At this COVID-19 pandemic period, a lot of companies have been letting the employees working from home. Some of them will even let their employees work from home a little longer till the end of year, like Google and Facebook announced earlier this month.
And during this timing, business is still running, recruiting is still going on, and a lot of companies have came to ask me, how to onboard your new employee when we are all working remotely?
To do that, you must think through your process and orchestrate it with care.
Here are some tactics to help your remote onboarding process go smoothly:
During this time of uncertainty, the new member won’t have the luxury of getting up to speed and picking up context over coffee or lunch with their new peers and team. They need to digest information now, so plan your pre-boarding calls with them to do as much methodical knowledge transfer as you can.
Since, we have been working remotely for a while, many meetings have been held on video or calls, which it would be good to recorded some of the sessions and provide to your new employee if it’s pessary for them to review the past meetings. It will help them get up to speed about key topics as well as gain a sense of culture and language.
2.Thoughtfully orchestrate the first week
Since everything is remote now, the onboarding with the new employee would also turn a little different. Simply have to be more thoughtful about scheduling the right meetings and finding ways to start integrating your new hire formally and informally.
3.Embed social time
It’s always a nice gesture to take the new employee out for lunch, to listen to them share more about themselves. But since it’s hard to do that now, send them a lunch delivery, and do the lunch remotely with some colleagues. And it doesn’t have to be lunch, a coffee and dessert or happy hour drink would be good too.
4.Informal time
When we have questions, it’s always easier to just drop by peers offices to ask a quick question, if we are working in the office. But since a lot of us are working remotely right now, often time it seems we need to schedule formal meetings to reach out.
Find structured time for informal check-ins. You might want to set up a quick call with your new employee once or twice per week just to discuss what has come up, and how you can help them with that. Finding a onboarding buddy would also a good way for the new employee, so they have someone to go to with quick questions.
Izza Lin
Recruiting Master, AppWoks
AppWorks is now accepting applications for AppWorks Accelerator #21. Be sure to apply before the final deadline of July 1st, 2020 >>>
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「formal and informal language year 4」的推薦目錄:
formal and informal language year 4 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的精選貼文
【明報專訊】蕭叔叔成日同學生講:Conquer the small words, and you’ll conquer the language. 學英文,最難學的,係 is am are was were,of for in at with 這類小字,而不是望落去高深,又長又難讀的字。小字通常有連接意念的作用。好多人學講英文,唔係識字唔夠多,而係唔識將意念串連起來,流暢地表達。
譬如我想講:今日要同大家講我最鍾意嘅課題-正確學習 small words 的重要性。英文唔流利嘅人,可能重點字眼都講得足,就係聽落去唔流利,broken,disjointed。錯誤示範:
Today I talk about something I love. It is important to learn small words
Today it’s a bit of a lovely one for me in that I’m talking about the importance of learning small words, and how it’s gonna contribute to your fluency. It’s something that I’ve been obsessed with since I started teaching English.
唔係話咁樣講先叫做好,因為好多人會認為廢話太多,語氣又不夠肯定(如 a bit of a),and this is only one of the countless number of ways to say the same thing,BUT,咁樣講,的確是正常,自然,流利嘅 informal 英文口語。要聽蕭叔叔開口示範,請 follow the link below:
分析一下。A bit of a 是日常口語常用 expression,尤其英國人愛用。In that 意思大概就是「因為」。留意 how it’s gonna contribute to your fluency,這是個 noun phrase,通常用正常詞序,而不用問句的詞序(how is it going to)。留意其中 it’s,a,bit,of,a,one,for, in,that,I’m,about,the,and, how,gonna,to,something,with,since,就是我所謂的 small words。要英文說得流利自然,一定要 conquer 這些小字的用法,反而長字,深字,content字,不難學。
再給大家一個例子。英國首相,保守黨的 David Cameron 最近拍了段短片,講英國新的稅務政策。一開首佢咁講:
Today is called Money Back Monday, and the reason for that is that some of the most important tax and pension changes come into place today in the new financial year. And there’re two that I think are particularly important.
又係時候學 small words。大家知道要留意的字啦?is called,and the reasons for that is that,some of the most,come into place,in the,and there’re,that I think are particularly。這些,才是學習的重點。Again,要聽蕭叔叔示範,follow the link below:
那,small words 怎樣學?多聽多講就可以了嗎?錯。假如身不在全英文的環境,只靠多聽多講,不會進步。聽之餘還要動動腦筋,用腦分析,思考,點解呢句說話要咁講,點解呢度要放呢個字。唔好再只看深字長字啦,remember:Conquer the small words, and you’ll conquer the language。蕭叔叔話嘅。
蕭愷一,aka蕭叔叔。夢想做男神、現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱分子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者,以speak English like an educated native為教與學的終極目標。
蕭叔叔的Facebook專頁《蕭叔叔的英文學會》 :