參加咗格魯吉亞葡萄酒節!已經有8000年釀酒歷史,亦被列入世界文化遺產為首個葡萄酒釀酒法,尤其以大陶罐(qvevri)釀酒而聞名,味道截然不同。跟著Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine試8款酒,白酒入過大陶罐會呈黄金色,紅酒看不見顏色分別,但紅白酒喝落去帶多一份土壤及香草氣息,好特別嘅體驗,你試過一定會記得佢!Cheers!🍷🥂
Attended Georgian Wine Festival! With over 8000 years of wine making history & being recognized by UNESCO as 1st wine production method, Georgian wine is famous for using Qvevri (clay pot) to make wine, & the taste is quite different. Tried 8 wines with @Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine, white wine fermented in Qvevri will turn into amber color whereas the color for red wine looks the same. But they both will have a stronger earthy and herbal notes, which is quite special, and u won’t forget it once u’ve tried it! Cheers! 🍷🥂
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