned into seven huge swords. Asaku shouted, “Take that, God’s power is with me. Seven Keys Comet Impact!”
The fatal strikes from both parties collided. The Fox was too late to dodge the attack and was gravely injured, so he fled into the crack back to the Mirror Continent. What’s more, Asaku’s potent attack almost wiped the Fairies Empire clean.
Ghost card Uda and the Illusion Lion Samoyed broke away from Asaku, while the latter collapsed on the ground. He was still conscious, but couldn’t move even one finger.
Samoyed carried Asaku on his back and took Uda to the Fairies’ Holy Land. By then, the Fairies Continent that had remained intact for thousands of years was officially intruded.
Arriving at the Holy Land, Asaku saw the Mirror Core on the altar in the center of the holy land. The King was leading fairies to fight against the monsters. Feeling hopeless, Asaku tried to put himself together and asked, “How come Priest Harp hasn’t sealed the Mirror Core?”
Chapter Three: Freeze Froze Frozen
At two o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, August 13th, year 36722 on the Epic Calendar.
A Mirror Core was placed in the most important holy land on the Fairies Continent, while Priest Harp didn’t even bother sealing the core; instead, he was only fighting against monsters.
Brought to Priest Harp by Samoyed, Asaku asked Priest Harp why he hadn’t sealed the core in the Fairies Holy Land. After all, it was Priest Harp that gave him the Holy Crystal Cell.
“Holy Crystal Cell was brought back from the God’s Continent by Holy Dragon King. Only you could use the crystal, which is why you were assigned this job.” Priest Harp explained to Asaku.
Upon hearing this, Asaku turned depressed and said, “But I’m too weak to activate the Holy Crystal Cell. So there is nothing we can do but to witness our holy land being destroyed by the Reversal Impact?”
Priest Harp said, “Rest, Asaku, and restore as much health as possible.”
At that moment, Ellia ran toward Asaku, crying, “A guy in a black cloak took Adam away… I was no rival to him… it was my fault…”
Asaku comforted her, “No, it wasn’t your fault. Don’t cry, Ellia…”
Priest Harp said, “I suppose kidnapping Adam was part of the plan.”
General Alga led the Royal Guards to set up a formation of attack, fighting against the monsters around the core. The Fairies King stood right above the core, trying to smash the core with magic of thunder but in vain.
A strong dark light emitted from the high tower of the holy land, creating a gap of time and space. From the gap, a knight riding on a dark dragon flew out. In a voice as loud as thunder, the knight said, “I am General Philips, the Darkmirror General II. Now, authorized by the Mirror Continent, I officially declared war against the Fairies Continent.”
The knight on the dark dragon emitted a unique magic power, which froze all monsters.
Sensing the power, both Asaku and General Alga blurted out, “It’s the power of Salu, the missing fairy of the wind race! Why would fairies’ power pour out from him?”
General Alga added, “Not exactly. This is something more potent, combining fairies’ power of wind attribute and dark power.”
“I can’t think of anyone on the Fairies Continent that can compete with him.”
The Fairies King fell silent.
General Philips waved, and the dark dragon spat out a super tornado that blew away the fairies troops. Some fairies cast defense for protection. Then everyone noticed that the wind did no harm to Princess Jiefulo.
The King commanded, “Take shelter behind Princess Jiefulo.”
The entire troops all hid behind Princess Jiefulo and they followed her wherever she went.
Princess Jiefulo asked, “Why are you guys staying behind me? I’m gonna teach that General Philips a lesson.”
Once she said these words, she moved to General Philip’s direction. The troops were begging her not to move, so they could stay where they were.
General Philips noticed this as well and he showed strong emotion. The next second, he darted to Jiefulo.
While everyone was trying to protect Jiefulo, General Philips grabbed Jiefulo and kissed her. Everyone stopped and so did the furious tornado.
Turning red, Princess Jiefulo pushed Philips away angrily and slapped him hard. “You crazy psycho! How dare you kiss me like this? Who do you think you are?” she shouted at him.
Soothing his cheeks, General Philips seemed disappointed and said, “You’ve forgotten all about…”
Then the dark dragon came take Philips away.
Seeing Philips leave, Jiefulo felt her heart beating fast. She touched her lips that Philips just kissed and burst into tears. She wondered, “What is wrong with me that I feel so sad and sorrowful?”
General Philips rode the dark dragon to the front of the fairies troops and taunted, “Send your best to challenge me.”
General Alga jumped into air, summoned his mount, the griffon, and accepted Philips’ challenge. “This is General Alga,” Alga said, “I am the strongest guardian on the Fairies Continent.”
General Philips said, “I have been waiting for this moment, to finally challenge you to a duel.”
General Alga asked, “Can you answer me one question?”
General Philips interrupted him and said, “I can tell you directly what you want to know. First of all, I am Salu, the missing fairy of the wind race. Secondly… the Salu you know are actually two people. One is on the Fairies Continent and the other is on the Mirror Continent. My real name is Philips.”
General Philips looked at Asaku who was still trying to restore his strength, saying, “Just like Asaku, we both have double masks.”
General Alga gasped, “Double what?!”
Still powerless, Asaku thought, “What does it mean exactly, double masks?”
Then Uda saw Philips’ weapon and said to Asaku, “He has the Moon Sword!”
Asaku replied, “No way. That's not possible.”
Uda explained, “I know I’m right. Moon Sword and I are two ghost cards, and we are connected. How did he get it?”
General Philips said, “Well, time for diplomatic courtesy is over, so I’m going launch an attack~ To begin with….”
Once General Philips snapped his finger, the core was turning red and Reversal Impact was imminent, which shocked Asaku and all the other fairies.
Asaku said, “I can’t believe that he could’ve sped up the time for Reversal Impact. I’m going to seal the core!”
Pity that Asaku was still too weak to even get up. All he could do was lie on Samoyed.
Asaku said to Samoyed, “Get closer, so I can touch the core.”
Samoyed moved closer to the core, and Uda helped Asaku put his right hand on the core. Suddenly, the turning slowed down, leaving Asaku in excruciating pain.
Priest Harp said, “Asaku, you can’t seal the core like this. You are only delaying the inevitable. If you continue like this, you will die from exhaustion.”
Asaku said, “Even this is to buy a bit more time… this is the only thing I can do now.”
Hearing this, Ellia put her hands on Asaku’s, and said,
“I want to guard the Fairies Continent as well.”
Asaku lowered down his head and nodded.
Riding on the griffon, General Alga initiated an attack at Philips. The crash of the two most potent powers in the whole world created a ripple that froze the fairies troops and monsters completely.
As time went by, the combat was heating up, and Asaku couldn’t hold it any more.
All of a sudden, Philips turned to the Fairies King and said, “My King, allow me to tell you: the time set on the core is 1000 fairies’ years, roughly 41 human years. That would be the time of the Eight Races for the fairies!”
Upon hearing this, all fairies appeared shocked and scared.
General Alga said, “I will never ever allow you to turn back the time to 1000 fairies’ years ago. That was a chaotic time, which will cause devastation in the Epic World at this moment!”
Just when General Alga was preparing to launch his most powerful attack, Compressed Air Cannon, General Philips unexpectedly attacked with the same strike!
General Alga said, “You are my student that I’m proud of, and you are Salu from the Fairies Continent!”
Smiling, General Philips remained quiet...
While the two were about to crash, the core glowed in red, the Reversal Impact was triggered and Asaku couldn’t hold it anymore!
At that moment, the Fairies King Oudelos shouted, “As your King, I will not allow the fairies to perish here. Race of Air, assembly to initiate the teleportation ritual!”
Just as the Race of Air was casting the spell, the King said to General Alga and Priest Harp, “Guard the Fairies.”
Quickly, General Alga retreated to the King, together with Priest Harp who yelled at Asaku, “Go! Run as fast as you can!”
The Fairies King then drew a special magic sigil on his hand, which turned into an eagle that dived into the ground.
The King nodded at General Alga and Priest Harp, and the trio shouted, “The supreme sealing magic of the Fairies, Frozen Seal!”
That was the time the Reversal Impact starting to affect the surroundings and the Race of Air launching the teleportation ritual.
General Philips said, “Dang! You even thought of freeze the whole Fairies Continent. Nuh-uh, I’m not going to be trapped here.” Then he opened the gap of time and space but didn’t leave without taking a second look at Jiefulo.
The Reversal Impact was stopped by Frozen Seal, so was the teleportation ritual which wasn’t fast enough to save all fairies. Asaku was lucky, as he was sent away. Right before he was teleported, he heard Priest Harp, saying, “Find the Fairies Queen Aranda… only she can save the Fairies. You are our only hope, Asaku.”
Tears in his eyes, Asaku was sent into the teleportation tunnel and he lost consciousness.
The time on the Fairies Continent stopped. No one could enter, nor anyone could exit.
Chapter Four: Tear of the Mermaid
At ten o’clock in the morning on Monday, August 19th, year 36722 on the Epic Calendar...
Waking up but still dizzy, Asaku heard familiar voices and they were Uda, Samoyed and Ellia. The three were excited to see Asaku. “Woot! Finally, you’ve come to yourself!” said Uda.
Ellia leaned over to Asaku and said, “I was so so worried about you, Asaku… Thought I’d lost you.”
Asaku said, “I’m good. So where are we now?”
Uda replied, “We were sent to the Mermaid Kingdom on the Phantom Continent. The Mermaid Queen arranged accommodation for us here. You slept for almost a week!”
Asaku looked around, and found himself in a small, warm room showered in sunshine reflected by water. “It seems to be a girl’s room,” said Asaku.
Uda said, "Because there are only girls in the Mermaid Kingdom.”
Asaku was surprised, and he saw the room was filled with flowers, so he asked,
"What are these flowers about?”
Shrugging, Uda grinned, “The flowers are from your fans. The whole kingdom knows about you, and all girls are crazy for you. They’ve been sending flowers here, together with their greetings. The Mermaid Queen even promulgated to address you as the Sleeping Prince Charming of the Fairies…”
Samoyed turned around and giggled...
Footsteps were heard outside the door, so Uda told Asaku to fake sleep. If people knew he was awake, the fans would inundate the house immediately.
So Asaku lay down to fake sleep, and then about ten mermaids entered the room with flowers and gifts. Samoyed turned invisible, and Uda transformed into a clown puppet. Nothing could stop these girls --- they all kissed Asaku on the cheeks and wished him the best. It took them quite a while to have all the fun and leave.
Asaku got out of bed, with his hands on the cheeks that were just kissed. All smiling, Asaku blushed.
Ellia looked away, pouting unhappily.
Uda knocked on Asaku’s head and said, “Wake up!”
Asaku said, “I don’t want to stay here like a caged animal. I’m going to sneak out and look for some intel.”
“But Asaku,” Ellia said, “you can’t just go out like this. As the Sleeping Prince Charming of the Fairies, you will create a chaos. Let me dress you up.”
The Mermaid Kingdom is located under water, protected by a ward deep in the ocean. In the kingdom, one can breathe as freely as they can on the land.
On the street, there was a mermaid dressed in a maid’s outfit with a weird hairstyle and makeup, and a clown puppet on “her” shoulder. That was Asaku. Ellia dressed up as a mermaid as well, following Asaku. Samoyed turned invisible and stayed at their side.
Asaku asked, “Why do I have to go out in a maid’s costume? This is so silly! The skirt… it’s so cool down there and that feels so… weird!”
Laughing, Ellia replied, “Told you to wear some panties.”
“Nuh-uh,” Asaku said, “no girls’ panties for me!!”
Uda said, “But people would recognize you without the costume! That’d be trouble if they knew who you are. Thousands of mermaid girls would surround you to show you their love.”
Samoyed turned invisible so only his voice was heard, “Don’t count on me. I can’t stop all of them~”
Asaku said, “What is wrong with this place? The air is so stuffy. It just feels wrong, and the wind is not blowing at all.”
Uda replied, “The Mermaid Kingdom is quite exclusive. They are particularly hostile against the Beast Kingdom on the Phantom Continent. Both Samoyed and I are citizens of the Beast Kingdom, so we can never ever be found here. People say the Mermaid Kingdom enjoys a pleasant relationship with the Fairies Continent, so maybe this is why you are sent here.”
Ellia loved pets and she was talking to the angel fish roaming on the road. Asaku asked her, “Why are you talking to a fish?”
“I can talk to all living creatures~” Ellia replied, “and I want to befriend with all the cute ones.”
Asaku shrugged and said, “I can only understand Uda and Samoyed.”
At the time, a dowager walked by with a group of maids. The dowager gazed at Asaku, which made both Asaku and Ellia nervous.
Completely ignoring Ellia, the dowager said to Asaku, “Huh~ aren’t you a pretty one~ a little bit too flat-chested but no matter. What is your name? Who do you work for?”
Asaku tried to reply with a higher pitch, “Bonjour, Madam! My name… is Eklia, and I am the maid for Mrs. Mel.”
Upon hearing this, the dowager flipped and yelled, “What a waste!! You are adorable and you work for that crazy hag, Mel!?”
Then she took ten pearls from the bag and handed them over to Asaku, telling him, “This is the down payment. You go back and dissolve the contract with that hag, and report to Duke Vitalis Castle tomorrow.”
Once she was done talking, she led the maids and took leave. Asaku and the rest were left behind, startled.
Asaku complained, “Who is she and how can she call me flat-chested…”
Ellia laughed and said, “Eklia… my dear brother… that is awesome! You were hit on dressed up as a girl!! And that Lady Mel is real, too!”
Samoyed laughed so much it almost rolled on the floor.
“That is not funny!” Asaku said, “We still have business here. We’ve lost track of the core for one week, and Priest Harp said I have to find the Fairies Queen to save the Fairies Continent. How can I waste even one more minute here to be someone’s maid?”
Just then Asaku’s stomach rumbled, so he looked at the restaurant on the road and decided to dine in there.
By the entrance, Ellia said goodbye to the angel fish and entered the restaurant with Asaku. They chose a table in the corner to avoid attention.
“What!” Asaku screamed when he read the menu, “One set costs one pearl!”
Uda stopped Asaku immediately, “Quiet, Asaku, if you don’t want to pay, we can go back to the accommodations the Queen arranges for us.”
“Nuh-uh,” Asaku refused, “No way!”
Blushing, Asaku said, “I do enjoy being so popular though…”
Ellia punched Asaku on his shoulder, “Asaku, you are terrible!”
Then the waitress dropped by, asking, “What can I get for you today?”
Asaku gave a gesture of four fingers and said, “Four set meals, please.”
“Are you sure,” the waitress asked, “that you can eat so much?”
Asaku replied, “Sure, no problem at all.”
The waitress replied, “All right, four pearls then. The food will be served right away.”
When the food came, Asaku devoured everything in front of him, while Uda and Samoyed hid in the corner and ate quietly.
Asaku said, “I think we should leave the Mermaid Kingdom as soon as possible for the Beast Kingdom where I can ask help from an old friend, King Brad.
Samoyed said, “But it is forbidden to use the Folding Corridor in the Mermaid Kingdom, so we have to go through the connected tunnel to the Beast Kingdom above water.”
“But the tunnel is guarded," Samoyed continued, “no one is allowed to pass without the permission from the Mermaid Queen.”
“Besides,” Ellia said, “it is rude to leave without saying goodbye. We should at least thank the Queen for her kindness to take us in.”
Uda said, “It is true that the Mermaid Kingdom does maintain a good relationship with the Fairies Continent, but the Mermaid Queen made it official that Asaku is the Sleeping Prince Charming of the Fairies… that just doesn’t sound right.”
Asaku, “But if we don’t go back, we need to make money.”
“Asaku," Ellia said while she laughed, “ you have to support us all by working as a maid then!”
Both Uda and Samoyed nodded.
Holding his head, Asaku grumbled, “Why am I always the one that does all the work?”
While Asaku and his friends were talking, they had no idea that they had been surrounded by mermaid soldiers.
Politely, a girl mermaid soldier said to Asaku, “Friend from the Fairies Continent, our Queen would like to speak to you in Her Majesty’s Castle.”
Asaku said, “Ah… you’ve caught me…”
The mermaid soldiers took Asaku and his friends to the Castle where the Mermaid Queen resided. On the way, the road was full of fans who were crazy for Asaku. They screamed his name and more, “Asaku, my Sleeping Prince Charming of the Fairies… I love you~~”
At night in the castle , Asaku was taken to the Throne Hall where the Mermaid Queen sat on her throne. Both Asaku and Ellia took a bow, and Asaku addressed to the Queen, “Your Majesty, my name is Asaku, and I am from the Fairies Continent. We do not mean to intrude, as our presence here is nothing but an accident. We sincerely beg for your kindness and forgiveness.”
The Mermaid Queen replied, “I am the Mermaid Queen Kamina. You can tell your two escorts to show themselves.”
Hearing this, Uda and Samoyed turned visible and got down on one knee, asking for forgiveness.
Queen Kamina said, “I am fully aware of the situation. The rest of you can leave now.”
The Queen’s entourage took leave and only the Queen and Asaku and his friends remained.
“Follow me.” The Queen said once they were left alone.
The Queen led Asaku and his friends to the Royal Garden, hid them in a concealed corner. She then told them to stay quiet and asked Asaku to play along no matter what happened. Though confused, Asaku concurred.
Shortly, a young woman walked into the garden, with a fairy man, whose hair is white and elegant, flying in the air. The couple looked at each other deeply in the eyes, and the man took out a flower made of seashells and crystal.
The white-haired man said, “Mermaid Princess Yulia, I want to hold your hands in mine forever. Will you marry me?” The young woman shook her head and replied, “No, Fluffy… It has to be my Mother who can make the decision.”
Fluffy held the woman by her hands and said, “Then let’s elope!”
Yulia refused and said, “As much as I love you, such behavior is not allowed.” Then the man tried to leave with the woman, while the Mermaid Queen walked out between them and Asaku and his friends still hid in the dark.
The Queen reprimanded, “How insolent! Release my daughter and leave now!”
The white-haired man talked back, “I have no fear to whatever queen, including you, Your Majesty. If I snap, no one in your kingdom is capable of taking me down.”
The Queen said, “You are indeed contemptuous, but we do need a powerful man to be our King and to protect our people.”
The white-haired man laughed, saying, “So~ Your Majesty has agreed to our marriage then?”
The Queen continued, “But only the most powerful and the most beautiful man can be our King.”
Fluffy replied, “Awww thank you, Your Majesty, for all the kind words.”
The Queen interrupted Fluffy, “No, you are not the only one that is qualified here. Recently, the Sleeping Prince of the Fairies has visited us. He is even more beautiful than you and well-loved by the whole kingdom.”
The Queen then pointed at Asaku who had no choice but to show up, and the latter played along, “I am the Fairy Prince that is truly qualified to be the King. Leave now, before it turns even more humiliating.”
Fluffy yelled, “I will challenge you to a duel! Don’t be so sure you’ll win, Asaku from the Fairies Continent.”
Asaku was surprised, asking, “How do you know who I am? Have we met?”
Fluffy just looked at Asaku without saying one more word.
The Queen clapped and said, “Quiet down, both of you. As the Queen, I shall be fair and just. I will hold a Joust for a Spouse and the winner can marry Princess Yulia and become the future King of the Mermaid Kingdom!”
Asaku yelled in surprise, “What?!”
Fluffy said, “Deal! When will that be?”
“Three days from now," the Queen replied, "and it will be held in the arena.”
“Mother, how could you make such a decision…” Yulia cried while she ran away.
Fluffy was full of confidence and he said, “I’ll show you what I’ve got!” before disappearing in the night.
At the same time, Asaku, Uda, and Samoyed said, “It’s a set up…”
The Queen looked back at Asaku, nodding and smiling…
Back to the Throne Hall, Asaku sat on the corridor, pouting.
The Queen explained, “I understand it was really rude to set you up like this, but the situation called for it as we do not have enough arms to deal with this phantom.”
“Phantom?” Asaku asked, “Fluffy is a phantom?”
The Queen nodded and replied, “Yes, he is a fox from the Illusion Tribe of the Beast Kingdom on the Phantom Continent. We mermaids will never ever marry a beast.”
Samoyed concurred, “The three kingdoms on the Phantom Continent are quite hostile against each other. It is a great mercy that Uda and I can remain free here.”
“But are the arms here so weak?” Asaku asked, "Besides, if they truly love each other, why would Your Majesty have to stand by the rule and separate them?”
The Queen stood up, pointing her scepter at the ceiling right above the throne. The ceiling broke and there was a…
“Mirror Core!” Asaku yelled, “And it is red, so the Reversal Impact occurred already!”
Then Asaku took out the Compass of No Return to confirm the time reversed, but only figured out there was no difference in time. The Mermaid Kingdom wasn’t sent back in the past during the Reversal Impact. What was this all about?
Before Asaku could have a better understanding of what was going on, lots of monsters flooded from the core. Asaku and his friends prepared for combat. One monster dashed toward the Queen, and Ellia screamed, “Watch out, Your Majesty!”
To everyone’s surprise, the monster went right through the Queen.
The Queen said, “Don’t worry about me. Asaku, could you please seal this Mirror Core, first?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Asaku replied.
Covered by his friends, Asaku reached the core and sealed it by performing Holy Cell. With the core sealed, the Mermaid Kingdom was freed, and the air refreshed and flew again.
The Queen sat on her throne, and started to explain from the beginning, “About six months ago, the core occurred here. Even with all the arms we could afford, we could not resist it, and then the Reversal Impact took place.”
Surprised, Asaku asked, “But the time remains the same?”
The Queen replied, “The Reversal Impact turned back the time to 130 years ago, when the Mermaid Kingdom was an island above water, instead of deep in the ocean. Our Kingdom didn’t sink into the water until thirty years ago.”
“So the Reversal Impact brought back the Mermaid Kingdom 130 years ago!” Uda said.
The Queen said, “That is correct.”
Asaku asked further, “But what about the Mermaid Kingdom that was influenced by the impact…?”
The Queen replied softly, “Disappeared. We have all disappeared. Everything you see now is a reflection of our thought. We keep on living like this.”
Then the Queen took off an earring in the shape of a drop of water from her left ear, and she gently continued, “This is our beloved treasure, the Mermaid Tears. When the Reversal Impact struck us, the grave fear and sorrow from all our people triggered the Mermaid Tears.”
Trying to hold back tears, Asaku said, “So Your Majesty, and all the people I have seen in the kingdom are reflection of thoughts, protected by the Mermaid Tears.”
Ellia couldn’t hold it anymore, and she just cried out loud.
The Queen continued, “Asaku, you understand this, don’t you… Yulia cannot marry Fluffy, even with my blessing. Once Yulia is married to Fluffy, she, together with the whole kingdom, will realize that we are gone, no more. Could you keep this secret between you and me, please?”
The tears wouldn’t stop from falling, and both Asaku and Ellia nodded.
“Even it’s just an act,” the Queen said, “please do beat Fluffy, marry the princess, become our new King. Please, Asaku… give my people new hope. By then, we will no longer need the Mermaid Tears, and we can disappear with happiness. Could you please do us one last favor?”
Without saying a word, Asaku nodded. Ellia cried so much even the angel fish could swim in her tears.
Three days later, people started to swarm into the arena. The whole kingdom was there to witness the Joust for a Spouse held by the Queen.
Ready and set, Asaku slowly walked into the arena, to keep his promise.
Chapter Five: A Happy Smile
At ten o’clock in the morning on Thursday, August 22nd, year 36722 on the Epic Calendar...
Almost all the citizens of the Mermaid Kingdom gathered at the arena, the cheers were deafening as today would be the day, a new king would be elected. The champion could also win the hand of Princess Yulia, and the game started!
Both Asaku and Fluffy entered the arena, gazing at the other. The atmosphere totally changed.
Fluffy would like to charge in and attack Asaku immediately, while the latter looked at the Queen with so much sadness in his eyes. The Queen nodded at Asaku, with the crying Princess Yulia on her left side, and Ellia on her right side.
The horn was blown, which could be heard miles away. The game officially started!
On his hand, Fluffy attacked with a spear bursting of energy, and Asaku fought back with Uda and Samoyed, both transformed into his most trustworthy gear. Asaku’s Sun Sword clashed with Fluffy’s Shine Spear. Sparkle could be seen everywhere. As the fight intensified, Fluffy cast Magic Light Sword to attack Asaku, which shocked Asaku who tried to block it with the shield on his left hand.
Surprised, Asaku yelled, “Did I see it right? That was my Magic Light Sword?”
Samoyed replied, “You are right. That is your magic.”
Fluffy asked, “Hey Asaku, aren’t you a master of magic attack? Since when you have switched to a sword? Where is your magic?”
Asaku kept quiet, “Tsk…”
Uda said, “Asaku, this seems like a deja vu. I’m sure we know this Fluffy from somewhere.”
Fluffy yelled, “Woot! This is fun! I’m holding nothing back!”
Casting Light Sword Magic, Fluffy charged in to Asaku and attack!
Reaching out with his left hand, Asaku absorbed in the power with the three-star matrix magic. The matrix magic could take in power of three attacks only, so Asaku was still harmed. On his right hand, Asaku blocked the attack of Shine Spear with his Sun Sword.
Rolling over, Asaku released Aurora Impact! The three-star matrix magic seemed to take Fluffy by surprise. While Fluffy tried to dodge the attack, Asaku pushed further with the Sunshine Impact. Both impacts hit Fluffy hard and Asaku was winning.
“I never knew you could attack like this,” Fluffy shouted, “but your light magic doesn’t hurt me much as I also master light magic. You can’t beat me by absorbing my magic power!”
All of a sudden, the white-haired fairy turned into an enormous white fox, together with a bunch of small white foxes.
Asaku yelled, "... I... I hate foxes…”
The crowd started to scream and tried to run away. Princess Yulia was so scared that she wept, and the Queen explained to her this is who Fluffy really was. Princess Yulia cried even louder for being lied to.
Then Fluffy attacked with its enormous body and tail, while casting Meteor Shower at Asaku. The bunch of small white foxes were attacking with their super adorable paws, which made it even harder for Asaku to defend.
to be continued~
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gone with the wind book 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最讚貼文
2010年奧斯卡最佳女配角獎《Precious 珍愛人生》的Mo'Nique頭戴著白色梔子花,穿著一身藍色禮服出席當天的頒獎典禮。羞愧的是我們多數人都需要Mo'Nique稍後的得獎感言,才會發現她當天的打扮是在紀念70年前第一個拿到奧斯卡獎的黑人——在《Gone with the Wind 亂世佳人》中飾演女傭的演員Hattie McDaniel:
▇ 印第安那瓊斯的奧斯卡尋寶記
歷史上總共有超過七十多個奧斯卡獎座曾經被竊,其中有六十多個小金人最後幸運物歸原主。比如Whoopi Goldberg的《Ghost 第六感生死戀》最佳女配角獎就在送回原廠保養的路上被粗心的UPS快遞員搞丟,稍後又在機場垃圾桶中被尋獲。
《Raiders of the Lost Ark 法櫃奇兵》導演Steven Spielberg則以扮演奧斯卡獎座界的印第安納瓊斯著稱。迄今為止他已風塵僕僕地在世界各地尋獲三座流落民間的小金人獎座,並全數買下回捐給美國影藝學院。
所以多數流入二級市場的奧斯卡獎座都是1951年之前獲獎的奧斯卡得主。1939年Vivien Leigh的《Gone with the Wind 亂世佳人》最佳女主角獎座在拍賣會中賣得50萬美元天價。但沒幾年後就被出手闊綽的Michael Jackson打破紀錄。他在蘇富比拍賣會上以令人咋舌的150萬美元價格標得同屬《亂世佳人》的另一個獎座——名製片David O. Selznick的最佳影片獎座。直到今日,這150萬美元的紀錄仍是小金人的最高身價。
神秘的是2009年Michael Jackson猝逝後,遺產管理人無論如何翻箱倒櫃都找不到這座小金人。一說可能是Michael藏得太好,一說也許是被某人非法侵佔,無論如何遺產管理人迄今都還在苦等這個價值不菲的獎座現身。
相比身價150萬的最佳影片獎座,《亂世佳人》的最佳女配角獎座卻是另外一個極端的故事:得獎者Hattie McDaniel過世之後,遺產管理人在財產拍賣過程中將獎座列為「無財產價值」的項目。然後獎座再也沒有出現在任何書面紀錄上,就像同樣被世人遺忘的獎座主人。
緊接著輪到另外一位奧斯卡獎座界的印第安那瓊斯,美國Howard大學法學院教授W. Burlette Carter正式登場。2011年Carter教授在拍賣網站ebay上找到了一個可疑的拍賣品項,懷疑它就是已經消失了幾十年的《亂世佳人》最佳女配角獎座......
▇ 「隔離但平等」的座位安排
W. Burlette Carter教授後來刊登在法學期刊上的這篇論文——《Finding the Oscar 尋找奧斯卡》,一開始的研究動機原本只是想瞭解當年好萊塢種族歧視狀況的法律學研究,最後卻演變成一場印第安那瓊斯式的好萊塢考古行動,抽絲剝繭拼湊出這個小金人獎座波折的流浪路徑。
「手裡握著這個獎座已經帶給我無比謙卑的感覺,我打算要永遠握著這個獎座,把它當成一盞指路明燈,提醒我自己未來還有無止盡的可能性。」Hattie McDaniel臨場放棄了製片David O. Selznick塞給她的小抄,改用她的友人、黑人作家Ruby Berkley Goodwin替她寫的動人講稿。
這一天距離南北戰爭已經有七十多年,但解放黑奴之後取而代之的「隔離但平等(separate but equal )」的種族隔離法(Jim Crow laws ),仍讓黑白之間的種族緊張無所不在。1924年一名密西西比州的白人觀眾只因為在銀幕上看到黑人新郎與白人新娘在婚禮上一同載歌載舞的片段,就氣憤到拿著刀子衝向前去把銀幕割成碎布。因此可以理解才幾年後要讓一名黑人要走進洛杉磯Ambassador飯店的宴會廳,穿過滿場的白人領取奧斯卡獎座是多麽不可想像的事。
事實上Hattie McDaniel先前已經因為亞特蘭大的種族隔離法令而被迫跳過《亂世佳人》的首映會(男主角Clark Gable因此氣得拒絕出席,最後還得勞動McDaniel勸他出席)。無法參加首映的McDaniel只能會後從小說原作者Margaret Mitchell發給她的電報中感受觀眾的熱情:「真希望妳可以親耳聽見這滿場的歡聲雷動」。
1940年奧斯卡頒獎典禮所在的這個宴會廳平時作為俱樂部使用時,同樣也是禁止黑人進出的場所,《亂世佳人》的製片Selznick必須親自出面協商才讓他們特許黑人進入。然而最終Hattie McDaniel仍被主辦單位安排與全場貴賓以及《亂世佳人》的白人劇組完全隔離開來,全程坐在會場最角落專門為她和她的男伴安排的「隔離但平等」的小圓桌。
19年後加州通過Unruh Civil Rights Act平權法案之時,加州政府甚至對Hattie McDaniel當年在奧斯卡上受到的不平等待遇啟動正式調查。然而這一天,還只是McDaniel和她手中的小金人的苦難開端......
▇ 最佳女配角的詛咒
去年奧斯卡最佳影片頒發給《Green Book 幸福綠皮書》時,許多在場媒體都注意到《BlacKkKlansman 黑色黨徒》導演Spike Lee鐵青著臉怒而離席。
「我真的太背了。每回某某人開車接送某某人,我就會輸掉一座奧斯卡。」Lee稍後自嘲。他的憤恨不平其來有自,因為2019年的奧斯卡幾乎就是1990年奧斯卡頒獎典禮的倒帶重播:奧斯卡評審寧願把獎項給迴避議題的種族大和諧電影(1990年是《Driving Miss Daisy 溫馨接送情》),也不願讓更受好評的Spike Lee電影(1990年是《Do The Right Things 為所應為》)拿走年度大獎。相隔30年,Spike Lee兩度被笑臉迎人的司機超車,「和諧」掉原本該屬於他的小金人。
Spike Lee面對的還是一個黑人可以參與競爭的年代。80年前《亂世佳人》的Hattie McDaniel面對的是連黑人出席典禮上都會引發爭議的保守社會。
Hattie McDaniel得獎之後,奧斯卡還要再等24年才敢再把獎座頒給另外一個黑人。而那一次上場的是更挑動保守社會敏感神經的男演員Sidney Poitier。
1964年頒獎人Ann Bancroft把奧斯卡獎座遞給《Lilies of the Field 野百合》的男星Sidney Poitier後,Bancroft按慣例禮貌性地在Poitier的臉頰輕吻表達祝賀。這一吻引發了現場觀眾和電視機前觀眾的騷動。這是奧斯卡頒獎典禮史上第一個跨種族之吻。兩人在台上輕吻的同一時間,黑白聯姻在美國許多州都還被明文禁止。直到幾年後Sidney Poitier那部講述跨種族戀情故事的《Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 誰來晚餐》上映的前幾天,美國最高法院才宣判禁止跨種族聯姻的法令違憲。
Sidney Poitier之後,還要再等38年才會有《Training Day 震撼教育》的Denzel Washington 獲頒最佳男主角獎。
除此之外的多數時候,偽善的奧斯卡都把黑人當成妝點門面的窗花,而且他們最願意給出去的獎項幾乎全是最佳女配角。而這些被當成「奧斯卡好多元」窗花的黑人女星,除了Whoopi Goldberg是少數例外之外,大部分人得獎後的職業生涯幾乎都是繼續被忽視,或者載浮載沉,或者乾脆直接沉到河底永不見天日。比如Jennifer Hudson(《Dreamgirls 夢幻女郎》)、Mo'Nique(《珍愛人生》)、 Octavia Spencer《The Help 姊妹》)以及還在想辦法浮上水面的Lupita Nyong'o(《12 Years a Slave 為奴12年》)和Viola Davis(《Fences 心靈圍籬》)。
而作為史上第一個黑人最佳女配角,Hattie McDaniel本人就是最佳女配角詛咒的經典案例。
▇ 波多馬各河上的懸案
《亂世佳人》之後Hattie McDaniel仍然只能演出大同小異的各種女傭角色,這些陳腔濫調的角色設定也使得她的演藝事業再也沒有達到堪比《亂世佳人》的巔峰。
白人繼續安排她演出各種刻板印象角色的同時,黑人則毫不留情地砲轟McDaniel助長對黑人的刻板印象,成為種族主義的幫凶。此外,1960年代後風起雲湧的黑人民權運動中很少看到Hattie McDaniel出現相挺的身影,也引發黑人同胞對她的不諒解。
她唯一一次對黑人民權挺身而出,是因為她自己存錢買房被拒,理由是該社區禁止黑人入住。她動員了好萊塢好友Clark Gable 和 James Cagney公開替黑人權益發聲,促成了美國最高法院稍後終於反應輿論聲浪,宣佈所有禁止黑人購買、租賃、入住房屋的合約通通違憲。
不論是接演刻板印象角色或是與民權運動保持疏離,Hattie McDaniel不得不然的理由都是經濟。身為兩個黑奴所生下13個小孩中的老么,McDaniel終其一生都在追求經濟上的翻身。但因為欠缺白人的社經優勢和理財專業,她的財務狀況始終不盡理想。59歲死於乳癌時,遺產管理人清點她的資產和負債,發現她名下的財產甚至不足以繳納她欠聯邦政府和州政府的鉅額欠稅。
更令人哀傷的是Hattie McDaniel白紙黑字寫在遺囑中的兩個遺願,在她死後竟都被無視:她的第一個願望是希望能被葬在著名的Hollywood Forever Cemetery好萊塢永恆墓園,但該墓園仍斷然拒絕黑人下葬其中;她的第二個願望是把她的奧斯卡獎座捐給以收藏黑人文化相關文物著名的Howard大學,然而即便遺產管理人在遺產拍賣清單中把奧斯卡獎座列為「無產財價值」、建議不要拍賣,法院仍要求通通拍賣償債。
調查獎座去向的Howard大學法學院教授W. Burlette Carter發現,自此之後,在所有的檔案文件中這個小金人獎座的去向突然變成了一團迷霧:
▇ 金恩博士你也有份嗎
為了解答第二個謎題,我們必須暫時搭乘時光機回到1939年12月15日《Gone with the Wind 亂世佳人》的亞特蘭大首映會那天:
製片David O. Selznick心裡其實對於在亞特蘭大辦首映活動很多疑慮。Margaret Mitchell的原著小說中許多讚揚蓄奴、譴責內戰的情節已經被Selznick小心翼翼地刪節,他不希望電影和南方連結得太緊密,讓北方觀眾在上映前就產生反感。Selznick的另外一個顧慮就是亞特蘭大的種族隔離氛圍,他甚至被迫拿掉電影海報上的黑人臉孔才能在亞特蘭大宣傳。
然而亞特蘭大市市長William B. Hartsfield慎重其事地親自遊說Selznick,希望他把好萊塢首映會改到亞特蘭大舉辦,因為畢竟「這是我們的故事」。對市長和多數白人市民來說,重現南方盛世樣貌的《亂世佳人》在情感上替南方人癒合了內戰的傷口。
舞台上的主秀是清一色白人的少年聯盟小朋友的表演,隨後上場的是另一批清一色黑人的浸信會合唱團的小朋。合唱團的指揮是黑人民權運動領袖金恩博士(Martin Luther King, Jr.)的爸爸、同時也是該教會牧師Martin Luther King Sr.。年僅9歲的金恩博士就站在合唱團成員之中。詭異的是,他跟其他黑人小朋友一樣都被打扮成劇中塔拉莊園的黑奴模樣在舞台上載歌載舞,歡慶《亂世佳人》的上映。
亞特蘭大金恩中心的發言人Steve Klein說當年的這個畫面反應了那個年代的社會背景,「更美妙的是他的生涯能以此為出發點,一路發展到被授與諾貝爾和平獎的偉大成就。」
一名專門研究好萊塢文物的收藏家Tom Gregory兩度在Huffington Post 的專欄中提到:正是金恩博士遇刺身亡引發的憤怒情緒,讓參與校園示威的黑人學生把Hattie McDaniel這個代表種族壓迫的奧斯卡獎座丟進波多馬克河裡。
積極追查獎座下落的Carter教授也連絡上Tom Gregory本人。語不驚人死不休的Gregory對Carter教授進一步爆料說他其實已經找到當年沉在河底的小金人獎座,證物馬上就會到手。就這麼巧,ebay上出現的獎座同時也被不明人士出價標走。然後這位收藏家開始音訊全無,不再回覆任何訊息。線索再次斷了線。
Carter教授推論在ebay上被拍賣的獎座根本無法證實就是《亂世佳人》最佳女配角獎座,因為那個年代影藝學院還沒有開始在獎座上刻印得獎者的姓名。Tom Gregory很可能已發現驗明正身的希望渺茫,因而絕口不再提起獎座。
▇ 浮出水面的白色謎底
美國恐怖小說作家Stephen King日前在網路上捲入了關於「奧斯卡好白」的口水戰。原本堅持「藝術無庸考量多元」的Stephen King,後來用自己在華盛頓郵報的專欄補考這一題:
他在文中列舉2012年影藝學院的投票成員組成:94%是白人,77%是男人,54%是超過60歲的老人。他認為這些人口組成的結構傾斜正是為什麼Ava DuVernay(《When They See Us 別人眼中的我們》和Greta Gerwig(《Little Women 她們》)這一類優秀的創作者經常被奧斯卡忽視的原因。「今年奧斯卡缺乏多元性的入圍名單證明了我們並不是活在完美的世界」Stephen King在該文中修正了他原本堅持的「藝術無關多元」觀點。
Hollywood Reporter這兩天刊登了一名投票者的匿名投書,正反應了種族組成的偏差:投書者匪夷所思地主張《寄生上流》這類外語片不應與「 一般的(regular)」電影一起競爭,並認為獎座應該落於Quentin Tarantino之類美國導演身上,理由是「奧斯卡畢竟是美國的東西」。
「白人優勢」的偏差因素也是Howard大學法學院教授W. Burlette Carter的論文《尋找奧斯卡》中最後一個魔王:
「種族歧視的無形之手在她的事業發展中處處可見,無論她如何才華過人,都還是處處限制了她所能賺取的收入」論文的結論認為Hattie McDaniel獎座的流浪故事充分反應了非裔美國人在這種充滿種族歧視的社會中討生活是如此艱困難重重。
同樣的,如果這個奧斯卡獎座屬於一個白人,它的身價可能超過百萬美元(比如《亂世佳人》製片David O. Selznick被Michael Jackson標走的最佳影片獎座),因而絕對不會被標記為「無財產價值」,更不會有下落不明的淒涼晚景,比較可能發生的結局是被妥善地收在某個博物館或某個收藏家的保險櫃裡。
如果她是白的,美國影藝學院也會有不同的積極作為。同樣是獎座遺失的案例,《Moonstruck 發暈》的最佳女配角得主Olympia Dukakis被歹徒竊走小金人並勒索贖金時,她老神在在地前往影藝學院繳了78美元工本費,就得到補發的獎座。另一方面Howard大學終於承認Hattie McDaniel的小金人搞丟時,影藝學院卻斷然拒絕了補發申請,因為他們認為當事人早已過世,遺失獎座的也不是當事人的後代家屬,申請資格有疑義。如果不是Hattie McDaniel,而是Clark Gable的獎座搞丟,影藝學院在回絕前大概會猶豫再三。
追溯影藝學院的歷史才會驚覺,原來當年頒發給男女配角的奧斯卡獎座模樣並不是今天我們熟知的奧小金人造型,而是一塊不起眼的小一號獎牌,獎牌上頭鑲了那個小一號金人。到頭來竟然是size matters。
(原載於端傳媒 https://theinitium.com/ )
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