我是在 2017 年第一次認識「美國台灣觀測站」。當時剛成立的他們還不叫這個名字,而是以「美國國會台灣觀測站」華麗登場。喔,不,其實並不華麗。觀測站的起點,不過就是幾個熱情的年輕人。
2017 那年夏天,他們和我一樣,都去參加了美國台灣同鄉會所舉辦的「美東夏令會」。這個活動歷史悠久,一年一度,由新英格蘭地區各地台灣鄉親輪流籌辦,在幾天時間內,美東地區的台灣人會攜家帶眷,共聚一堂,並有許多大小講座,搭配聯誼活動,甚至不少台灣政界人士都會參加。(除了美東,美南、美西各區域也有自己的夏令會。)
台灣同鄉會中有許多上了年紀的長輩,他們年輕時赴美,或工作或讀書,然後因為各種原因留了下來——其中不少是因為關心台灣政治,在威權時代追求民主自由,而意外上了黑名單,好長一段時間無法返回故鄉。(他們其中有些人還會把自己小孩取名叫Tim,台灣獨立運動 Taiwan Independence Movement 的英文縮寫。)
那時開始,夏令會也與時俱進,推出「黑客松」(hackathon) 的計畫,延續台灣零時政府(g0v)的做法,開放自由提案,鼓勵各種能改善社會的異想天開(俗稱「挖坑」),然後尋求志願者加入,群策群力,各顯神通。
這樣的構想,其實有前例可循。1980年代,一群在美的台灣人,組成了台灣人公共事務會(Formosan Association for Public Affairs, 簡稱 FAPA),長期從事美國國會遊說活動,將台灣議題帶進華盛頓政治圈。幾十年來,他們努力不懈,在台美關係的發展中扮演了重要的角色。
但事實證明,有非常多人,不只想看熱鬧,也想看懂門道。「觀測站」的深度解析,就提供了這樣一個看懂門道的蹊徑,所以他們每一篇文章,都引發了大量的閱讀、討論與轉載。隨著讀者群擴大,他們所觸及的議題越來越廣,守備範圍越來越廣,所以「美國國會台灣觀測站」進化成了「美國台灣觀測站」,不再為國會所限。除了文章,他們也跨足不同形式的媒體,開始製作影片與 Podcast。
因為他們相信,Taiwan matters。
✨ 連結傳送門:https://linktr.ee/us.taiwan.watch。
✨ 小額支持觀測站:http://pros.si/ufjkk。
同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅台灣1001個故事,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan...
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- 關於formosan 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於formosan 在 福爾摩莎外語中心Formosan Foreign Languages Centre - Home 的評價
- 關於formosan 在 作者Formosan 的總覽(PTT發文,留言,暱稱) - PTT網頁版 的評價
formosan 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳貼文
曾有學長跟我分享時告訴我,當你寫超過 10 篇論文時,你就會「知道」如何寫論文了。若有 10 篇論文在進行,每一篇平均被退稿 10 次以上,以我的心理素質,恐怕無法承受這樣的打擊。想到這裡,實在不寒而慄......
👉 報名工作坊出現轉機,第一次,#投稿沒有被退!
🎉#恭喜 李孟如醫師原著性論文,獲 Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 刊登!
【🚩 全新改款】今年最後一班,機會難得!
年底末班 ➠ 10/17(日)臨床研究與發表工作坊
立即報名 ➠ https://clip2014.innovarad.tw/event/
從稿件送出,經過 editor / reviewer / revision 三關,怎麼趨吉避凶?初學者如何集中資源,避開常見誤區,我們給你務實建議!
☑️ 國際期刊如何審稿?第一眼就被喜歡的關鍵。
☑️ 臨床論文寫作,常見錯誤與如何避免。
☑️ 新手都能懂的統計:實作前的介紹
☑️ 讓 revision 幾乎全被 accept 的關鍵技巧
☑️ 在中小型醫院工作,論文起步的務實建議。
☑️ 研究主題怎麼找?研究資源如何累積?
➠ https://clip2014.innovarad.tw/event/
formosan 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
Taipei Zoo said on Friday that one of its Formosan pangolins, the world's oldest captive #pangolin, was put down by a vet two days earlier, after suffering from kidney problems for more than two years.
formosan 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳解答
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
A pangolin is hunted every five minutes in the world on average. It’s the most seriously poached mammal on earth. The film crew climbs the rock and follows Dr. Ching-Min Sun, a renowned pangolin researcher, in his tracking for pangolins. We monitor their life journeys and try to dig out burrows and the truth behind their deaths. In 50 years, Taiwan has transformed from a hunting ground to a breeding ground for pangolins. After years of conservation, pangolins in Taiwan are increasing with the highest wildlife density in the world. The island has become the last fortress for pangolins worldwide.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣穿山甲 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #孫敬閔 #野生動物急救站 #暨南大學神獸 #自然科學紀實節目

formosan 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
The film crew participates in Taiwan humpback dolphin surveys by Ocean Conservation Administration on the sea, captures a rare humpback dolphin group, and explores root causes behind their dwindling populations. Also, we document the largest pygmy killer whale rescue effort by 2,000 people over 56 days. We follow researchers to Orchid Island, an outer islet of Taiwan, to uncover the bones of a baby sperm whale, and record the tragic deaths of stranded melon-headed whales and blue whales. Their survivals and deaths are symptomatic of a deteriorating marine environment.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣白海豚 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #海洋保育署 #成大鯨豚研究中心 #四草鯨豚搶救站 #台大獸醫系 #蘭嶼 #小虎鯨救援 #自然科學紀實節目

formosan 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
In the Southwestern badlands in Taiwan, there is a very mysterious owl of terrestrial habitats, the Taiwan grass owls, and as of today, scientists are still unable to decipher its whereabouts and behaviors. Against all odds, the production team followed up all kinds of clues for two years— from bird net rescues, follow-up research, to nocturnal studies— and is finally able to present the stirring life story of these aerial elves of Taiwan as they face the changes and destructions in their habitats.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣草鴞 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #屏科大鳥類生態研究室 #嘉大棲地生態研究室 #台灣雪景 #野生梅花鹿 #自然科學紀實節目

formosan 在 作者Formosan 的總覽(PTT發文,留言,暱稱) - PTT網頁版 的美食出口停車場
Formosan 在PTT 最新的發文, 共24 篇 ... 作者: Formosan - 發表於2020/07/10 02:35(1年前) ... 9 F 推Formosan: 原來中視東森TVBS都是綠的喔11/18 15:53. ... <看更多>
formosan 在 福爾摩莎外語中心Formosan Foreign Languages Centre - Home 的美食出口停車場
福爾摩莎外語中心Formosan Foreign Languages Centre. Language School. Closed Now. ·. 2:00 ... ... <看更多>