近年常在國內外媒體版面上看到的名詞 #影響力投資,講求既能有報酬,又能兼顧對社會跟環境的好處。究竟影響力投資真的不用割捨利益嗎?來自麥肯錫、台灣影響力投資協會、亞洲公益創投網絡的專家分析給你聽:
#亞太社會創新高峰會 #投資亞洲 #影響力投資
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giin影響力投資 在 科技產業資訊室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
影響力投資 聚焦全球上市公司
據全球影響力投資聯盟(Global Impact Investing Network,GIIN)統計,全球影響力投資基金投資在上市公司的比例,2016年間約13%,及至2019年已成長到31%,投入金額從2016的100億美元,三年後的2019年成長到740億美元,年複合成長(CAGR)達95%,幾乎每年翻一倍。.....
giin影響力投資 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的精選貼文
【創業大冒險】GIIN投資者論壇 形塑未來投資界的發展趨勢
全球影響力投資網絡 (Global Impact investing Network, GIIN) 今年10月2-3日在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹舉行了投資者論壇,兩天的議程中,經過多方交流與討論,形塑出未來投資界的發展趨勢。
歐洲許多國家的影響力投資領域皆採用 SDGs 架構,並以環境、社會和公司治理 (environment, society, governance, ESG) 三大構面作為評估企業的標準,與其財務表現綜合考量,作為影響力投資的評估依據。
📣歡迎到社會創新平台看看哪些組織已經加入 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw
#影響力 #社會創新
Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) held the impact investors forums in Amsterdam on October to gather impact investors around the globe. The forums discussed the future investing strategy. Main points and trends in the 2 days forums from 10/2 to 10/3 as followed:
1. The loan terms for companies in the future may depend on how companies perform the SDGs in their business.
2. SDGs and Environment, Society, Governance (ESG) offer an integrate and positive framework for the development of social innovation organizations.
3. Most of the investors intend to measure the outputs and outcomes of the impact, but still a part of investors think that the key is whether the target could produce a sustainable and stable impact in the long run.
We believe in the near future for those companies seeking funding must equip with certain positive social impacts to gain supports from their financial institutions or investors. SMEA supports the development of social innovation. All organization could utilize innovative method to solve social problem and create social impact.
Let’s check out those social innovation organizations: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw
#socialimpact #socialinnovation