Friday, May 31 🤩到PMQ元創方感受2019瑞典國慶及仲夏節慶典
對去年參與過瑞典國慶及仲夏節慶典的朋友們,我們說句瑞典文:Välkommen tillbaka (歡迎回來)!而對於尚未參與過該慶典的朋友,我們要說Välkommen (歡迎前來)!5月31日3-9pm來PMQ元創方感受這個“最具創造力之國”的魅力。
🥳適合大人小孩的各種親子Fun Station🥳
仲夏節是瑞典僅次於聖誕的最重要家庭日,今年的親子主題圍繞“創意”。家長可以帶孩子們來參加瑞典傳統加創意的各種fun stations:手作仲夏花環、繪製瑞典達拉馬、交通安全體驗、Kubb(瑞典最流行的草地擊木遊戲)、檯上冰球、環跑兵乓球…幾乎所有活動都適合大人小孩一起參與!
活動時間: 15:00-21:00, May 31, 2019
地點: 中環鴨巴甸街號35號PMQ元創方Courtyard & Marketplace(向公眾開放)
仲夏節是了解瑞典家庭價值觀和文化傳統的最佳節日。 仲夏節前夕是一年中最長的一天,因為白天很長黑夜很短,在瑞典的人們幾乎可以全天候地與家人和朋友一同慶祝,吃喝玩樂,載歌載舞。
今年在PMQ courtyard豎立的仲夏柱將接近5米高,由鮮花環繞,大家可以圍著它,伴隨瑞典傳統仲夏音樂,和瑞典人一起盡興歌舞。
飲飲食食,戶外展覽 - 無限創意
去年很多朋友對瑞典的Smörgåstårta(三文治蛋糕)表示了強烈的興趣,今年瑞典會再向大家介紹幾樣有趣的仲夏節食品:Knäckebröd(香脆硬麵包)、Open faced sandwiches(開放式三文治)、Schnapps(一口飲勝的烈酒)及瑞典啤酒。此外,還有少量herring(風味鯡魚)預留給識飲識食的朋友(瑞典人為之瘋狂,它與Schnapps和瑞典啤酒是絕配)。今年還有幾間充滿創意的食品和飲品公司一同合作,為是次仲夏節慶典提供傳統和創意飲食,例如活動的signature cocktail 就叫AbsolOatly Swedish,實在不容錯過。
在享用仲夏飲食的同時,大家還可以觀看創意展覽。今年我們將展出來自世界各地的Absolut Global Creative Competition(全球創意比賽)獲獎作品。此比賽為時半年,最終從全世界19個國家收到的7500件作品中評審出19幅獲獎作品。Valarie Kwong的 “People should be free to love who they choose”贏得了香港區大獎。5月31日香港人就可以近距離欣賞到這19幅作品,當中更包括新鮮出爐的全球總冠軍。
fun friday stations 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳解答
It's Friday! Despite having a cough and runny nose, we made it to a few places by public transport today, including going for a parent-teacher conference, returning to Kids Clinic @ Bishan to let the doc check the girls' ear piercings, going for Heguru lessons at Waterway Point and the day's highlight was our first visit to the National Gallery!
The queues at Children's Biennale were longer than I expected and we ended up spending the whole afternoon there and had to patiently wait in line for some of the more popular stations, including The Obliteration Room which was a paradise for my kids who love stickers, colourfuls and all things round.
Surprisingly, we managed to finish every single activity in the art pack and the girls managed to answer all the questions and complete the sketching, colouring and crossword puzzles too. Yayyy! Now we are off for dinner and are looking forward to Papa's return and another day of fun tmr! Don't you love holidays too?
Children's Biennale runs from now to 8 Oct 2017. Admission is free for all Singaporeans and PRs. Each art pack, consisting of activity sheets and the round stickers, cost $5.
P.S. We got told off by an auntie on the MRT to be careful of people's legs when we push the stroller, despite that we didn't bump into anyone and that the door was closing on us, a mum with three kids, yet no one was giving us more space to walk in (not to mention giving up seats). It happens, yes. But thankfully more often than not, we meet kind people who show us kindness and empathy. So, I just close one eye, smile and let it be. There is still a lot of goodness in this world, we just need to remind ourselves of it.
#ahappymum #mumof3 #juneholidays #soloparenting #fridayfun #nationalgallerysingapore #childrensbiennale #placestovisit #kidfriendly #familyfriendly