By Tenmei Kanoh
▍怒れる若者 ! 加納典明70年代三里塚鬥爭影像首次集結
波音B-52轟炸機從美軍位於沖繩的嘉手納空軍基地起飛,在北越上空來回襲擊。這個世界經歷了披頭四解散,還有有著捲捲獨特嘴唇的米克·傑格在海德公園舞台上跳躍。年輕的世代,不論是不是學生,都很熱衷於社會參與,而他們決定要向當權者說不。這股「年輕人的憤怒」就蘊藏在他們每天的生活與所思所想中。我不禁懷疑當初在建造這座新機場的背後是政府的一項秘密計畫 : 在1972年沖繩即將返還之際,他們是否能確保羽田機場在仍做民航用途的情況下,讓成田機場做為自衛隊的軍事航空基地?數十年過去,我想知道今天的年輕人會怎麼想呢?我想知道我是否能看到年輕人以他們的行動和智慧,對於近期日本憲法的第9條釋憲案這個重大議題採取反應。
― 加納典明《三里塚 1972》
註 : 日本憲法第9條明訂日本放棄戰爭、不維持武力、不擁有宣戰權,是日本在二戰後擬定的「和平憲法」,也是世界上第一部放棄交戰權的憲法。2014年安倍晉三政府推動修改憲法解釋,欲擴張日本的集體自衛權而引發爭議。
In the early 1970s, farmers, workers, and students united under the slogan “We will not surrender our land!”. This protest, known as the Narita or Sanrizuka Struggle, led to a series of fierce, bloody battles. A woman in peasant clothing covered all over with mud, in heavy rain, had tied herself to a thick post with steel wire. Riot police were remorselessly tearing her body from the post. Forgetting to press my camera shutter, I yelled “Stop it!”. Forty three years have since passed, and there is a plot of land that remains intact in the middle of the airport, which shows that the protest has been handed on to the next generation. With such deep attachment to the land and tenacity of ownership, I know the profound desire and great fortitude of human beings.
Taking off from the U.S. military’s Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Boeing B-52 bombers repeatedly flew over North Vietnam for air raids. The world saw the break up of the Beatles, and Mick Jagger, with his uniquely curling upper lip, bouncing around the stage in Hyde Park. The younger generation, whether students or non-students, were then very socially active, and they chose to resist authority. The “anger of youth” underlay their daily lives and thought. I suspect that there was a secret government agenda behind the construction of the new airport: with the imminent reversion of Okinawa in 1972, they may have looked to secure Narita as a military air base, while keeping Haneda Airport for civilian use? Decades have past and I wonder what the young of today have in their minds. I wonder whether I will witness their action and intellect in response to the crucial issue of the amendments to the 9th Article of the Constitution of Japan.
― Tenmei Kanoh, Sanrizuka 1972
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