“計畫永遠趕不上變化”。。。因為有這樣的經驗才寫這首英文歌。結果因為當時立刻開始創作中文專輯所以這首歌被忽略很久。很高興現在可以分享出來,這首包括在專輯裡面的英文disc。‘跨越’ 裡面有十一首中文歌加上八首英文版,希望你們喜歡這首2011年寫的英文歌!!
Here's an English song from the time of the documentary (2011). The song was almost forgotten as we focussed on our Chinese album after that project, but we're really happy to include this song on the English disc of 'Kue Yue'. When things don't work out, we can only choose to embrace the change!