On July 31, 1968, a young, black man was reading the newspaper when he saw something that he had never seen before. With tears in his eyes, he started running and screaming throughout the house, calling for his mom. He would show his mom, and, she would gasp, seeing something she thought she would never see in her lifetime. Throughout the nation, there were similar reactions.
What they saw was Franklin Armstrong's first appearance on the iconic comic strip "Peanuts." Franklin would be 50 years old this year.
Franklin was "born" after a school teacher, Harriet Glickman, had written a letter to creator Charles M. Schulz after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot to death outside his Memphis hotel room.
Glickman, who had kids of her own and having worked with kids, was especially aware of the power of comics among the young. “And my feeling at the time was that I realized that black kids and white kids never saw themselves [depicted] together in the classroom,” she would say.
She would write, “Since the death of Martin Luther King, 'I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help change those conditions in our society which led to the assassination and which contribute to the vast sea of misunderstanding, hate, fear and violence.'”
Glickman asked Schulz if he could consider adding a black character to his popular comic strip, which she hoped would bring the country together and show people of color that they are not excluded from American society.
She had written to others as well, but the others feared it was too soon, that it may be costly to their careers, that the syndicate would drop them if they dared do something like that.
Charles Schulz did not have to respond to her letter, he could have just completely ignored it, and everyone would have forgotten about it. But, Schulz did take the time to respond, saying he was intrigued with the idea, but wasn't sure whether it would be right, coming from him, he didn't want to make matters worse, he felt that it may sound condescending to people of color.
Glickman did not give up, and continued communicating with Schulz, with Schulz surprisingly responding each time. She would even have black friends write to Schulz and explain to him what it would mean to them and gave him some suggestions on how to introduce such a character without offending anyone. This conversation would continue until one day, Schulz would tell Glickman to check her newspaper on July 31, 1968.
On that date, the cartoon, as created by Schulz, shows Charlie Brown meeting a new character, named Franklin. Other than his color, Franklin was just an ordinary kid who befriends and helps Charlie Brown. Franklin also mentions that his father was "over at Vietnam." At the end of the series, which lasted three strips, Charlie invites Franklin to spend the night one day so they can continue their friendship. [The original comic strip of Charlie Brown meeting Franklin is attached in the initial comments below, the picture attached here is Franklin meeting the rest of the Peanuts, including Linus. I just thought this was a good re-introduction of Franklin to the rest of the world - "I'm very glad to know you."
There was no big announcement, there was no big deal, it was just a natural conversation between two kids, whose obvious differences did not matter to them. And, the fact that Franklin's father was fighting for this country was also a very strong statement by Schulz.
Although Schulz never made a big deal over the inclusion of Franklin, there were many fans, especially in the South, who were very upset by it and that made national news. One Southern editor even said, “I don’t mind you having a black character, but please don’t show them in school together.”
It would eventually lead to a conversation between Schulz and the president of the comic's distribution company, who was concerned about the introduction of Franklin and how it might affect Schulz' popularity. Many newspapers during that time had threatened to cut the strip.
Schulz' response: "I remember telling Larry at the time about Franklin -- he wanted me to change it, and we talked about it for a long while on the phone, and I finally sighed and said, "Well, Larry, let's put it this way: Either you print it just the way I draw it or I quit. How's that?"
Eventually, Franklin became a regular character in the comic strips, and, despite complaints, Franklin would be shown sitting in front of Peppermint Patty at school and playing center field on her baseball team.
More recently, Franklin is brought up on social media around Thanksgiving time, when the animated 1973 special "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" appears. Some people have blamed Schulz for showing Franklin sitting alone on the Thanksgiving table, while the other characters sit across him. But, Schulz did not have the same control over the animated cartoon on a television network that he did on his own comic strip in the newspapers.
But, he did have control over his own comic strip, and, he courageously decided to make a statement because of one brave school teacher who decided to ask a simple question.
Glickman would explain later that her parents were "concerned about others, and the values that they instilled in us about caring for and appreciating everyone of all colors and backgrounds — this is what we knew when we were growing up, that you cared about other people . . . And so, during the years, we were very aware of the issues of racism and civil rights in this country [when] black people had to sit at the back of the bus, black people couldn’t sit in the same seats in the restaurants that you could sit . . . Every day I would see, or read, about black children trying to get into school and seeing crowds of white people standing around spitting at them or yelling at them . . . and the beatings and the dogs and the hosings and the courage of so many people in that time."
Because of Glickman, because of Schulz, people around the world were introduced to a little boy named Franklin.
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Fourth of July Series (美國國慶系列之二):
您知道嗎? 美國國歌是並不容易唱準的。2004年的一項調查發現,只有39%的美國人能唱準美國國歌的第三句。
儘管在每場棒球比賽以及其他很多公眾活動開始之前都要演唱《星條旗之歌》(The Star-Spangled Banner),但這首歌出名地難唱。不過,這首歌有史以來讓那些能夠駕馭它的表演者在詮釋美國最知名的代表歌曲時給人留下了難忘的、獨一無二的記憶。
當《星條旗之歌》於1931年被定為國歌時,《紐約先驅論壇報》(New York Herald Tribune)說它的“歌詞沒人能記住,曲調沒人能唱出來”,這條評論廣為人知。 《星條旗之歌》的曲調改編自18世紀的一首飲酒歌,歌詞選自弗朗西斯•斯科特•基(Francis Scott Key)在200年前寫的一首詩(描繪1812年戰爭中的一場戰役)。這首歌的最高音和最低音之間的音域為一個半八度,要想唱準每個音極其困難。
富蘭克林•布魯諾(Franklin Bruno)是一位歌曲創作者,他論述歌曲創作史的著作《曲調的內在蘊含》(The Inside of the Tune)即將出版發行。書中說,這首歌預見了美國的音樂前景,通過每節的第三個對句(“And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air …”)的節奏和韻律規律來使其他詩行的戰爭色彩變得柔和,以此改變歌曲的主調。
作為國歌所具有的重大象徵意義還意味著,每當表演者沒有中規中矩地演繹這首歌曲的時候,聽眾都會認為這種發揮是有用意的。 1941年7月4日,在二戰的背景之下,作曲家伊戈爾•斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)改編的國歌交響曲首演,其中有幾個不同尋常的和弦。這次演出導致斯特拉文斯基與波士頓警察發生了小小的衝突,因為警察認為他違反了一項禁止“篡改”國歌的州法。
在1968年大聯盟棒球世界系列賽(Major League Baseball World Series)期間,波多黎各歌手何塞•費利西亞諾(José Feliciano)在原聲吉他的伴奏下用當代民謠流行唱法演唱了《星條旗之歌》。這引起了一片嘩然。費利西亞諾後來說:“有些人要求把我驅逐出境。好像能把人驅逐出境到波多黎各似的。”(波多黎各是美國的一個領地。)費利西亞諾演唱的國歌成為了一首上榜單曲,而且他說,到他在2012年的一場棒球冠軍賽上再次以自己的風格演唱這首歌曲時,聽眾大都將其理解為“對一個給予我機會的國家表達感激之情的歌曲” 。
在1983年的全國籃球協會全明星賽(National Basketball Association All-Star game)上,馬文・蓋伊(Marvin Gaye)在一架電子鼓的伴奏下舒緩幽沉、帶有福音音樂風格的演唱讓這首歌聽起來極具現代感。當年洛杉磯湖人隊(Los Angeles Lakers)的球星“魔術師”約翰遜(Earvin “Magic” Johnson)說,蓋伊的演唱讓他感受到了“作為一個美國人的自豪感……令人心潮澎湃,淚光盈盈”。
儘管演唱《星條旗之歌》通常是要展現國家自豪感,但這首歌也被用在政治抗議活動中。 2006年,用西班牙語錄製的《星條旗之歌》(Nuestro Himno)批評了美國的移民政策。
1969年,吉米•亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)在伍德斯托克(Woodstock)音樂節上演唱了這首國歌,以示對越戰的抗議,此事廣為人知。他的演唱輔以“轟炸”的音響效果,是最有名的以激進態度演繹國歌的版本。亨德里克斯於1969年9月在電視節目中接受迪克•卡韋特(Dick Cavett)的採訪時這樣評價自己的演唱:“這並非背離傳統。我認為唱得很美。”
在1991年超級碗(Super Bowl)上,惠特尼•休斯頓(Whitney Houston)引吭高歌,將《星條旗之歌》裡最高的一句“land of the free”唱得更高——當時美國正在打海灣戰爭(Gulf War),她表示要將這首歌獻給美國軍人。幾週後這首歌曲作為單曲發行,風靡一時。而10年後這首歌曲在2001年9.11襲擊事件後為紐約的消防隊員和警察募捐時再次發行,愈發受人歡迎。碧昂絲(Beyoncé Knowles)最近幾次演唱國歌時(包括在巴拉克•歐巴馬2013年的就職典禮上)都大體沿襲了休斯頓的風格,包括超高音演唱。
Enlgish: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/…/2…/05/20140501298634.html…
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